Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - UK (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-uk/)
-   -   New Horizons in 2013 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-uk/new-horizons-in-2013-a-65761)

IainHarper 14 Aug 2012 07:06

New Horizons in 2013
Hi All,

Well it's just over five weeks since Ripley and Sam and I have been burning the candle at both ends planning things for next year. After lots of discussion with Grant and Susan, taking account of everything we've learned from nine years at Ripley and all the feedback received, we've come to the firm conclusion that it's time for something new.

We're therefore really excited to announce that the UK Summer Travellers' Meeting is being completely re-invented to create a brand new event for all overland adventure travellers at a cracking new venue near Donington Park.

The name for the new event is HUBB UK and it's going to be taking place from Thursday 30th May to Sunday 2nd June 2013. Get the date in your diaries!


The event will have something for everyone, combining all the best bits from the past with lots of new features, and to better reflect the HU community it'll be an event for adventure motorcyclists as well as cyclists and drivers of 4x4 and other expedition vehicles too.

We'll also be supporting a new charity that I'm sure will be close to many of your hearts.

There's still lots to do before we're ready to properly reveal all the details of the event, so please bear with us until early September when the event's web pages will go online and pre-registration will be up and running.

I hope we can look forward to plenty of positive support with what we're doing. :)

Keep an eye on the HUBB or follow the hashtag #HUBBUK on Twitter for further news.


Iain Harper
HU Event Organiser

Tim Cullis 14 Aug 2012 13:07

Sounds interesting. I like the idea of combining cycling and others.

Had to look up where Donington Park is (about 15 miles straight line south of Ripley).

Fantastic Mister Fox 14 Aug 2012 16:02

I would say I'm looking forward to it, but actually I'll be a little disappointed if I'm there as hopefully I'll be on the road.

However I just have one little query but I'm pretty certain organisers have this one sorted. Donnington (Download) Music Festival usually takes place around the first weekend in June so if the two events clash traffic is likely to be murder.

EDIT: just looked it up and there's two weeks between the two events.

The Cameraman 15 Aug 2012 05:52

Mornin' Iain,

I reckon you're right with the need for change and, I for one, am looking forward to something fresh.

No doubt you guys will manage to keep the best from Ripley and add to it.

Bring it on!



palace15 15 Aug 2012 09:22

And that date clashes nicely with the Isle of Man TT.

IainHarper 15 Aug 2012 09:43

It's great to hear all the positive comments and that the idea is a welcome one - thanks guys. :)

About the IOM - yes, unfortunately it does coincide with the middle weekend. Picking a weekend anytime between the beginning of May and the end of September is bound to clash with something somewhere. On the upside though, loyal TT fans who didn't want to miss either the HUBB UK or the racing could be on the SteamPacket on the Sunday afternoon/evening and still be on the island in time for the whole of race week.

IainHarper 15 Aug 2012 18:03

Facebook Event Page
As well as this thread and the #HUBBUK hashtag on Twitter, another way to get updates and notification of when full details go online is to "Join" the HUBB UK event page on Facebook.

palace15 16 Aug 2012 17:21


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 389281)
About the IOM - yes, unfortunately it does coincide with the middle weekend. Picking a weekend anytime between the beginning of May and the end of September is bound to clash with something somewhere. On the upside though, loyal TT fans who didn't want to miss either the HUBB UK or the racing could be on the SteamPacket on the Sunday afternoon/evening and still be on the island in time for the whole of race week.

Actually the 1st 2 races are on the Saturday, and anybody thinking of trying to get a Steam packet booking for the Sunday...good luck!!

IainHarper 16 Aug 2012 17:33

The phrase "advance booking" springs immediately to mind.

palace15 16 Aug 2012 20:06


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 389463)
The phrase "advance booking" springs immediately to mind.

Yes Iain, like early practice week of this years TT !! One day they may be able to have enough boats laid on and ready to sail with no problems, but then again, thats not the Steam Packets style:nono:

Alexlebrit 16 Aug 2012 21:54

Sounds great, having never been to Ripley despite always prodding myself I would and almost going this year I'm slightly sad that now I'll never have gone, but then again this way, assuming I actually get to Donnington, I'll be in at the start.

So, where do I sign up?

IainHarper 17 Aug 2012 05:43

In at the start

Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 389491)
Sounds great..... this way, assuming I actually get to Donington, I'll be in at the start. So, where do I sign up?

Thanks Alex - that's a great way to look at it! :)

The full run-down on the event, including venue, pricing and pre-registration options, will be online in early September. As soon as it's all live we'll let everyone know so that you can sign-up.

IainHarper 17 Aug 2012 22:15

Festival Feedback
Sam and I are at the Adventure Travel Film Festival this weekend and we've both been really chuffed with all the incredibly positive feedback we've had from people saying how pleased and excited they are about the new HUBB UK idea.

Thanks to everyone who's found us for a chat already.

