Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   CD Multichanger Wanted for 300 TDI (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/light-overland-vehicle-tech/cd-multichanger-wanted-300-tdi-45455)

welovebikes 22 Sep 2009 01:17

CD Multichanger Wanted for 300 TDI

Does anyone have a CD Multichanger unit that goes under the seat for a 96 Discovery 300 TDI?

The radio has 5 tune in buttons and already has the cable to connect it to in place.

Hope to hear from somone with one.



ChrisC 24 Sep 2009 15:35

CD Multi Changer
Hi Chris

yep, got one in my garage that cmae out of my old Disco 300 Tdi, give me a call mobile07812344740

welovebikes 4 Jan 2010 20:27

CD Player
Hi Chris

Any chance of sorting out the CD multichanger out this Jan?



ChrisC 8 Jan 2010 14:04

Will do.........
Hi Chris

sorry for that - totally forgot about it, should have a bit of time over the next week, will report back


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