Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - North America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/)
-   -   Ontario 2016 Meeting, June 9-12! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/ontario-2016-meeting-june-9-a-85450)

Susan Johnson 1 Feb 2016 20:45

Ontario 2016 Meeting, June 9-12!
Very pleased to announce that the 5th HU Ontario meeting will be happening from June 9-12 in a Great New Location - Camp Tamarack!

Greg Powell is organizing this event, with able assistance by David Hollingsworth, Liz Jansen, Lorry Gombos, Keith Vandenbeukel and Bill Hooykaas. We're VERY grateful to them for stepping up and making it happen with a lot of legwork and effort.


We think Camp Tamarack combines the best features of previous locations - Camp Manitou (including their head chef who is now at Manitou!) and OELC (heated presentation rooms!) Online registration is open now, early bird rates until Feb 29!

shomani 2 Feb 2016 16:03

FANTASTIC!! I missed last years meeting but will certainly try to make up for it this year.

xsPain 5 Feb 2016 14:16

Added to my calendar! And is it too early to call dibs on that spot for my hammock?

Susan Johnson 6 Feb 2016 15:54

Never too early...
...to claim your hammock spot! But as you can see, lots of trees to choose from. :thumbup1:

mustgo2011 10 May 2016 21:16

Africa twin is coming to HU Ontario
Honda just registered for HU Ontario! Come and check out the Africa Twin, NC750x and CB500X- demo rides will be available.

mustgo2011 17 May 2016 17:43

Rider training at HU Ontario
No matter how good we think we are everyone of us could sue some additional training. We are lucky this year at HU Ontario to now have TWO great instructors attending!

Clinton Smout, who has been a great supporter of HU Ontario and always offers great off road instruction and practical motorcycles tips. His seminars are always a lot of fun to attend.

Also this year we have Ryan Austin of Advanced Rider Training. He has experience on road, off road and offers police motorcycle instruction as well.

Hickery 31 May 2016 02:23

:scooter:Attended BMW Event at Camp Tamarack this past week end.....great spot .....delicious meals and comfortable accommodations ......IF YOU HAVE BEEN SITTING ON THE FENCE>>>SIGN UP For THE HORIZON EVENT....you won't be disappointed...

xsPain 18 Jun 2016 16:46

I was there!
Oh, the humanity. The sweet, sweet humanity. Also pastries. Those were good too.

This was our (That being me and my wonderful Partner in All Things, Sue) first motorcycle trip this year, both on the new CSC RX3 250cc ADV bike - which are getting the popular name Roxxies. I've named mine White Rabbit (from the song), Sue is still working on the name for hers.

We left Milwaukee late Tuesday, just to get through Chicago. On the south side of the city, my Sena lept from the side of my helmet to it's death on I-294. I refuse to accept this has to do with my taste in music, but we learned quickly how dependent we'd become on them. It resulted in us being in a motel that night with neither of us wanted.


So, it became a priority to replace it. Sue wanted a 10C, but a few phone calls proved there wasn't one on a self anywhere in Michigan, so we settled on some heavily discounted 10s. Yes, we got a 2pack, it was really, really cheap.


It was now noon on Wednesday, and I wanted to be at HU in time for dinner Thursday, so the next day and a half was something of a slog of miles. Miles and miles. We spent the night in Port Huron, which was mostly closed down at 830pm. We did find beer.


Crossing into Canada was easy enough, and we decided to ride up the east coast of Lake Huron, rather than cut across. But, since we were in Canada, there was some business we had to address.



And the short gravel ride to get a shot by the lake -


We arrived just before the end of dinner, and were able to fill up on chicken, rice, and veggies. Then we did our paperwork and found somewhere to set up the tent. We decided this was the view we wanted.


By the time we were settled, the evening talks were over. There were two separate fires going, and about 4 million mosquitos. Still we braved death-by-mozzie-bite for a while to chat, catch up with friends and make new ones.


Friday morning at it was on, and I had a session at 9am - first block. Yay.


I always try to catch some sessions too, and to find things to help Susan and Grant with (they know to not give me anything sharp). The day's seem to fly past, always too much going on to catch it all.






And the food - oh the food.


If anyone left hungry it was their own fault.

Soon the weekend ended and it was time to ride home. Because of the late start and Sena, we'd only really had a day and half to get to HU, so ride back we were determined to slow down. We aimed for Sault St Marie, looking for smaller roads and simpler times.


And dessert. Obviously.

We saw this statue outside a courthouse and wondered about the message it was trying to send.


Then, we were back in the USA. It was an odd crossing, with both of us at the booth at the same time, but to be honest it was also one of the easiest homecomings I've had in recent years.

Since we were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and didn't want to go through Chicago again, I decided we should head for Taqhuamenon Falls State Park. Sue had never been, that she could remember, and I though it was worth the stop.




Because I was traveling with a DSLR (I don't, usually. I'm one of those "just use my phone" guys) I played with the settings a little.


I know, smoothing water is kind of old hat now, but it was the first time I had the chance to try it.


We spent the night in Michigan and finished the ride home the next day (Tuesday). Sue had to get the girls back, and I had to work Wednesday morning.

Can't wait for the next one!

Solitude 19 Jun 2016 21:08

Great synopsis
You were my first morning talk. I am the person you helped fix my hammock.
I like the fact you followed up with a post on your weekend. It helps us beginning motorcycle travellers to understand the larger picture. And to also appreciate the weekend.

Solitude 23 Jun 2016 18:44

A few pictures from the meet
6 Attachment(s)
I did not take too many pictures. Here are a few of the weekend.

Attachment 17819
It was a very cold night. There was steam on the lake.
Attachment 17820
More lake steam
Attachment 17821
Camping with motorcycles
Attachment 17822
My View
Attachment 17823
More camping
Attachment 17824

mustgo2011 27 Jun 2016 17:51

Thanks for sharing all the photos. I'm glad to see that people had a good time.

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