Roll on tomorrow. :)

IainHarper 21 Aug 2012 15:02

Questions and Answers
Now that we're back from the Adventure Travel Film Festival (which was excellent by the way - congratulations to Austin and Lois), Sam and I thought it might be useful to share a summary of what we were saying to people in response to questions about the new event....

Q: Is it the Bank Holiday weekend?
A: No. The Spring Bank Holiday is Monday 27th May - so the HUBB UK is the following weekend.

Q: So who is the event actually aimed at?
A: HUBB UK is an event for overland adventure travellers, regardless of their vehicle choice. It's for motorcyclists, cyclists and drivers of any kind of expedition vehicle whether 4x4 or otherwise.

Q: Why have you changed the format?
A: Mostly it's because we've been asked to. Feedback generally on previous events has been terrific, but you can only stand still for so long in this world. It was time to take note of all forms of feedback and to take all the suggestions on board where they fit firmly within the HU ethos - which of course is to help and encourage all travellers to get out on the road and enjoy the overlanding experience.

Q: If HU is inviting expedition vehicles and bicycle travellers as well as motorcyclists, isn't this going to change the mood of the event?
A: Actually, it's bound to. But only in a very positive way. When we're all on the road, we travel the same sorts of routes and stay in the same places. We pick each other's brains about border crossings, places to stay, and also about the potential dangers of sections of road to come. And of course, there are trails that are simply brilliant, but if no one shares that info then half the time we'd travel on past without knowing they were there. This sharing and swapping of information goes on out the road, so we'd be missing an important point if HU didn't help that to happen here too.

Q: Do you think this is a big change to be making? I mean opening it up and away from it being a straight motorcycle event.
A: HU doesn't think of it that way. It's more a case of taking all the good things that have happened in past events and adding new things of interest, new opportunities to learn and increasing the connections that all travellers enjoy. And as for it being a straight motorcycle event, it's never been that, but HU have never made it obvious that cyclists and expedition vehicles were welcome. Some, as you'll have seen, have come along anyway.

Q: I've been coming to HU for the past 5 years. Am I going to like the new event or is it all going to be just strange and not for me?
A: I know you've travelled a lot and I know that you are always interested in every aspect of travel, so I'm absolutely certain you'll love it. And in fact, for someone who has been to so many events, I think you're going to like the freshness that the HUBB UK will have.

Q: Why haven't you got all the info on the new event up on the website yet?
A: There's just a bit of i dotting and t crossing to sort out. We'll have everything done by the first week of September and we didn't think anyone would be happy if the info going up was incomplete.

Q: What's so good about the new venue?
A: We're itching to spill the beans on everything, but could I ask you to hang on for just another couple of weeks. All will be revealed!

Q: Will the camping fields be level this time?
A: Well that one I can tell you. Mostly, very much so. There's is a bit of slope in places, but that's just to help the drainage. You'll be highly unlikely to feel as if you are rolling down hill all night.

Q: Will there be more than one water point at the new venue?
A: Yes (lots).

mattcbf600 21 Aug 2012 16:08

I'm disgusted, disgusted I tell you. It's part of the ethos and history of the event that there is only one water tap - you'll spoil the whole damn thing adding more. baaah!

Alexlebrit 21 Aug 2012 16:57

Iain, it sounds like you and Sam and no doubt others too have been beavering away yet still find time to post little snippets to whet the appetite. But one important question not yet answered; will there be waterside camping available :blushing:

*Touring Ted* 21 Aug 2012 17:04

This is BRILLIANT news...

I really didn't like lumb farm at all.... For all the reasons that myself and others have talked about on this forum. No need to go into details now, I'm sure.

I hope there will be a lot more freedom for G&S and others at the new venue to get more involved without Lumb farm's bitching and worry about their $$$$$$$

I'll be sure to show my support at Donington next year.... Can't wait :D

Endurodude 21 Aug 2012 17:17

Sounds interesting - I'll look forward to the info in the not too distant future. I'm also greatful that the location remains fairly central.

Looks like Tim doesn't watch any bike racing!

Thanks for what I'm sure has been quite a bit of work behind the scenes . . . . . now, where do I sign?! September's not that far off . . .

Sam Manicom 21 Aug 2012 17:30

Afternoon all :thumbup1: Yup, loads been going on in the past weeks - interesting exercise to say the least and that makes me/us really glad that you guys are posting positives!!! The new venue? I think you'll be very happy with what's available for us. Its all feeling really good. And the central location? It was something important to hunt out that's for sure. Thanks for the thumbs up on that too.

schiannini 21 Aug 2012 20:17

Looking forward to it.

Hoping the multiple water taps don't mean that I'm not allowed to bring my kitchen sink which was deliberately saved from the skip during house renovations.

Some of you may remember it from events such as Ripley this year where otherwise there would only have been a peach coloured bathroom basin.

I was even considering pimping it up for next year and adding a tap, but I'm not sure the investment would be justified now...

Roncom 21 Aug 2012 22:21

Why the change of charity?
Does the change of charity mean that Horizons is dropping Motorcycle Outreach or is the new charity in addition?

