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Keater 26 Oct 2008 09:32

Lifting 07 KLE 500?
Need help!
Q1: How do I raise the rear end of my KLE 500? I notice the top of the shock has different positions and mine is in the lowest.
Q2: Do i need any special tools? I've got plenty of tools but have never worked on bikes before.:blush:
Q3: Is it safe to put air in the front forks to stiffen it up or will it contaminate the oil? Am I better just getting progressive springs and heavier oil? (just heard some fairly mixed reports!)
I'm only a feather weight (75kg but 6'3" tall) The bike sits low so I wouldn't mind it sitting a bit higher and not dive under braking. Am I asking too much:confused1:

ranfog 26 Oct 2008 09:50

I run mine with 15psi in the forks which helps with dive,search the forum im sure this has been coverd before mate,i think 35psi is possible but dont quote me on that. As for the tail end riser kits are available on ebay,just replace the parts on away you go,again its already been coverd here. The top mounting points look as though you can mount the shock in the other positions but in reality you would need to move have a set of spacers made up.

Keater 26 Oct 2008 10:28

Cheers. I know that there is info similar regarding the front forks, but not answering my questions! My manual says DO NOT ADD AIR. I've read that some have and there has been good results but will it cause failure earlier? Also how do I adjust the rear as it has variable positioning in the top. how do I turn the Nut to adjust. I'd rather work with what is on it than buy s#^t I may not need! Any help to answer my questions would be much appreciated.

Jameseye 26 Oct 2008 12:48


The nut at the top adjusts preload on the spring. By turning the nut so that the spring is compressed further, there is no difference in static height of the bike, but you will notice less sag when you sit on the bike and a stiffer ride. The KLE (from memory) is set for a 66kg rider for Aus delivery. If you bump it up to the third or fourth setting it will probably give you a better ride sans luggage. If you are carrying additional weight then you may have to investigate a heavier rear spring. The "dog-bones" will raise the rear ride height, but will not increase the suspension travel.

The nut is adjusted with a special spanner (the local bike shop will probably give you one as the always seem to have a number of these spare), but be warned, they are a bastage to get to and you will likely skin your knuckles in the process (I did - twice!)


Keater 27 Oct 2008 08:09

Thanks for that I'll go and pester the bike shop for a spanner and give that a go. May consider dog bones later just want to mainly stop it sagging so much with me and the bag on the back (max 10 kg)

ShaunJ 27 Oct 2008 13:26

A spanner should be included with the toolkit
remove right hand side panel with key should be tucked just under seat

Keater 28 Oct 2008 08:32


Originally Posted by ShaunJ (Post 212556)
A spanner should be included with the toolkit
remove right hand side panel with key should be tucked just under seat

I wish there was one but not in my kit:thumbdown: I'm pretty sure I know what they look like. Similar to a 1/4 circle with handle and with 2 teeth on the inner edges that lock onto the nut. Am I right:helpsmilie:

ShaunJ 28 Oct 2008 09:44


Originally Posted by Keater (Post 212678)
I wish there was one but not in my kit:thumbdown: I'm pretty sure I know what they look like. Similar to a 1/4 circle with handle and with 2 teeth on the inner edges that lock onto the nut. Am I right:helpsmilie:

Yeah thats what it looks like, odd there isn't one in the toolkit

royzx7r 3 Nov 2008 12:36

The KLE dont come with a tool to adjust the shocker.

I just used a flat head screw driver with a rag over it where it makes contact to the metal.

Give it a firm knock and it goes in no props, dont waste time on any other setting but hardest.

Getting a jack up kit made a good difference all round on mine.


ShaunJ 3 Nov 2008 17:29


Originally Posted by royzx7r (Post 213664)
The KLE dont come with a tool to adjust the shocker.

mine did unless the dealer put it in as an extra

Ruud 3 Nov 2008 17:38

Lucky? Or have you got a newer model?

Either way do you need to jack the bike up or take the wheel off to adjust it? Or can it be done using side access?

ShaunJ 3 Nov 2008 17:44

its an 07

u can adjust it from the key removed side panel but if u do u may need to undo the rear master cylinder (so it can move slightly to the left) to get enough leverage depending on the spanner ( if u do undo the master cylinder make sure to reconnect the rear brake light switch link as it tends to unhook

Keater 4 Nov 2008 09:04

cheers all for the help. Mine is the last of the 2007 model brought new and it didn't have the spanner:nono: I'll try whats said and go from there cheer again

Ruud 9 Nov 2008 09:01

Managed to adjust the shock yesterday quite easily using the 'screw driver and hammer' method - why didn't I do this sooner!?

Fitted some new Oxford hot grips as well - all in all about 2 hours work I guess?

Keater 7 Dec 2008 08:56


Originally Posted by Ruud (Post 214467)
Managed to adjust the shock yesterday quite easily using the 'screw driver and hammer' method - why didn't I do this sooner!?

Fitted some new Oxford hot grips as well - all in all about 2 hours work I guess?

x2 I gave the screwdriver/hammer a workout and it's much better! just need to sort the front out now:cool4:

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