Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Can I fit a KLR650 fuel tank in a KLR250? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/kawasaki-tech/can-i-fit-klr650-fuel-30672)

zaplaje 13 Nov 2007 02:56

Can I fit a KLR650 fuel tank in a KLR250?
I really need more fuel autonomy, the ims plastic tank isn't a solution... just 1 more liter... too many dollars.

modify the stock one... to expensive, more than 200 usd here in chile

just 3 options left... auxiliary tanks (not cheap, not big), coke bottles or try to fit a klr650 on my klr 250... is this posible???

or if you have another solution, I will appresiate that.

thanks for your help

phoenix 18 Dec 2007 16:30

Upload some pics (bike, with the tank off, and saddle on, and underside of tank). I'll compare it to my KLR650 C5 and tell you if there are any obvious incompatibilities..

zaplaje 19 Dec 2007 16:37


Originally Posted by phoenix (Post 164131)
Upload some pics (bike, with the tank off, and saddle on, and underside of tank). I'll compare it to my KLR650 C5 and tell you if there are any obvious incompatibilities..

ok, I'll try to upload some pictures soon, thanks

phoenix 19 Dec 2007 22:41

I can email you some of the relevant fiche pages from the KLR650C too (as JPGs), if thats any help.. I tried uploading them here already, but they're bigger than the max HUBB image size, unfortunately..

Martynbiker 19 Dec 2007 23:08

photobucket em!

Originally Posted by phoenix (Post 164388)
I can email you some of the relevant fiche pages from the KLR650C too (as JPGs), if thats any help.. I tried uploading them here already, but they're bigger than the max HUBB image size, unfortunately..

Hiya Phoenix, if you Join Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket you can upload or BULK upload loads of pics, FREE and then post em here no problemo!


phoenix 20 Dec 2007 00:36

Try this so..

phoenix_hubb - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Works for me, but then I created it, so thats not entirely surprising.. ;)

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