Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   2012 KLR 650 modifications (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/kawasaki-tech/2012-klr-650-modifications-68720)

Acropolis 6 Feb 2013 03:13

2012 KLR 650 modifications
What changes are their on the 2012 vs earlier models? Do we still need to replace the doohickey, fork springs, rear shock like the 2007 and prior models?

motomundo antigua 20 Feb 2013 02:08

doohickeys have become bit better, but still dodgy, recommend eagle mike doohickey and torsion spring. forks are much better, although a brace will help a lot.

GAS GUY 24 Feb 2013 21:09

The rear shock and forks on the 2008+ bikes are better but of course need to be sprung for your weight.
2008+ Doo is much better but the spring is still worthless and EM Doo still fits the shaft better.

Acropolis 5 Jun 2013 04:40

Great info!
That's for the info guys!:D

HOMBRE!!! 5 Jun 2013 17:57

Trans Locks Up
I have a 2011 KLR 650 that when I start to down shift from 5th to 4th gear, it locks/jams up. I have to coast to side of roads and then pull up and push down for several minutes til it finally comes loose. I put in a new clutch pack and new clutch cable. On the very first ride it locked up again. Do you have any ideas what I need to check or replace next? Thanks....doh

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