If MO is being dropped, could you give the reasons why?

IainHarper 22 Aug 2012 06:38


Originally Posted by Roncom (Post 390072)
Does the change of charity mean that Horizons is dropping Motorcycle Outreach or is the new charity in addition? If MO is being dropped, could you give the reasons why?

For the HUBB UK in 2013, the new charity will be instead of MoR. This is another question that we'd like to ask you to bear with us on until all the event details go online please.

The change has been discussed with MoR and they have given their full support and understanding. They have also asked that we pass on their thanks to everyone for their help over the years.

All will become clear about the reasons for the change very soon.

Toyark 22 Aug 2012 10:05

The winds of change are upon us- again- Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of men, instead, seek what they sought...

greenmanalishi 22 Aug 2012 18:12

news so far?
Hi folks I know you said you would not have exact details til September but have you any idea on what the attendance limits and rough details of cost will be and when will registration start. Will it be bigger than Ripley?

Great news about the event, not that I didnt like Ripley but a change is really welcome.

IainHarper 22 Aug 2012 19:25


Originally Posted by greenmanalishi (Post 390153)
I know you said you would not have exact details til September but have you any idea on what the attendance limits and rough details of cost will be and when will registration start.

Pre-registration will start when all the other info goes online during the first week of September. We need everyone to bear with us until then so that we can get everything 100% ready. Not much longer now.


Originally Posted by greenmanalishi (Post 390153)
Will it be bigger than Ripley?

One of the most common bits of feedback we received about Lumb Farm was that it was too small for our needs, so the new venue we've found will give us a lot more space to play with.


Originally Posted by greenmanalishi (Post 390153)
Great news about the event, not that I didnt like Ripley but a change is really welcome.

Excellent - that's music to our ears! :) We're doing all we can to get the HUBB UK as close as possible to what all the different aspects of feedback have asked for.

kentbiker 22 Aug 2012 21:12

I went to Riply for the first time this year and although the people who run Lumb Farm seem to be very helpful and friendly, it isn't really geared up to our type of event. And it's definitely NOT the place to be when the weather is bad. So I'm looking forward to finding out the details of the new venue and will be registering as soon as they're announced.


Roncom 22 Aug 2012 23:39


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 390096)
For the HUBB UK in 2013, the new charity will be instead of MoR. This is another question that we'd like to ask you to bear with us on until all the event details go online please.

The change has been discussed with MoR and they have given their full support and understanding. They have also asked that we pass on their thanks to everyone for their help over the years.

All will become clear about the reasons for the change very soon.


Thank you for your prompt response Iain. I sincerely hope that the ink is not dry on this decision yet.

Roncom 23 Aug 2012 09:06


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 390096)
For the HUBB UK in 2013, the new charity will be instead of MoR. This is another question that we'd like to ask you to bear with us on until all the event details go online please.

The change has been discussed with MoR and they have given their full support and understanding. They have also asked that we pass on their thanks to everyone for their help over the years.

All will become clear about the reasons for the change very soon.

Would appreciate opportunity to discuss further. As a new member, I cannot send you PM so perhaps email?

Sam Manicom 23 Aug 2012 09:55


Originally Posted by Roncom (Post 390201)
Would appreciate opportunity to discuss further. As a new member, I cannot send you PM so perhaps email?

Hi Roncom, good to hear from you and yes of course, lets chat. MoR are a very important charity. I'll email you. If you can get back to me today that'd be great. I'm heading off to the V-Twin Rally this afternoon but if we don't catch each other today then I'll be back on Tuesday.

strimstrum 23 Aug 2012 21:14

Nice to see the event moving on and especially embracing other travellers, many of whom we see and talk to on the road. They have the same goals and ethos as us...they just decide to get there in a different way.

Have enjoyed Ripley in the past but looking forward to something new.

Donnington is a great venue - just hope they don't charge Superbike rates !

IainHarper 23 Aug 2012 21:33


Originally Posted by strimstrum (Post 390270)
Nice to see the event moving on and especially embracing other travellers, many of whom we see and talk to on the road. They have the same goals and ethos as us...they just decide to get there in a different way.

Well said!


Originally Posted by strimstrum (Post 390270)
Have enjoyed Ripley in the past but looking forward to something new.



Originally Posted by strimstrum (Post 390270)
Donnington is a great venue - just hope they don't charge Superbike rates !

Although I'm still sworn to secrecy on the venue, I can clarify that it's not the Racing Circuit.

Glad you're looking forward to it.

*Touring Ted* 24 Aug 2012 09:37


Originally Posted by strimstrum (Post 390270)

Just hope they don't charge Superbike rates !

Aye men to that one.....:eek3:

Roncom 24 Aug 2012 17:06


Originally Posted by Sam Manicom (Post 390207)
Hi Roncom, good to hear from you and yes of course, lets chat. MoR are a very important charity. I'll email you. If you can get back to me today that'd be great. I'm heading off to the V-Twin Rally this afternoon but iwe don't catch each other today then I'll be back on Tuesday.

