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Purchase an KLE
Thank you for all the answers up to now. As it has been said here are the people who loves the KLE. Personally I have also this feeling since I seen it. And also the price...what can I say...is a nice buy
I admit that I am also impressed by the Transalp (which is more expensive). Here posting the question (where are the guys who knows well the +/- of the KLE) I am trying to get convictions to stay in this choice of buying KLE. You asked me what I would like to do with the byke : to comute daily between my office and my customers ofices (Bucharest became a very difficult city for the cars), to use it in hanging around in weekends - and also to go on the mountains on mild-heawy roads (not in the forests... or rocky roads like the real off road bykes are prepared for). Either I do not plan to use it for speed or verylong distances. I plan to buy also a platform and in hollydays to move with it at long distances where to do some small local turism. Which are my fears: 1.In one hand I know that KLE is an old model and the today good price may indicate that the model will be not manufactured soon. So maybe spare parts ar the value of the byke in two years will go down ?Also have the "new models" capabilities that in KLE are not available ? 2. I heared that KLE needs often services. What that means ? each 5000 km ? 10000km ? Eats oil ? in what quantity ? What parts has to be changed periodically ? Or what maintenance has to be done ? Compared with other bykes that needs what kind of interventions?... 3.Kumuya was saying that after a bad road had some parts lost. Is KLE resisting on country side roads ? or like only tarmak with some holes? (BTW, being on the same city I kindly ask Kumuya to contact me because I cannot write to hime before I have minimum 8 postings...) 4 I understand that depending on the road, and gear used the consumption can be from 4.5l/100km (contonous riding) and up to what ? 7-8l/100km on countryside roads. Can be even more ? ( I am speaking about a normal riding on climbing some hils on country roads). I am not concerned about the financial issue: I am concerned about the fact that the tank has only 15liters, and that on the mountains.... can let you let say 150 km or riding? 5. Has an EUR 2 engine. Is in your countries any additional taxes that are paid by the EUR2 owners ? WHat I like at KLE: 1. It seems to have a robust design that gives me a confident sentation. 2 The ingine is protected by a shield ( and a frame). 3 The price.The price and also the price 4 The fame that can be fixed easy and on the site if I will develop some mecahnical skils ( up to know I got the electrical enigineering skills) So please let me have a part of your experience, advices and of coarse a bit from your time and patience. Best regards Petre maybe a future KLE owner As I said the is also teh Vstrom, the Transalp. V strom I do not like because has not a shield around the engine and seems to be bigger so not so god for city comuting. Transalp is nice but I need some reasons to pay additional 1500 EUR. |
Buy a KLE500 now and think about it later. You won't regret it. Given how popular the model is southern europe, I doubt that Kawasaki will stop selling it anytime soon. Kawasaki only make two 500cc models at the moment, the ER-5 and KLE500, both of which use the same engine. So the availability of spares should stay good. Manufacturers also have a legal commitment to supply spares after the production has finished, but I'm not sure whether this is for 3, 5 or 10 years. Also, this is such a popular and reliable engine, there will be many around in breakers yards for years. I'm not sure about the service requirements. I've done nearly 10,000 miles on mine since I bought it new last year and frankly, the servicing costs aren't too bad, mainly because nothing has really needed doing. If the bike wasn't still under warranty and if I had my own garage, then I would definitely be doing my own servicing, but as it stands, forking out £100-200 every 4,000 miles is about average in the uk. As for standard servicing, oil consumption is good, tyres are good, brake pads are very good. I've no real complaints. There is an issue with number plates and rear suspension travel, but that has more to do with my lack of patience with Southwark council's road maintenance programme, than it does with the bike. Sensible riding and adjusting the preload might have prevented it. I get around 7l/100km riding around London (first gear and second gear, 8,000rpm) and I've got 200km out of a tank before hitting reserve when riding sensibly, which I think is pretty good. As far as I am aware, the current bike is EURO III compliant if that makes any tax differences. It doesn't in the UK, yet, but I'm working on changing that. In short, it is a pretty good bike. The only real downsides are the crappy front brake and the lack of top speed. The seat is also a little uncomfortable for the first 5,000 miles, but you'll get used to it. As for off-roading, it's a little too big for anything remotely serious, but trail riding is more possible on the KLE than on a Transalp or V-strom. |
I would advise you read as many reviews as possible and give all the bikes on your list a test ride before buying. Try googling "Kawasaki KLE reviews", check out April issue of Bike. Check out this link: http://www.ukbike.com/Reviews.aspx~n...81~engineid~10
From what I understand the motor is virtually the same as the older GpZ 500s (I think? can someone correct me?) which have been around for a while. This suggests that it is tried and tested and found to be solid and reliable... "if it's not broken, don't fix it". Same goes for the rest of the bike. There must be a reason the basic design has remained unchanged for so long. It isn't the best bike out there, but then again what is? Try it for yourself and if you like it then it may be the best bike for you. If you don't like it keep looking. Bikes are like clothes, they have to fit you well, feel right and do what you require it to do. |
Second hand dealer oppinion
Today I have been at a warehouse of a seccond hand dealer. I seen different models ( BMW 650 and the Transalp). However I found strange one of its remarks: he does not gets used KLE-s for resale due to low fiability !!!! I remained a bit surprised and I asked what kind of prblms he encountered. He told me about distribution chains or something ? ( he was speaking about chains... that are breaking easy...) I did not touched too much the subject as I knew from this site that all KLE users say's that the fiability is good.
