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ElExplorador 6 Nov 2013 20:34

Fan not turning on!
Been working on my 2002 KLR 650 to get all the bugs out of the electrical, before committing to crossing the Darien and entering South America. Now the fan won't turn on and I'm not sure why, troubleshooting tips appreciated. Fan fuse is working (0.02 resistance)

The long version:

The white wire and blue wire leading to the fan relay had been cut and pigtailed together. Separated them, reattached to the plastic connector, and connected to the relay I stole from the clutch safety.

Bike starts and runs fine around town. I let the bike heat up almost to the needle to test out the fan, fan doesn't come on so I use the switch I installed to activate it.

I park the bike and turn off the fan. Then, I consider that perhaps the wiring on the fan switch actually interrupts it unless I leave it on, and it actually WAS working. So I try to switch the fan on. No reaction. Turn on key, no neutral light. Looks like a fuse!

Yup, 20Amp is blown. I know that's a hell of a story but I feel like the clues must be there for why I am blowing fuses.

I tried to repeat the experiment with a new fuse but I can't get it to blow. I also can't get power to the fan anymore.

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