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wildmetal 24 Feb 2017 11:30

Kle500a1 cooling issue
Hi All slight problem with the kle500 . right when normal riding the coolant stays the same in the overflow bottle . but when thrashing it fills the bottle up and over flows . now I rebuilt the engine 2000 miles ago with no problems at all . have changed the rad cap / flushed the rad as well . also when ticking over its fine fan comes on at correct temp with no overflowing of the overflow tank . any clues as to what it could be anyone ?

*Touring Ted* 25 Feb 2017 23:35

Im sorry. I don't understand so well.

What is the problem NOW ??

Find me on Facebook: MotoTed & MotoRevive.

wildmetal 27 Feb 2017 08:51

Kle500 cooling issue
at times its still pumping fluid into the overflow tank . but if ridden normally and not thrashed its ok . levels stay fine also when left to tick over its fine fan come on at correct temp

redsnapper 27 Feb 2017 16:44

Sounds like it is boiling over. Do you have any air in the system?

*Touring Ted* 28 Feb 2017 19:37

First thing I'd do is attempt to bleed the system... Air can get trapped.

If that doesn't help then next step is to check or change is the radiator cap.

Find me on Facebook: MotoTed & MotoRevive.

wildmetal 1 Mar 2017 09:52

kle500 cooling issue
Hi Ted yep tried that 2or 3 times new cap as well . its strange though when its ticking over its fine only when thrashing it pump fluid into the overflow tank . oil is clean not milky at all and no residue in the coolant so don't think it could be the head gasket ( just done 2k ago ) going to try tonight again running with out cap to see if any bubbles and a flush through as well

*Touring Ted* 1 Mar 2017 10:51

It's normal to get some coolant over flow when you're thrashing it. It stops your rad blowing up !!

On the KLE does the expansion bottle feed back into the cooling system or does it drain on to tbe street.

How much coolant are you loosing over 100 miles ?

Find me on Facebook: MotoTed & MotoRevive.

wildmetal 2 Mar 2017 07:32

kle500 cooling issue
the water doesn't seem to feed back in the rad if its thrashed but in tick over stays constant . bottle overflowing in about 60 miles if thrashed

*Touring Ted* 2 Mar 2017 07:53

Pull out and clean your thermostat.. Sometimes they can gunk up.

You can also test that it's working by finding it's opening temperature and testing it in a pan of boiling water with a thermometer.

Even if you don't have a thermometer, you can see it it's opening and closing.

yokesman 10 Mar 2017 04:52

Have you checked your valves since overhaul?

wildmetal 15 Mar 2017 21:49

kle500 cooling issue
we its looking like thermostat . took it out put in boiling water didn't even move . I have now left it out to see if that's the problem . valves all check out ok

wildmetal 30 May 2017 12:20

kle500 cooling issue
well turns out it was the rad not flowing enough at high speed which is why I think it was ok on tick over . oh well live and learn new rad ordered

wildmetal 20 Jun 2017 13:33

kle500 cooling issue
well new rad in still the same . must be the head gasket .getting a few bubbles when revving it to 3500k also going to check the impeller to see if that's ok tonight otherwise head off .done a compression test and reading 150psi in each pot . so a few thing to check first before removing the head

poppykle 18 Jul 2017 12:57

Hi wildmetal, are you sure you actually have a problem? If the overflow tank is at or over the recommended level and you run the bike hard it will overflow a small amount.
I would ensure the radiator is full, the thermostat is in and working and the overflow bottle is at the correct level. Take the bike out and run it hard then leave it overnight before checking the level in the overflow bottle.
Make sure you also check for leaks in the hoses, they may be getting worn and could be leaking at the entry to the engine or radiator. Mine used to occasionally overflow after a thrashing but it was never an issue.

wildmetal 7 Dec 2017 10:14

kle500 cooling issue
well it turns out it was the head gasket all fine now . apart from now a regulator gone . more problems . time to get rid I think

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