However... he was possible to try to orientate me only on the direction he wanted (I think he was buying the stuff from Italy and maybethere the KLE are not so many... and was easier and mor rentable for him to bring other models) So my question: in case of acceptable maintenance (I mean not excessive or obsesive one...) ther are some known problems wkth the KLE model ? (on the engine or other parts ? Thank again to all that took time to explain to me up to know. Best regards and :mchappy: :Beach: to all Petre |
Hi Petre,
Snapping chains on KLE's is just a load of rubbish. Chains are that well made now that its very hard to belive. Im sure there is not one owner on this forum who has had that problem. I bought my KLE because, If I had gone for one of the other options (gs650 and the like) I would have had to trade in my fireblade. I wanted to keep it so I chose the cheaper option and got the Kwak. I knew nothing about the bike apart from the engine came out of the gpz500 and I knew a few people who have owned them over the years with no bad reports. I took the gamble. And I can tell you it was a good move, The KLE does everyting I could ask of it. I have a few minor gripes about it (seat, tank range when ridden hard, front brake)...but what bikers dont have some gripes about any machine they have owned...Why do you think theres an aftermarket???. If you wanna spend less money, buy the KLE and be happy! If you wanna spend more money, buy the others and be broke and happy! They are all good bikes..... WHICH ONE DO YOU LIKE???? THATS IT! Roy:thumbup1: |
[quote=petre07;136404]Today I have been at a warehouse of a seccond hand dealer. I seen different models ( BMW 650 and the Transalp). However I found strange one of its remarks: he does not gets used KLE-s for resale due to low fiability !!!! I remained a bit surprised and I asked what kind of prblms he encountered. He told me about distribution chains or something ? ( he was speaking about chains... that are breaking easy...) I did not touched too much the subject as I knew from this site that all KLE users say's that the fiability is good.
However... he was possible to try to orientate me only on the direction he wanted (I think he was buying the stuff from Italy and maybethere the KLE are not so many... and was easier and mor rentable for him to bring other models) So my question: in case of acceptable maintenance (I mean not excessive or obsesive one...) ther are some known problems wkth the KLE model ? (on the engine or other parts ? Thank again to all that took time to explain to me up to know. Best regards and :mchappy: :Beach: to all Hallo Petre, I have bought KLE because of following reasons : it is reliable, it is cheap (relatively small engine) and versatile - and it didn`t disapoint me yet. Regarding realiabilty: KLE engine is known as almost bulletpoof, I have colleagues who have KLE`s with over 80.000 km and the only thing (besides maintenance) that was changed was camshaft chain. BR Danny |
KLE advice
Hello Petre.
As you can see on this site, there are only good things said about the KLE. Maintenance is every 6000 km for an oil and filter change, and a spark plug change every 12000km. There are some major services along the way, as described in the manual. Just 2 things. Never believe a sales man. He will sell you what he has on the floor, and everything else will be rubbish according too him. And second, any bike's reliability is only as good as the mechanic that works on it. Get a manual and do all the maintenance yourself. You then won't have any problems with this bike. It seems you have made up your mind anyway, so enjoy your new KLE.:thumbup1: Regards |
Thank you guys
Yes I browsed in different sites and all oppinions are ok. You are right and you made dissapear that fear created by the story he told me.
