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codyblake 20 Feb 2005 02:40

bent forks

we have a KLR in our possession apperently with one, or possibly both front forks bent. I am wondering if anybody knows whether it is possible to bend them back into their correct position or if it is necessary to buy new forks. We are in Nicaragua as well so the options of buying new ones is dramatically reduced. Also if anybody knows where to obtain new forks, either on the internet or in their backyard, it would be much appreciated.

madmarco 20 Feb 2005 03:35

Hi cody

I had an accident in russia and both my forks were bend. I first let them be put into the correct position, and it looked quite good. But because there were still some little 'hills' near the position where the inner piece dives into the fork, oil was coming out... after that i bought a new fork in korea (not original), which now broke here in argentina. I recommend you to buy an original fork, especially if you plan to drive a lot on 'ripio', gravel roads.


RichLees 20 Feb 2005 13:12

straightening them is possible if they aren't too bad, but even then its tricky! have you checked they are bent? if they are any "hills" as madmarco described or cracks in the chrome, they are stuffed and you need to replace them. if not, check they are not just twisted in the yokes. this means the handlebars and wheel are not going the same way, but doesn't mean the forks are stuffed.
- slacken the clamps on the lower yoke
- stand with the front wheel restrained beween your knees and wiggle the bars. don't force them either way, but let them find their own position "straight ahead"
- retighten the bottom clamp
- check visually: does the front wheel line up with the direction of the bars? look down the length of each fork leg as if looking down a rifle. does each look straight? if it looks good so far, pump the bars up and down (eg by putting the front brake on and bouncing on the bars). do the forks slide smoothly? if good, put your skid lid on and try this while riding. if there is any sticking, you need to straighten or replace! the best way to really check they are straight is to strip the stanchion (the chrome bit) and roll it on glass, but, by then, you need new seals , oil etc

codyblake 20 Feb 2005 23:02

thanks guys, will give it a go!

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