Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   How to get UK to Iceland in 2008? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/iceland/how-get-uk-iceland-2008-a-30417)

Bewildered sassanack 4 Nov 2007 22:24

How to get UK to Iceland in 2008?
With Smyril dropping Lerwick (Shetland) service for 2008, any suggestions best (fastest) way to get UK to Iceland for next summer 2008?

Don't really want to spend a week on a ferry!

Anyone tried shipping out vehicles?

Any suggestions?

2008 schedule: http://www.smyril-line.com/Admin/Pub...edule-2008.pdf

Walkabout 4 Nov 2007 23:23

There's been another thread on here recently about the same timetabling issue: If I recall correctly, one option is to ride to Denmark (make that part of the trip) and then ferry from there - may be worth considering?


Flyingdoctor 4 Nov 2007 23:29

I too am planning to go to Iceland in july 2008. It's always been a bit of a pain to get there and back. In 2006 Smiryl tried to drop Lerwick from the schedule but the courts upheld the contract. It has now expired so it comes as no suprise that they've dropped Shetland. You can still sail from Scrabster which is near Thurso. The problem is that before you could come back via lerwick but now you will have to sail to Hanstholm in Denmark and travel down to Esbjerg for the ferry to Harwich. The main fly in the ointment is the additional cost of the DFDS ferry. I just got a quote, one way £235 ! I haven't costed the outward ferry but it will be at least as expensive so you're looking at £500 ish on ferries. I've put off going for 2 years and I've decided that I'm definately going next year and if it's going to be £500 then that's the price I guess, what can you do ? All I can do is book early to try to minimise the cost. I priced a Harwich-Esbjerg one way this September a week before I wanted to travel and they wanted £630 !! I declined their kind offer. I hope you get sorted it sounds like an amazing place.

Bluedragon 4 Nov 2007 23:33

If it's during summer then you can go from Scrabster but there's still the three day wait on the Faeroes on the way back. The Denmark option on the return looks appealing to me as it saves time and the UK ferry port is Harwich but if you're from oop north the extra UK mileage might balance things out. I haven't checked out the cost of using two ferry companies yet either.

Walkabout 4 Nov 2007 23:36

All of the longish sea ferry routes are expensive but, depending where you start from in the UK, Denmark is not all that far - therefore, cut out DFDS and ride to Denmark via the cheapest, shortest cross channel route.
In short, minimise the use of ferries.

Flyingdoctor 9 Nov 2007 10:11

So much for my "I'm definately going this year" statement. Without boring you with the trip itinery, door to door the travel time for me is 10 days. I want 2 weeks there so total that's 24 days ! I'll search the HUBB and Google to see if I can fly me and the bike there but I'm not too hopeful. I think my money will be better spent on the Santander ferry and an enjoyable fortnight in the Pyreneese.

Guest2 9 Nov 2007 11:45


Originally Posted by Flyingdoctor (Post 158361)
So much for my "I'm definately going this year" statement. Without boring you with the trip itinery, door to door the travel time for me is 10 days. I want 2 weeks there so total that's 24 days ! I'll search the HUBB and Google to see if I can fly me and the bike there but I'm not too hopeful. I think my money will be better spent on the Santander ferry and an enjoyable fortnight in the Pyreneese.

You're right it is not easy to get to Iceland, even sailing direct it takes 39 hours each way. The other option could be to grate the bike and ship overland or airfreight and fly in.
If enough riders get together you could put the bikes on a vehicle and someone with the time drives them there and then you fly in.
There are some enterprising companies offer a motorcycle delivery and support service to Morocco, you could ask them if they could do the same for Iceland. Morocco is too hot in the summer anyway.

Try the ::. UKGS'er.com .:: - Powered by vBulletin if you ask around there someone will give you some leads and some riders may be interested in joining you.


Flyingdoctor 11 Nov 2007 13:40

Hi Steve, I loved the report of your 2007 trip. It made me decide to go this year. However, I've just found my plan for my postponed 2007 visit using the 2007 timetable. It was a day and a half Scrabster-Iceland and a day and a half Iceland-Lerwick on the return. This is acceptable. On the 2008 timetable the outward trip is the same but the return voyage is 50hrs to Denmark (no Lerwick) travel to Esbjurg and wait a day for the ferry home. That's 4 days !

I should have gone this year, DOH.

mikesharp98 11 Nov 2007 13:46

Shipping options for 2008
Has anyone researched shipping options for the summer of 2008 ?

Im just about to start and happy to share intel on here. If someone already has info, its silly to double up tho.

Thanks in advance.


Flyingdoctor 11 Nov 2007 14:04

Hi Mike, I'm sure all of the info we need is on here if only we could be arsed to search for it. I'm going to try to get some time in when I'm at work this week on nights. I'm going to see how much it would cost to post me and my bike through the mail !! It would probably be cheaper and quicker than the ferries but very dark in the crate! Ha ha. If I find anything usefull I'll post it here.

mikesharp98 12 Nov 2007 14:21

EMISKIP 2008 quote
Hi ..

I just got quoted £990 per bike for UK to Iceland return.

Price includes all customs work, and up to 7 days storage each side. Drop off at Immingham and collect Rekjavic.

Sails Thursday from the UK arriving Monday. Then customs after this.
Sails Wednesday from Iceland arriving Sunday. Then customs after this (which can take until Friday im told).


mikesharp98 12 Nov 2007 14:22

HURST Transportation
Do travel on UK to Iceland .. but DONT do bikes. They reccomend EMISKIP.

Guest2 12 Nov 2007 15:26

I just had a look at the Smyril ferry timetable for 2008 and they have changed it from when I looked a week ago.

The 2008 summer sailings no longer call at Scrabster, and the route has changed. It would now be possible to sail from Bergen/Norway to Iceland via Faeroes and return to Bergen via the Faeroes and it looks like a 48 hour trip.

You could sail from Newcastle to Bergen have a stop over and then on to Iceland.

Maybe worth checking the Smyril site out from time to time as the sail times appear to change like the wind.


Flyingdoctor 12 Nov 2007 15:30

Wow! a grand just for the bike. Return airfare to Rekjavic on top? Must be another £200-£300. I want to go but for that money I think I can get to the States.

Flyingdoctor 12 Nov 2007 15:39

Steve thanks for that, I'll check the "new" timetable out. I've been to Bergen many times and it's a great place. The cost of a return ticket in July though is £350 on top of the Smiryl ferry. I really think I'm priced out of the market. At these prices you could fly there and go on an organised enduro trip in the interior. I'm sure I saw one using KTM's. If a few of us got together we could buy a boat and sail there ourselves for less money ! :rofl:

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