Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - North America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/)
-   -   Canada West 2013 HU Travellers Meeting, Nakusp, BC, August 22-25, 2013 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/canada-west-2013-hu-travellers-66738)

Grant Johnson 13 Oct 2012 04:42

Canada West 2013 HU Travellers Meeting, Nakusp, BC, August 22-25, 2013
Full details and Registration open now!

If you haven't been to Nakusp, you owe it to yourself to go - the scenery is spectacular, the roads are stunning, (you WILL see wild animals from the road) and I can guarantee a great time! :mchappy:

Over the weekend last year we had around 22 presenters putting on 30 shows! Check out the range of topics to come in 2013 here. more are being added all the time!

We are also now accepting applications from presenters for putting on a show, it can be on any bike related travelling topic. To help with planning the event we need your application forms in early please!

We are also looking for volunteers as usual! We had an excellent crew last year doing a range of activities. It takes help from volunteers to put on the meeting and this year we'll need a few more. When you register for the event you'll have an opportunity to volunteer, and we'd greatly appreciate it if you'd help out for just a few hours. It's a GREAT way to meet people too!

New for 2013 - we've reserved the ENTIRE campground! So you can now camp anywhere you like, have your own space, or share with friends!

We look forward to seeing you there! :mchappy:

dstehouwer 3 Aug 2013 18:34

We are looking forward to it!

After having visited a few HU meetings in Europe (we're Dutch), we now moved to Canada and this meeting is an important part of our integration process I guess ;-).

We have the mandatory MEC membership card, now we take it to the next level and meet more amazing people on this continent!

roger2002 3 Aug 2013 22:40

Welcome to Canada! Hope to see you there :welcome:

Lerxst 5 Aug 2013 01:55

Always looking forward to this event. See you in just over 2 weeks.

Grant Johnson 5 Aug 2013 02:43

LOTS of presenters on the schedule, getting very full - check out the great list on the CanWest event page

See you there!

gopdebeek 5 Aug 2013 15:59

Is there an actual schedule of dates and times for each presentation throughout the weekend? I would like to know what is available on each day.

Grant Johnson 6 Aug 2013 00:15

We're still working on it, and it won't be final till about 5 minutes before the presentation in question... In other words, it will change, nothing is definite!

We will try to post a rough semi-final almost ok maybe version a week or so before! :)

That will be on the event page.

The number of presentations is low on Thursday, many more on Friday and wow is it full on Saturday! Getting there early is a good thing as we do repeats on the popular and early ones later on so you have a chance to see more.

See you there!

dstehouwer 12 Aug 2013 00:03

Working hard to be prepared for it though!
Luckily I have a nice Canadian beer to guide me through the process...


See you all soon, eh!

quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:08

It was a great Canada West Meet! Here are some Pics.


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:48


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:49


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:50


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:52


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:52


quadrabike 2 Oct 2013 06:53


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