Now I will go to try one KLE in the showroom, to see how it seems to fit on me. I am 99% convinced to buy one. Sunday I will go for a training in Turkey for one week and at my return I think I will make the order to the KAW representative. When I will receive it I will make some photo's and share with you all. So again thanks and hear you soon ( I hope) Take care of all of you ! Best regars Petre:flowers: |
Hi petre07,
I see you are from Bucuresti so I hope all the others will excuse me but I will tell you something in our language: daca vrei sa bagi un deget in KLE, sa-l vezi o sa ai ocazia daca sti terasa Biker's de pe Matei Voievod - aka la Ursu daca nu-s cu motorul sunt cu cainele:thumbup1:. But my distribution chain has some problems it's a little loose but I go with it about 1000 km and has no problem I think to get it fixed but I don't have the time ...... so no low fiability .... maybe they aren't a top bike in sale because of it's fiability .... you almost need nothing to go with it ...... is like cross bikes - can go with nothing working. Is a good bike and what I've lost on roads ..... I lost only plastic parts from foot rests and from vibration gear lever screw began loose .... somebody else lose his side stander .... but I think that it was an exception. The only bike better than KLE on my opinion is KLR but for touring is a little bit more difficult than KLE. |
I am the NINJA!!!!
I am happy. I have the KLE. Soon I will put some pictures... I have been out for so many days cause I had to get the A licence... ( I just had only the B..) So is nice... Is a bit older as model concept, but inspires me with elegance and power. Has nice shapes... Suspension is good everything is PERFECT! for me. I will come back Best regards Petre |
Hello Petre.
Welcome to the land of the free and wandering spirits. I am sure you will enjoy the bike as much as we other guys do. Little gravel back roads are the most fun. Just deflate the tyres a little, and you will have lots of fun. Good luck and safe driving! Regards Pleco |
High / low beam - one globe or two
I've just bought myself a 2007 KLE500. It's the first bike I've had for 25 years so I've been a little out of biking tech. After initially thinking I had a blown bulb on the way to the parts shop, I discovered that each beam had its own side with no state of working in unison - exactly as you describe for your bike.
Can you give me the link to the owners manual and any other helpful stuff? When I rode back in the old days, I would always buy a Haynes workshop manual for my current bike. Is that still the best option - are there others? Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Quote:
High beam
Hello guys,
I'm a newbie on the forum, so I need to introduce myself. I'm a (51) old biker. I live in France. I've chosen a KLE for it's the cheapest bicylinder trail bike, and my purpose is to make it closer to an adventure bike. If you share the idea, then have a look at my site : http://michel.erard.free.fr The site is both in French and English. Any help to improve the english translation is welcome. I don't drive much by night, but I've tested it, and share(d) your concern. When you use the passing button, you get the real high beam, with both bulbs, so you see what you should have... A friend of mine with a KLE thought the same. So we went to the dealer's and asked for him to modify what's needed to have both bulbs litten on high beam position. He did the job, :thumbup1: and all I can say is that it works and he had to add a relay (if it's the right english word). He didn't share the secret...:nono::censored: It'll be cheaper if you have the modification done during a service session. regards, Michel |
Headlight beams & Smoke Issue Update
Yes Michel, yes that is the advice that I have recieved, although it was not from a dealer but another motorbike workshop. I'm a little concerned with doing any electrical modicfications as I know they can cause problems later on. At the moment, when I need good light I run the dipped beam with my finger on the pass (high) beam button as well. It's fine for short trips, but definitely not good for long distance. Also, I don't know if I'm causing another problem by holding the pass beam button for a long time. Also, an update on the mysterious white smoke issue mentioned a while back... I checked all the electrical connections, starter motor mountings (thx Peter S)and various intake/exhaust manifolds/connections (thx Pleco) and found nothing wrong. Smoke has never re-appeared though! I now think that it was just some water that may have collected in an electrical connector that shorted for a split second.? :confused1: |
Steering Weave
Hi again everyone
Another thing that I have noticed recently is a side-to-side weaving in the steering when I'm on the highway (approx 100-120km/h on good tarred road). Its quite a quick movement with the bars moving from side to side about twice every second. I've checked tire pressures and they're fine. I did some VERY :eek3: heavy trail riding about a month ago (slow but very rocky, quite big rocks but no jumps or anything crazy). Could this "abuse" be the route of the problem? I don't know what could have been affected - maybe steering head bearings?! Do bike wheels have balance weights on the rim like cars? Could a balance weight being knocked off cause the wobble? Cheers guys. B |
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