Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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LaCarretera 21 Nov 2011 19:28

I've been inspired... I've now got a KLE in kit form, 1001 rusty or oily pieces. I'm hoping to send the frame for blasting and powdercoating next week, but I'm not sure I'll go for as brave a colour scheme as yourself !!

ShaunJ 21 Nov 2011 21:55

In hindsight in terms of durability i think a standard flat colour would be a better choice as the colour i have chosen is 2 stage powdercoating (silver base coat and transparent red top coat) and is easily damaged as the top coat can't really key in to the smooth base coat it just chips off or cracks with a small amount of pressure

ShaunJ 26 Nov 2011 17:25

All finished and MOT'ed





ShaunJ 27 Nov 2011 17:11

Some better pictures



MadM 27 Nov 2011 19:25

That is one good looking KLE:thumbup1::thumbup1: I really like that red frame and handelbars. Can you please tell me the dimensions of the bars? I have nooticed you mounted high fron fender(which looks good on any KLE :cool4:), what cought my eye was the engine protection. Can you tell me anything about it(material, measurements, fitting,...)? Been thinking of this kind a protection for my KLE too.

Thanks, Ghosty!

ShaunJ 27 Nov 2011 21:15


The bars are 5.0" Renthal trials bars if i recall
7/8 Handlebars: Applications=

The engine plate is just something i made out of a bit of 1.5mm aluminium chequer plate it really helps keep the front of the engine clean and stops the bash plate filling with mud when offroad.

MadM 27 Nov 2011 22:34


Originally Posted by ShaunJ (Post 357387)

The bars are 5.0" Renthal trials bars if i recall
7/8 Handlebars: Applications=

The engine plate is just something i made out of a bit of 1.5mm aluminium chequer plate it really helps keep the front of the engine clean and stops the bash plate filling with mud when offroad.

Thanks for info on the bars, I am looking on getting a 6" rise trail bars for some time now. Are the cabels long enough or did you have to get longer ones?

Doesn't a plate cover to much engine and prevents cooling? How aobut useing some sort of metal mesh, something simmilat to radiator guard but more heavy duty?

ShaunJ 28 Nov 2011 06:26

The cables were long enough but only just.

As for cooling it seems to be fine but i only have it on over winter, summer riding or trackdays i take it off cuz it probably would cook itself if i didn't

MadM 28 Nov 2011 10:19

Do you think the cables would be long enough to put on a 6.0" raise handelbars?

Thanks for all your info and help!

ShaunJ 28 Nov 2011 16:39

Clutch cable might be ok but not sure about the throttle and choke cable your best bet would be to take the tank off and have a check and see how much slack there is, keeping in mind when you turn the bars there is less slack

MadM 4 Mar 2012 23:21


Sorry to bother you again with questions about handelbars. Do you know any measurements of the original bars? Are those 5.0" you mounted on your KLE any higher than original? If so, how much higher?

Thanks for your help!

ShaunJ 6 Mar 2012 17:05

If i remember correctly the Renthals were roughly the same as OEM just with less sweep angle.

Bartfire 8 Mar 2012 21:00

Great job there, really inspiring, congratulations.

Noticed a 800GS in the picture above, how do the two bike compare to each other both on and off road ?

ShaunJ 9 Mar 2012 21:17


Originally Posted by Bartfire (Post 370498)
Great job there, really inspiring, congratulations.

Noticed a 800GS in the picture above, how do the two bike compare to each other both on and off road ?


Well aside from the obvious the GS accelerates and brakes better and has better suspension.

On road i find the geometry of the KLE is better it turns in alot quicker and once you get used to the suspension moving it is pretty much on rails it never lets go even when your leaning so much that you grind out the pegs, brake pedal and skidplate (Trackday at mallory park). The GS on the other hand while it will easily match or better the KLE when cornering it always feels like it is pushing the front too much and doesn't feel so secure nearly tucked the front at a fast junction but somehow pulled it back.
Economy the GS wins easily although the KLE is tuned so not a big surprise

Offroad i've never had the same tyres on both so hard to compare. Slow technical stuff i would say the KLE is best its lighter and throttle is less snatchy, faster bumpier stuff the GS is better the suspension copes better and engine has more torque, the KLE is limited by its suspension it crashes about and the exhaust bottoms out easily

Personally my ideal bike would combine the looks, suspension, brakes and power of the GS with the geometry, weight, simplicity and sound of the KLE

Bartfire 10 Mar 2012 14:12

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for the reply, I am a big fan of the KLE500 although when I was looking for one last year I was seduced by the KLE650 engine and have been moding the bike to a more adventure type bike with 19" front wheel and a bit more suspension travel but not as much as the KLE500. Am off to Morocco in a week with a mate on a F800GS so it will be interesting. I rode my mates F800 and agree about the front.

I wonder if the 650 engine would go in the 500 frame, it is a pity Kawasaki doesn't do something like this, they have all the bits, KLE500, KLR650 and the KLE650.


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