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nath23 8 Feb 2009 20:24

new screen for a kle 500
can anyone recommend a screen which will fit the kle 500 and actually be large enough to protect me a little?

Keater 9 Feb 2009 10:01

I am 6"3 but only 75kgs drippin wet:rolleyes2: and have purchased an Eagle screen, their wide touring screen. It directs the air alot better around me.
there are others on here that have used these screens have a quick look and you'll see a couple of others. Some have a curve up the top of the screen also, I chose just the straight wide tourer screen. Definetely worth it!


nath23 11 Feb 2009 16:00

marvelous, thanks. any ideas on where to buy one from?

Keater 12 Feb 2009 04:20

Eagle Screens Australia - Motorcycle Screens

They post world wide (from memory) You can either get the touring screen which is just a taller screen from standard or as i did I got the wider screen which increases both sides more than an inch. you can also get them with a curved top to shoot the air away abit more or straight like mine. Personally I reckon the curved top may cause turbulence but could be wrong!
Heres a picture of a mates with the curved top narrower one!
Cheers Mick


blackcountrybiker 20 Feb 2009 22:11

£10 screen at M and P
I've just bought a Powerbronze screen for my 91 KLE from M and P and it only cost £10 (plus £4.99 p&p), shoulda been £36 so I was well pleased with my bargain :thumbup1:.

It's got a slight tint and fits 91-93 models. I think they have a few left if you are quick Welcome to M & P product code 566790; KLE500 91-93 L/Tint Flip Screen.

TommyT 6 Mar 2009 15:59

Those are all nice looking screens, but when the wind blows do they not turn into sails and pull you all over the road?

poppykle 7 Mar 2009 03:15


Originally Posted by TommyT (Post 232109)
Those are all nice looking screens, but when the wind blows do they not turn into sails and pull you all over the road?

My experience is the exact opposite. With the standard screen I felt like a sail at anything over 100 kph (60mph). Since adding the screen there is no more wind in the chest and my body stays close to dry when riding in the rain. Riding at speed is much more comfortable. My only complaint has been in the last few weeks we had temperatures over 43c (110F) there was virtually no breeze to cool down. I could have removed my jacket but I just put up with the heat.

I haven't noticed any difference with cross winds.

SPYE 7 Mar 2009 11:09

Hi there.

You can try the "KAPPA" brand of screen for the KLE500/Z750. Its much bigger than the stock one and it works a treat.

"KAPPA" is the same brand that also make a range of top-boxes and panniers for bikes. Try and google it. Will try and post a pic later.


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