Just missed you Sam. Will pick up next week. I will be heading off to Bristol on Sunday for a "brainstorming session" with Craig and a few others to generate ideas for growth for the charity.
No doubt I'll get a to understand a bit more about the decision around its future relationship with HU.

Sam Manicom 30 Aug 2012 11:16

Not much longer to wait now until all the HUBB UK event info goes live on the website - early next week all being well. :smile2:

I won't be around to see it unfortunately - well, fortunately really - because Birgit and I are heading off on Libby and Putney (Birgit's 'new' bike - a 1984 R80ST) to ride the trails and back roads of Spain. Can't wait. Big kid here :mchappy: No plans, no bookings other than the ferry, no link ups with anyone (except travelling friends just over the border in France who we haven't seen for 6 years – met them in Africa) and no ideas about the things one 'should' see. We are just going to ride! Let the bikes take us where they will.

I'll be completely and wonderfully incommunicado for a month but I’ll be back at the beginning of October. Iain is looking after everything in the meantime - thanks mate. I do feel a tad guilty at leaving everything to him for a whole month, but the open road is calling : ) I’m really looking forward to catching-up with everything when we are back. :thumbup1:

IainHarper 3 Sep 2012 12:35

Good news... if everything goes to plan the HUBB UK event pages, including pre-registration, will be going online tomorrow morning.

Once they're live, I'll start a new 'announcements' thread and keep this thread open for general event discussion/questions.

IainHarper 4 Sep 2012 07:40

Pre-registration is now open!
With congratulations to Gareth Jenkins for being the first person to pre-register before the announcement had even been made, I'm pleased to report that the HUBB UK event pages are now online.

Event updates will be posted in this thread.

268 days to go! :)

greenmanalishi 4 Sep 2012 08:43

not quite as quick but booked and paid, see you all there.:mchappy:

Alexlebrit 4 Sep 2012 09:20

Iain, just a quickie, I've pre-registered as an Adventure Traveller to get in early, but I was wondering what happens if between now and then I do something presentation-worthy, pluck up the courage and offer to do a presentation?

Or if one of the fora I belong to decide to try for a space and con me into manning their stand?

In other words, being a tightwad, should I pay now? Or leave it till the last minute (Oct) in case by then I would be paying less?

Oh, and a quick sub-question on fora/club stands, if it's a single marque club, and if we get some bumph from the manufacturer are we a club or a trade stand? I presume not trade as we're not trading, but then we are publicising.

I know, I'm a pain, I'll go now.

IainHarper 4 Sep 2012 09:31


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 391449)
Iain, just a quickie, I've pre-registered as an Adventure Traveller to get in early, but I was wondering what happens if between now and then I do something presentation-worthy, pluck up the courage and offer to do a presentation?

Or if one of the fora I belong to decide to try for a space and con me into manning their stand?

In other words, being a tightwad, should I pay now? Or leave it till the last minute (Oct) in case by then I would be paying less?

Thanks for pre-registering Alex - just seen your form details come through.

You should pay now to make sure you get the lowest rate if your situation doesn't change, but if you do end up being a presenter or one of the two people manning a club stand then we'll be able to refund you. So it's win win all round :)


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 391449)
Oh, and a quick sub-question on fora/club stands, if it's a single marque club, and if we get some bumph from the manufacturer are we a club or a trade stand? I presume not trade as we're not trading, but then we are publicising.

That would all be absolutely fine. You'd still be a "Club" in the HUBB Zone.


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 391449)
I know, I'm a pain, I'll go now.

Not at all. :)

McCrankpin 4 Sep 2012 09:59

Good charity :thumbup1:

I've tons of info and support from them.

Well done. :clap:

Alexlebrit 4 Sep 2012 10:49

Thanks Iain, that's a simple answer expect payment soon.

Oh and for those like me who love them , the Lat & Long are: N 52.824414, W 1.386176

greenmanalishi 4 Sep 2012 10:53

Thanx Ian, missus booked in as well all sorted. What is the attendance capacity in case the kids ask to go along at a some point in the near future?

IainHarper 4 Sep 2012 11:09


Originally Posted by greenmanalishi (Post 391460)
What is the attendance capacity in case the kids ask to go along at a some point in the near future?

The nature of the venue means that to all intents and purposes there isn't a capacity, so no worries on that score :)

Petrol 4 Sep 2012 15:06

oh my
I know I'm fairly new to this,cyclists,okkkk!
. But 4 x 4 why?

IainHarper 4 Sep 2012 15:31


Originally Posted by Petrol (Post 391499)
But 4 x 4 why?

I think we've explained that one already in the very first post in this thread. :)

The Cameraman 4 Sep 2012 18:22

Hi Iain,

well I've just booked and paid.

Am I the first this year to do so?



IainHarper 4 Sep 2012 18:28


Originally Posted by The Cameraman (Post 391523)
well I've just booked and paid. Am I the first this year to do so?

Thanks Reggie - just seen it come through.

