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Simon Kennedy 15 Jul 2002 12:32

KLR 250 any good?
KLR 250 any good for riding arund Australia? For a light person (42kgs) of little height who is new to riding.

Glenn_M 15 Jul 2002 22:46

Yes, the 250 will be great. However if you want a bike with electric start and identical features, buy a Kawasaki Super Sherpa.

Maniac28 28 Jul 2002 14:10

I would go with the sherpa. E start is mandatory in my opinion. I hate kickstarts. It is air cooled, but that only simplifies things, and I think it is still a great bike. It is nice and light.

Simon Kennedy 2 Oct 2002 23:50

The KLR has proved a decent choice, but the kick start and the small tank are real drawbacks. A tough little bike though: Rachel had a 100kph collision with a kangaroo near Perth. Both rider and bike got up with only scratches. Speedy too. It keeps up fine on the highways. Not for RTW, but it has served us well.

pfb 30 Jul 2003 11:57

A neighbor just bought a KLR250.

At 7,000 feet, it just doesn't have enough power IMHO.

Starting it, however, is super easy. I just grabbed the kick start lever with my hand and pushed it down, fired right up.

Certainly nothing like kicking a big single.

Rufuss 10 Aug 2003 11:14

Just bought a 90 with about 5k. Superb bike, starts with 1 kick cold.Comes off choke quickly. Idles great and is smooth, Runs great. Actually like it better than my 97 dr350s.

chris 12 Dec 2003 04:20

have spotted a klr250 for sale near where i live in the uk. want to use it for green laning. clearly it only has a small fuel tank etc etc, but i only want it for playing in the mud and not for a rtw.

are there any particular klr250-specific sort of things that might require a closer inspection other than the obvious things that apply for all bikes. the bike is a 1996 model with 12k miles.

martync 28 Dec 2003 14:49

Ive been looking into the KLR as a green laner and apparenly there realy hard to start when hot and when youre stuck in mud, tired etc.. they can make a good day into an average day. This can be cured with a carb kit which will cost about £120. Ive come to the conclusion if youre going to get a kick start you might as well get a honda or a 2 stroke like a CRM which are as reliable as a 4 stroke an cost a lot less to run, however they have problems- weak suspension- anything more than green laning and you need to upgrade.

Bol 2 Jan 2004 21:23

I hardly think that a 2 stroke 250 is cheaper to run as a klr 250.A 2 stroke runs a total loss lubrication system that needs expensive oil to run cleanly and reduce wear, and the 2 stroke engine would still use more fuel per cycle than a 4 stroke purely down to its twice as frequent power strokes and poor fuel efficiency.Also 2 stroke engines are far more susceptible to ring breakages and mandatory rebores than any 4 stroke engines.

dakar200 4 Feb 2004 01:05

you bet it a good bike in the usa my riding has one and we went to texas on one 1100 miles roundtrip get good gas mileage and is a brese to work on.get it!

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