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Chris Scott 3 Feb 2002 17:21

Smaller carb on an Adv-R
What do we think of this idea to improve economy? In my experience there is plenty enough power but not such good economy - or to be precise it variies a lot. Of course one can moderate the throttle but if a 36mm CV never drops usage below 16 or 17 kpl and got it up over 20 often, that would suit me fine. I know a guy in Germany who carries 80L on his...
Also interestd in any other seat improving anecdotes other than stay at home and watch TV.

Chris S

Another thing i forgot to ask was has anyone tried this dual CDI ignition option from KTM on which you pull out a wire or two to run on crap petrol. I must say I found the 2001 model in Algeria ran fine on local 2 star (low 90s octane?). Dual CDI Costs 220 quid in the UK - would that help economy - I seem to recall crap Afro fuel did affect my XT500's mpg badly - but that was over 20 years ago,,,


Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things


[This message has been edited by Chris Scott (edited 03 February 2002).]

Ian 5 Feb 2002 03:09

I believe the economy depends a lot on which carb you’ve got. The Mikuni (CV) is supposed to be better than the Dell Orto (don't know if CV) fitted to earlier models (see www.reiseenduro.de - English/German for some interesting Adventure info).

I crossed from Nouadhibou to Nouackchott on one tank (28 litres) and I think the distance was 500km, so that’s around 18kpl. That was without luggage but with a lot of getting stuck due to soft-sand inexperience. It was also using low grade juice, which I’m sure made the motor pink a bit and got it very hot, but then again with the fuel tank surrounding it noises tend to be trapped and amplified and it did do 12 hours through a desert. On tarmac I’ve had over 24 kpl without riding conservatively, but that’s not when it counts really.

Nonetheless, I’m still investing in dual CDI (was quoted £190 inclusive) and a switch so it can be mounted on the dash instead of the clip. For other desert goodies see www.ktm-sommer.de

Seat: just had it recovered, taller and wider, with a slice of camping mat over the standard foam and using some form of (waterproof) synthetic suede - £65 from Lee the seat coverer in London on 07977 874075. Seems much better now.

A few other tips: I’ve been advised that the standard silencer suffocates the motor a bit and contributes to overheating and (lower) economy, so something more open is desirable. The fan on the pre-2001 (I think) model is bit small with a small sucking area, so a second fan from the later model is going on the other radiator – the brackets are already there. An oil cooler is also available (as on the rallye bikes) but probably over the top.



[This message has been edited by Ian (edited 04 February 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Ian (edited 04 February 2002).]

Chris Scott 5 Feb 2002 13:56

Thanks Ian, looks like a smaller carb is not needed, 24 kpl is a record. Finding out today if I'm getting one. or an XRL


Freek 5 Feb 2002 22:59

My 2001 adv; 22,5 km/l
standard jetting but 'open' airbox cover.

Freek (Netherlands)

SpiritualRider 15 Feb 2002 20:40

Hi Chris,

I have a Mikuni carb on my '97 adventure and have been getting 17 kms p/litre on crap Indian petrol with full luggage and my girlfriend on the back. In Europe & Turkey I was getting about 21.

I have opened up the exaust but haven't touched the carb. Also I expect that sprocket ratios have an effect, I am using 15/40 at the moment.

Re the seat - I can vouch for James Taylor's solution of loads of foam and a gel pad (see separate) thread, but at the end of the day your going to get a sore arse whatever you do to the seat. Suspension settings seem to have the greatest effect. We have a little joke here in India at the moment about KTM comfort - "if you dont want a sore arse get a camper van" http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif


JNTaylor 20 Mar 2002 18:21

Hi Chris,

Under load I run at 20/21kmpl on 2001 Adventure with Mikuni carb.

Overheating - I've noticed that the fan does come on rather a lot but I had no problems until I arrived in Mumbai 40'C heat & traffic. Then it just freaked out and kept breaking down. I did an emergency roadside spill-all-the-boiling-old-coolant-everywhere-much-to-the-amazment-of-the-40-watching-indians and this seems to have sorted but I won't get a chance to fully test as it is being shipped to a cooler climate.

The bike will run ok on low grade fuel in most conditions. It was only when I added a a passenger, luggage & some mountain roads did it start to pink & strain more often. At this point I added some octane booster and it made a massive positive difference.

Seat - Some people don't like making the bike any higher than it already is (I do), but flatter & wider are a necessity. Depents on the size of your arse I suppose.


Chris Scott 7 Apr 2002 18:21

Well it's wide and getting wider the longer I sit here ;-)


FlyingElephant 8 Apr 2002 10:26

Hey Chris, I was just wondering if you went for KTM or Honda, and what was the reason.

wastegate 10 Apr 2002 21:07

I have a very nice Algerian blanket for sale,
£4600 with a KTM Adventurer thrown in for
free.... I thought you were going for the

Keith M

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