Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Kawasaki Tech (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/kawasaki-tech/)
-   -   Looking for a KLR "C" water temp light (wiring) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/kawasaki-tech/looking-klr-c-water-temp-35152)

mhouck 11 May 2008 21:35

Looking for a KLR "C" water temp light (wiring)
I recently purchased a Touratech IMO R100 and sport control lamp kit. I have an "A" model and understand the European "C" has a temperature light.
I wondering if there is anyone can point me in the right direction for the part. I believe the part is unavailable in NA.


phoenix 17 May 2008 13:44

I'll email you the page from the fiche for the C1-C5 (it's too big to upload). Part numbers are on there. Any Kawasaki dealer should be able to get the part. Not exactly sure what you're trying to do though..

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