The first one was at 7.15 this morning, but getting in on the first day still deserves endless good karma :)

The Cameraman 4 Sep 2012 18:29

Hi Iain,

well that's good enough for me matey!



Endurodude 4 Sep 2012 19:16


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 391438)
With congratulations to Gareth Jenkins for being the first person to pre-register before the announcement had even been made,

Yeah! I've never been first before! If I get a photo in the HU calendar, I'm buying a lottery ticket! :D

I missed this year through work, so I'm really looking forward to going. The info so far looks good . . . :thumbup1:

Petrol 4 Sep 2012 23:50

Was going to attend this event this year,not anymore.

IainHarper 5 Sep 2012 11:24

Off to a Great Start
I just wanted to post a quick 'thank you' to everyone who showed their enthusiasm and encouragement for the new event yesterday.

The flood of response from people pre-registering and volunteering throughout the day was fantastic to see and we're humbled by the generosity of donations being made to Prostate Cancer UK - so huge thanks to you all.

Kudos to Les Madge from Traveldri-Plus for being the first trade stand to confirm a booking for the Adventure Travel Zone, and to Kev Palmer and Ruth Bennett from Woodland Ways who're going to be in the HUBB Zone.

Thanks also for the positive feedback about the look of the event pages, the new event format, and the invaluable help with spreading the word via Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. All really very much appreciated.

And another pre-registration has just come in from a guy in the Netherlands...


RodYork 6 Sep 2012 18:30

Q: So who is the event actually aimed at?
A: HUBB UK is an event for overland adventure travellers, regardless of their vehicle choice. It's for motorcyclists, cyclists and drivers of any kind of expedition vehicle whether 4x4 or otherwise.

The Logo/Favicon suggests it is for motorcyclists- will this change also?

I believe it will change the meeting- but for worse or better, I do not know....so I'm booked in!

IainHarper 6 Sep 2012 21:10


Originally Posted by RodYork (Post 391798)
The Logo/Favicon suggests it is for motorcyclists - will this change also?

The HU logo (the globe with Grant and Susan riding round it) isn't changing. The HUBB UK logo is specific to the new event in the way it represents motorcycles, bicycles and expedition vehicles.


Originally Posted by RodYork (Post 391798)
I believe it will change the meeting- but for worse or better, I do not know....so I'm booked in!

A very positive change is certainly the intention. :)

Glad to hear you're planning on coming. When you say "booked in"... have you pre-registered? I don't think we received anything.

RodYork 7 Sep 2012 11:56

Yes- early registration- my wife & I, paid by Paypal tuesday - check under the setee, it may have slipped down!- was I on the first day ?

Could you confirm either way please Iain- thanks

IainHarper 7 Sep 2012 12:19

My apologies Rod - I've found it now :)

All sorted. Thanks again.

(I've removed the paypal links from your message by the way - just for security purposes)

RodYork 7 Sep 2012 12:24

thanks Iain- were we one of the first?

IainHarper 7 Sep 2012 16:32


Originally Posted by RodYork (Post 391872)
thanks Iain- were we one of the first?

You were indeed. 6th and 9th to be exact :)

lonepilgrim 14 Sep 2012 10:18

I plan to attend my first event and after reading negative comments about Lumb Farm I am glad it has been moved - is the camping a free for all at Donnington or is it divided up into motorcycles, cyclists, 4 wheelers etc?

Shall be pre-registering once my I have clarified how many others are coming with me.

Do you need to be a paid HU member? And what are the chest sizes for the synthetic tshirts?

IainHarper 14 Sep 2012 11:27


Originally Posted by lonepilgrim (Post 392556)
I plan to attend my first event.... Shall be pre-registering once my I have clarified how many others are coming with me.

Fantastic! :)


Originally Posted by lonepilgrim (Post 392556)
...is the camping a free for all at Donnington or is it divided up into motorcycles, cyclists, 4 wheelers etc?

It'll basically be a free-for-all as we're really keen for everyone to mix together as fellow travellers. That being said, the hardstanding pitches will naturally get used by 4-wheeled vehicles. We'll have a separate area for dog-owners and we'll designate an area as the "quieter" zone.


Originally Posted by lonepilgrim (Post 392556)
Do you need to be a paid HU member?

No, not at all. However, if you're interested in becoming an HU member there's a membership option on the pre-registration form.


Originally Posted by lonepilgrim (Post 392556)
And what are the chest sizes for the synthetic tshirts?

All the t-shirts are "standard UK mens' sizes", which I understand are approximately as follows:

S = 36"-38"
M = 38"-40"
L = 40"-42"
XL = 42"-44"
XXL = 44"-46"
XXXL = 46"-48"

lonepilgrim 14 Sep 2012 12:33


Originally Posted by IainHarper (Post 392563)
Fantastic! :)

It'll basically be a free-for-all as we're really keen for everyone to mix together as fellow travellers. That being said, the hardstanding pitches will naturally get used by 4-wheeled vehicles. We'll have a separate area for dog-owners and we'll designate an area as the "quieter" zone.

