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ranfog 14 Apr 2008 12:03

KLE 500 Exhaust
Hello there everyone,ive recently bought a 92 Kle 500 and it needs an exhaust tail pipe,anyone got any recomendations? Cheers:thumbup1:

Sam34 22 Apr 2008 13:14

Here (:: GPR::born to run :: sito ufficiale 2007/2008 :: www.gpr.it) there is an italian option....

ranfog 27 Apr 2008 12:48

Thanx for that sam,ive also found these options.

M & P - Product Information for 562941

Sportouring Bike Accessories

Sam34 28 Apr 2008 16:41

Both are nice, but in my opinion, I will replace the stock exhaust only when it will be a rusty piece of modern art. I don't like the idea to cut the pipe in order to install a new exhaust...

royzx7r 28 Apr 2008 20:34

The Laser pro duro is a full system that replaces the standard and you can still keep the belly pan.

Like sam says, untill its full of rust then Im not spending that sort of cash on a new one and then of course all the set up and dyno etc...


ranfog 28 Apr 2008 22:32

As the bike i have currently has a gpz 500 exhaust fitted ive no choice but to look at a new pipe.

Sam34 29 Apr 2008 10:19

Than, the laser produro (sport or homologated) is the best choice (IMO) .....Road

poppykle 29 Apr 2008 13:28

1 Attachment(s)
From what I could tell all of the above seem to have the same problem. You still end up with unequal header pipes. The muffler and or pipes may be freer flowing and would therefore improve performance but the distance from the head to the muffler is different for each cylinder.

Does anyone do equal length header pipes for the KLE? Mine is still relatively new (6 months) so warranty prevents me from mucking around to much. I am considering a pair of short pipes something like this when the time comes.

ranfog 30 Apr 2008 11:40

That looks really good,pity about the ground clearance though.

poppykle 1 May 2008 11:18

The pic is just a quick cut and paste with Paint. My main aim is equal length pipes for both cylinders. It is a fair way off yet. Clearance will need to be considered but I use the bike mainly for sealed or well maintained trails so rock hopping and log jumping are not in the picture. It shouldn't be any lower than a normal street bike.

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