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2globetrotters 3 Dec 2013 06:56

Electrical problems LC 105
Does anyone know a good electrical mechanic in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia?
Our alternator gives a sign on the dashboard but he still works perfect anyone ideas??


Warin 3 Dec 2013 07:30

Lead from alternator to dashboard ok?

Read this
Landcriser 100 series alternator failure @ ExplorOz Forum

Harry m 3 Dec 2013 16:37

You say the alternator is ok is it still putting out 14+volts light on the dash is normally the diod pack at fault.

2globetrotters 4 Dec 2013 09:17

Yes the alternator gives 14+ volt so I think also it is in the lead to the dashboard, but the mechanic in KL said that it is in the lead in the alternator so he want to replace the alternator. There are now 3 lights burning on the dashboard Battery, Dieselfilter, T belt.
Dieselfilter is clean, T belt changed 60.000km ago and alternator works quit well. So what is the problem???

Harry m 4 Dec 2013 16:34

Looks like you may have a ground fault in the dash can't think what the other lights would have in common other than the instrument cluster , with any luck someone will be along with a bit more knowledge

TheWarden 4 Dec 2013 18:53

May help but may not, I had all the dash warnings come on on my 95 whilst in the Western Sahara, 2nd hand alternator fixed the issue but then mine wasn't putting out 14v.

Have you tried asking on the Land Cruiser Club

Warin 4 Dec 2013 21:18


Originally Posted by 2globetrotters (Post 445790)
Yes the alternator gives 14+ volt so I think also it is in the lead to the dashboard, but the mechanic in KL said that it is in the lead in the alternator so he want to replace the alternator. There are now 3 lights burning on the dashboard Battery, Dieselfilter, T belt.
Dieselfilter is clean, T belt changed 60.000km ago and alternator works quit well. So what is the problem???

Need a wiring diagram to 'see' the common links between these lights ...

there may be one side of these light systems that are connected together and go ... either to earth or battery +ve...

Sorry .. no diagram here to figure it out. Requires the diagram and some logical thinking. Good Luck.

ChrisC 9 Dec 2013 06:42

Try calling: Julian at: Overland Cruisers | Overland Cruisers, specialists in preparing and servicing Toyota Land Cruisers

Might be able to help


2globetrotters 3 Jan 2014 04:25

Electric problems
After searching days and days, replacing a new alternator with the same problem, we opened the old one and found the trouble maker after testing.
Replace this thing ( whats the name?) and no lights on the dashboard.
So every body thanks for helping.

Harry m 5 Jan 2014 09:31

diode pack ? glad you have it sorted :thumbup1:

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