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muthaf9cka 28 Jul 2006 23:20

New KLE forum?
Grant/Susan, is there any chance of getting a dedicated KLE forum? I'm beginning to wonder if the KLR owners are starting to get a little annoyed with us hijacking their forum.

wobbly 29 Jul 2006 19:06

KLE forum? ooh yes please!!!!
It would nice. I'm sure KLR's are ok (never rode one) but they probably don't want kle bods.
Cheers, Richard.

Grant Johnson 30 Jul 2006 17:58

There aren't enough KLE specific posts to warrant a new forum - BUT the Kawasaki KLR forum has been officially renamed - it's now simply the Kawasaki Forum, like all the other brand specific forums. :)

So it's open to all, and no worries about hi-jacking the forum! :thumbup1:

muthaf9cka 31 Jul 2006 00:31

Much appreciated. My conscience is washed clean.

endurin 15 Sep 2006 09:30

new KLE forum needed..
because you can hardly see anything across KLR and other stuff, you might miss sometimes. how many posts needed to open up a new forum? or, maybe there is a way of gathering all the KLE stuff under one separate heading? greetings....

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