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Kumuya 31 Jul 2007 12:20

KLE 400 parts in EU

Anyone knows dealers in EU who can bring parts for KLE 400 (Japan model). I tried to e-mail at all Kawa representances and I get only responses like "try Japan" but my Japanese language is :oops2: so I've done nothing. I found a dealer in Greece, it was ok, they give me the prices for what I've need but when it comes to order and ask for their bank account .... never get an answer since then .....

So if you know dealers who can import KLE 400 parts, I will be more than happy. But since KLE400 and KLE500 are more than 90% compatible .... maybe can be same for both KLE but dealers when hear about 400 give the same answer - "try Japan".

Thank you

JULESKLE500 31 Jul 2007 15:19

Hi Kumuya
Why don't you try to get a contact in Japan directly? I think that most of the dealers must speak English. I have a friend that had some problems with a new Yamaha (produced a lot of smoke at the start), and spent some months here in Spain going to official workshops without getting the problem fixed. So he wrote a letter of complaint and sent it directly to Yamaha Japan. In a month or so he received a call and was asked to take the bike to a nearby Yamaha dealer, where the factory had sent a japanese technician, who spent all day working on his bike and fixed it without additional cost. This happened 20 years ago, why should't be possible today?
If you get a local dealer which can bring the parts from Japan you will avoid the paperwork, and possibly that local dealer could get better shipping prices, but then you would have to pay for his services, so trying to get the part directly from Japan, nowdays with these new technologies, may give results, don't you think?


Kumuya 31 Jul 2007 15:54

Problem is that on Kawa site in japan I couldn't find any e-mail address, I get an e-mail of another division at Kawa Heavy Industries and I wrote them asking an address of motorcycles division .... but no answer for 6 months.

Also I'm not so sure if I get an answer from Japanese dealers for 3 resons:
1. I can't find e-mail addresses
2. I don't know how much english they really know
3. See reason no2. because I worked at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and I tried to contact someone from Japan from a company that held trainings there in Japan for our staff and never get an answer.

Also local dealers are multibrand dealers and doesn't work with japan and also I don't know if they can make an order with only two items. I found some car dealer but the prices were higher than I get from a greek dealer (prices including shipping in romania) with almoust 130 euro and a waiting time of 3 months. But that greek dealer is now not to be found.

JULESKLE500 31 Jul 2007 20:13

Hi Kumuya,
Sorry to hear that. I see you have walked a long way before asking for it at the forum.
I see I cannot give you any advice about your problem. If you tell me what parts are you looking for, I could go to the Spanish dealer and ask them.

nicki 1 Aug 2007 09:24

I've needed a few items (non-engine), like air filter, replacement bolts, airbox drain hose and one or two other items, and could always get it at one of the local shops. I just said I have a KLE 98 model, and I always got the parts.

I think the only things that are different between 400 and 500 are the pistons, and crank, maybe conrods and bearings.

Kumuya 1 Aug 2007 13:01

I know that 90% is the same bike but since is about something inside engine I don't know and even spark plugs are different

lecap 4 Aug 2007 22:23

First: Do you have the parts catalog to find out the part numbers?
If not get one.
Once you have the part numbers just order via your local dealer. Might take three or four weeks to get stuff from Japan.
If that does not work try DoubleRtrading in the Netherlands. Might still take three to four weeks but at least non longer.

Kumuya 11 Aug 2007 14:50


Originally Posted by lecap (Post 146035)
First: Do you have the parts catalog to find out the part numbers?
If not get one.
Once you have the part numbers just order via your local dealer. Might take three or four weeks to get stuff from Japan.
If that does not work try DoubleRtrading in the Netherlands. Might still take three to four weeks but at least non longer.


I have part numbers from Japanese site Kawasaki but ... I tried at DoubleTrading in Netherlands - and they work only with firms not with peoples, at least they have told me that, and our local dealers don't work with Japan so ....... I'm still making my research

Kumuya 17 Apr 2008 15:02

For KLE400 owners only
I know that I've started this topic about dealers that can bring KLE400 parts in EU but for all KLE400 owners I have a tip!!!!! After 6 months of searches and e-mails I found a kawasaki dealer in Japan that ships all over the world (even in Romania).
They accept only postal money orders but they work in japanese style :thumbup1:, they even have an english page on their site. Payment on postal money order can be made in USD EUR or JPY.

Their prices (in JPY) are as on Kawasaki Japan site. So very good prices. Part codes can be taken from here:
ƒJƒƒTƒLƒ‚[ƒ^[ƒX ƒp[ƒcƒJƒ^ƒƒOŒŸõ

and their site is:

I'm now on my second order and I'm very satisfied about this dealer and all parts are genuine kawasaki.

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