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Luuk 27 Jul 2007 08:01

kle, rear shock adjustment
does anyone have any experience with this? the manual isn't verry clear and so far i already have problems finding a fitting wrench. i tried a "universal" on but that wasn"t so universal and ordering the original one from kawa would kost 125 euro's. no way. still like to set the rear schock harder but how?

nicki 27 Jul 2007 14:27

How about going to a dealership and ask them to borrow theirs quickly?

Luuk 27 Jul 2007 17:08

just ordert a adjustable one for 8 euro's but still is there anyone who hase actually adjusted his rear shock this???

royzx7r 27 Jul 2007 17:11

The one off my honda fireblade fitted the kle shocker. I had to get a freind to pull the bike back onto its side stand to take the weight off the back wheels in order for me to adjust it.

Its a very tight area where the shock is fitted and difficult to get the adjustment done...Thats why Kawasaki avoids too much detail in the handbook.

I went up two notches from standard but I think Im gonna put it up to max when I get round to it.


Kumuya 27 Jul 2007 17:17

Luuk, when I make my kle taller I was with rear shock in my hand not on bike. But I made it mor gentle not harder moving that disk from the top of spring on a looser position. I think that reversing my work you can move it some "clicks" down to make the spring harder ( to compress it) if you can get it from my poor english

Pleco 27 Jul 2007 21:26

KLE rear shock.
Hello Luuk.

Very difficult to set without the proper tool.

You must set it so that your weight compresses the spring 25% of it's total travel. About 30mm average for all bikes.

I have set mine very soft, as I have a bit of a bad back. The bike is quite low now though.


Luuk 27 Jul 2007 21:30

thanks for the tips, i"ll wait till the tool comes in and then have another go at it.

Walkabout 27 Jul 2007 23:41


Originally Posted by Luuk (Post 145130)
just ordert a adjustable one for 8 euro's but still is there anyone who hase actually adjusted his rear shock this???

Hi Luuk,
Where can you get an adjustable one for that price?


Luuk 28 Jul 2007 08:06

i saw one in a booster catalog, and my friendly local motorcycle surplier (he does ducati so he not making to much money of me, i think he hopes i convert and go over to the italian side) ordered it for me. cost of the tool is 9.95 euro's not 9, my mistake. try Booster Motorcycle Products

Walkabout 28 Jul 2007 08:34

Thanks Luuk,
The website works but not in other than Dutch, but I get the idea and that tool looks very useful!

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