No, not at all. However, if you're interested in becoming an HU member there's a membership option on the pre-registration form.

All the t-shirts are "standard UK mens' sizes", which I understand are approximately as follows:

S = 36"-38"
M = 38"-40"
L = 40"-42"
XL = 42"-44"
XXL = 44"-46"
XXXL = 46"-48"

Gentleman!! Thank you very much - see you there jeiger

Sam Manicom 1 Oct 2012 11:56

Brilliant! I'm sitting here with a smile. We are back from a very excellent month riding in Spain and its great to see all the posts and emails about the HUBB. Shame not to have been around for the launch but those back roads and gravel roads were calling :mchappy:

Petrol 2 Oct 2012 10:10

I have had a change of heart,what has changed my mind,in short the charity.
. So I will be attending and as soon as I get back home I,ll be on that pc and booking. I am not sure what I can learn from middle aged men in Lycra or 4 x 4 ers ,keep an open mind I guess!

Endurodude 2 Oct 2012 21:27


Originally Posted by Petrol (Post 394705)
I am not sure what I can learn from middle aged men in Lycra or 4 x 4 ers ,keep an open mind I guess!

I'm intrigued by travel in all its forms, so I'm looking forward to this.

Having said that, Motorbiking's obviously best :scooter: !

Chris M-C 4 Oct 2012 07:44

I´ve pre registered and about to pay and I have a question...........
I want to book and pay for a couple of tickets but I´m not sure who the second ticket is for, so how do I book a second ticket please?

Sam Manicom 4 Oct 2012 09:00

Hi Chris, Good question thanks - never been asked it before either! I think the best way to deal with this is for you to register again in your name, but to put a note in the 'comments' box to the effect that the registration name will change nearer the event. Then just email us when you know who it'll be and we'll do the change on the database.

That'll work :thumbup1:

Chris M-C 10 Oct 2012 16:02

Hi Sam,
Thanks for that, I'll attend to it now.

IainHarper 24 Oct 2012 16:50

Sam on BikerFM tonight
If anyone has any questions about the HUBB UK event and fancies getting their name mentioned on the radio, Sam Manicom will be on BikerFM tonight from 10pm (that's UK time - Wed 24th Oct).

For those that aren't already familiar with it, BikerFM is an online radio service and as the name suggests it's dedicated to bikers.

You can listen-in here....

When the show is on-air, you'll find a link on the left-hand menu for submitting questions.

Old Git Ray 24 Oct 2012 18:13


Originally Posted by Petrol (Post 394705)
I have had a change of heart,what has changed my mind,in short the charity.
. So I will be attending and as soon as I get back home I,ll be on that pc and booking. I am not sure what I can learn from middle aged men in Lycra or 4 x 4 ers ,keep an open mind I guess!

As ws stated by Iain, the mindset is simiar for all. The only real difference is the lack of documentation needed for pushbikes but the fears and needs are pretty much the same.

I have a 4x4 and a big adveture bike along withmy under used push bike (those that have seen my figure will testify to that).

Next year we are going on the bike to North and South America and the year after we are going to South Africa in the Landrover. I am the same person regardless of what I am using and the travel issues are very much the same. Rain is easier to cope with in the landy though !
There are an awful lot of adventurers that have both types of vehicle.

Hope this helps. Ray

PS Cant come next year. Be in the US as stated. Where Sam cannot bully me anymore. :helpsmilie::helpsmilie::helpsmilie: Only joking......

greenmanalishi 28 Oct 2012 12:32

men in lycra!!
"I am not sure what I can learn from middle aged men in Lycra or 4 x 4 ers"

Funny as lol. Nearly spat my tea out when I read that! I am hoping to learn a bit from them I assume they will be travelling a LOT lighter than anyone else. I cant wait to see their set up. As the years advance and I head towards my dotage the bike is becoming heavier and heavier and I need more comfort, so I am now the proud owner of Touring Teds ex berlingo known as the "Bang Bus". More and more of my 2 up camping will be done in this and I hope to learn a lot from the 4 x 4 guys.

Old age, it catches up with all of us :rofl:

teedee 28 Oct 2012 21:38

Not this time
Sadly i will miss Ripley, i have had some great times there, and met many fine folks, the staff at Lumd Farm were excellent and i loved the lay out of the venue, even the donkeys! I'm afraid i wont be attending Donington park in 2013, i'll possibly be on the road anyway but in 2014 i may go to the Northern Ireland meet. As an ex racer i've stayed at the Donington Park hotel on several occasions and never been happy there, especially with the food, so i hope things are improved now and i wish you all a good meet hope the weather holds out.:mchappy:


IainHarper 28 Oct 2012 21:56

Sorry to hear you'll miss out on the HUBB UK event, but I'm sure you'll have a great time with Liam and Naomi in Ireland the year after.

Having sampled the excellent service at the new venue, and heard the praise for it and its food from many other people, I can only guess things have changed since you were last there.

lonepilgrim 30 Oct 2012 19:20

All pre registered and paid up for the nice £45 discounted rate.

What a nice feeling - booked up for my first event on my own without support from a car :)

Didn't order a t-shirt as the sizes seem on the small side for a larger boned rider like me and shall pick one up at the event instead when I can try one on.

Won't be heading up until the Thursday afternoon from Gloucester if any others fancy a trip with me?

IainHarper 31 Oct 2012 14:16

Don't forget...
Just posted a reminder and update in the HUBB UK announcement thread, but wanted to add the reminder here too....

Today is the last opportunity to pre-register at the most-discounted rate of £45 per person. The website will switch-over to £55 at around 11pm tonight (UK time).

All the latest event info is here and the main pre-registration form is here.

lonepilgrim 2 Nov 2012 07:08

Have you had a good uptake in the first registration period?

IainHarper 2 Nov 2012 12:08

We're really pleased with how it's gone in the first couple of months. The interest and feedback about the new venue and new format has been brilliant - really positive. Even at this still relatively early stage, it's lining-up to be a cracking event.

Many thanks again to everyone who's already shown their support by pre-registering, volunteering, offering to present, and booking space in the Adventure Travel and HUBB Zones.

Keep 'em coming - 209 days to go :)

Sam Manicom 2 Nov 2012 15:10

A short while back the editor of The Riders Digest magazine asked me to scribe a write up on HU and the HUBB UK. 'Good grief' I thought. 'How on earth can I fit everything into one article?'

Well the truth is, I can't. Too much going on, but I've aimed it at people who may well never have heard of HU and the HUBB UK.

Fingers crossed I've done us all justice with the article. It starts on page 87

The link to the magazine, which is an online mag and free, is here: The Rider's Digest - The Best Motorcycle Writing Anywhere On The Internet Their quote by the way, but perhaps they have a point. You have to say. The magazine always challenges and they always have a big mix of all sorts of articles from all sorts of motorcycling areas.

You may have noticed that The Riders Digest will be with us at the HUBB UK. Good news. Snag the editor, Dave Gurman to have a chat!

IainHarper 6 Nov 2012 11:27

Vote for your preferred Region
The HUBB UK schedule is going to include three 90-minute discussion sessions - each one about a different region of the world. The idea is to provide an opportunity for people who've travelled in each region to share their experience and advice with those who are planning trips and have lots of questions.

Each session will have a moderator to help things along, but other than that they'll be completely open and very informal.

We'd like to leave the choice about which regions get covered entirely up to you, so we've set up a simple voting page here.

Just pick the region you're most interested in and click the button. The three regions that get the most votes will be the ones that go in the event schedule.


lonepilgrim 29 Dec 2012 13:23

What happens on the thursday? Are there any talks, demonstrations etc or is it just arrival day?

Sam Manicom 29 Dec 2012 13:48

Hi Lonepilgrim, good question thanks. There's going to be lots happening. Iain is already working on the schedules. He will be posting about the schedule in advance but he'll no doubt post what time things are kicking off presentation wise on the Thursday anyway. It's worth getting there in good time if you can.

lonepilgrim 29 Dec 2012 17:24


Originally Posted by Sam Manicom (Post 405560)
Hi Lonepilgrim, good question thanks. There's going to be lots happening. Iain is already working on the schedules. He will be posting about the schedule in advance but he'll no doubt post what time things are kicking off presentation wise on the Thursday anyway. It's worth getting there in good time if you can.

I won't be there till the thursday night due to work - might leave the setting up of the tent until after the days activities ...

Sam Manicom 2 Jan 2013 08:58

Sounds like a plan :thumbup1: Try to escape from work earlier if you can though :mchappy: Looking forward to seeing you there!!!

Sam Manicom 4 Jan 2013 14:30

Good grief! It's only 146 days to go before the HUBB UK kicks off. Time is whizzing by at a rate of knots! It's all coming together splendidly though - lots of new presenters and trade companies are now signed up.

HUBB UK 2013 Donington Park - 30th May to 2nd June

And hey, if you are planning to come but you've not booked yet, remember that you need to pre-register and pay before the 31st of Jan to snag the £20 discount. :thumbup1:

Pre-Registration for Adventure Travellers - HUBB UK 2013 Donington Park

emsee 4 Jan 2013 21:52

I am really looking forward to this.:mchappy:

*Touring Ted* 4 Jan 2013 22:27

urrrrrrrrrhhhhh I just remembered I'm doing a presentation !!! doh

Crikey !


fraser2312 4 Jan 2013 22:58


Originally Posted by emsee (Post 406420)
I am really looking forward to this.:mchappy:

Me too, it's my first HU meetbier

The Cameraman 5 Jan 2013 09:12


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 406423)
urrrrrrrrrhhhhh I just remembered I'm doing a presentation !!! doh

Crikey !


Mornin' Matey,

I'll try not to heckle!



*Touring Ted* 5 Jan 2013 09:16


Originally Posted by The Cameraman (Post 406458)
Mornin' Matey,

I'll try not to heckle!



You'll be selling rotten fruit between the rows like in the cinemas of old.

Alexlebrit 5 Jan 2013 09:34


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 406423)
urrrrrrrrrhhhhh I just remembered I'm doing a presentation !!! doh

Crikey !


What on? Leathercraft :tongue3:

lonepilgrim 5 Jan 2013 10:50


Originally Posted by fraser2312 (Post 406426)
Me too, it's my first HU meetbier

My first time too :)

*Touring Ted* 5 Jan 2013 12:05


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 406462)
What on? Leathercraft :tongue3:

ha.. Not this time.

Doing a talk on my South America trip.. What could go wrong, did go wrong !!

The Cameraman 5 Jan 2013 16:36

Hi Ted,

I hope you're going to use that as the title?

'What could go wrong, did go wrong' has got a great ring to it.



*Touring Ted* 5 Jan 2013 16:57


Originally Posted by The Cameraman (Post 406505)
Hi Ted,

I hope you're going to use that as the title?

'What could go wrong, did go wrong' has got a great ring to it.



I thought that as I wrote it..

Consider it done ;)

stephen.stallebrass 5 Jan 2013 17:45


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 406423)
urrrrrrrrrhhhhh I just remembered I'm doing a presentation !!! doh

Crikey !


I'll defo be coming to this chief! I always look out for your posts on the hubb. Good luck.

Alexlebrit 6 Jan 2013 18:58

I know it hasn't actually happened, but I just want to say thanks to everyone planning a presentation, I'm full of admiration, I have no idea how you even start thinking about presenting something.

Sam, this is your cue...

*Touring Ted* 7 Jan 2013 12:18


Originally Posted by stephen.stallebrass (Post 406512)
I'll defo be coming to this chief! I always look out for your posts on the hubb. Good luck.

Don't forget to heckle...

manzini 8 Jan 2013 06:01

what did go wrong???
2 Attachment(s)
hi ted
maybe you can use this to explain the negative effect alcohol might have on some people.
all the best geri

*Touring Ted* 8 Jan 2013 08:13


Originally Posted by manzini (Post 406826)
hi ted
maybe you can use this to explain the negative effect alcohol might have on some people.
all the best geri

hahahaha fantastic !!! I love seeing photos like that !!

What a great memory.

And what negative effects ?????? :cool4: jeiger beer

PASSING PHASE 8 Jan 2013 20:38

Ive just booked and payed looking forward to this one after many happy years at Ripley be good to go some were new beer

Sam Manicom 10 Jan 2013 11:23


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 406623)
I know it hasn't actually happened, but I just want to say thanks to everyone planning a presentation, I'm full of admiration, I have no idea how you even start thinking about presenting something.

Sam, this is your cue...

Hi Alexlebrit, that’s it, drop me in it :eek3: Me presentations? I just stand up on the stage and enjoy myself having a bit of fun with friendly travelling types :thumbup1: Are there keys to doing a presentation? I think it’s a bit like getting an overlanding bike ready. What do I mean? Well, a few thoughts...

1) Decide on your trip and then choose the right bike for it - What are you passionate about, and what of those subjects do you think other people will be interested in? In other words, do you have a story to tell or experience to pass on?) Presenters always do so much better when they are talking about things they know, and feel will be of interest to their audience.

2) Work out what kit you’ll really need - Learn how to put a powerpoint presentation together – not hard, even I can do it! Select the shots that have a real point. If you don’t know you are going to need it, don’t take it. Work on one liners for each shot, and a longer anecdote for a shot every so often. That helps you not to lose the track or fall off.

3) Load the bike and test ride it - Practice your presentation out loud at least a dozen times. This will help you learn what doesn’t fit, and what does. Practice also helps you to learn the flow, and not to forget what comes next : )

4) Fully loaded, ride some trails and the worst city traffic you can find - Practice again. The more times you do it in advance, the more relaxed you’ll be on stage and the more fun both you and your audience will have.

5) Ready to go? Getting happy with the the Presentation Crew you’ll be working with. It’s making sure they have run through your presentation too, and making sure that you are on hand to start your presentation in good time. Last minute rushes suck.

And then, ride out and enjoy – well, stand on the stage and have fun with your audience, who all want to enjoy your talk and will be there full of encouragement. That's the beauty of Horizons isn't it.

Going to do one? Story to tell or experience to pass on? Sign up here: Register to Present

And don’t forget the Pecha Kucha presentations. Fun, fast and may well be a great start for someone who has never done a presentation before. You can see what I mean here: Pecha what!?

Hope that lot helps a bit :mchappy:

Sam Manicom 15 Jan 2013 11:38

Two bits of news mates. The first is that we have new presenters on the page!!! And Ted Simon has just advised that he's going to be over and with us.

And don't forget to pass the word to your mates to get their registrations in soon. There are just 16 days left for people to snag a £20 discount. Hmmm, 6 beers worth? Now there's a thought...

Pre-Registration for Adventure Travellers - HUBB UK 2013 Donington Park

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 21:22.
