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-   -   HJ Hand Primming Pump (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/light-overland-vehicle-tech/hj-hand-primming-pump-61599)

goodwoodweirdo 30 Jan 2012 15:56

HJ Hand Primming Pump
Hi guys I need a new hand priming pump for my HJ75 with the 2H engine, now I understand this fits most of the 80’s Toyota LC diesels and Mercedes 250/300’s and G wagens... the part was superseded with a Bosch part which seems to be no longer manufactured..

Here are some of the part numbers :
Fuel Pump / Diesel Priming Pump Landcruiser H 2H B 3B HJ45 HJ47 BJ40 BJ42 HJ60 HJ61 HJ75

Priming pump
Toyota: 22501-77021
Denso: 09219-50
Bosch: 2 447 222 125 or 2 447 222 126

I’m not getting any luck locally in finding one for sensible money ... I’ve been offered one in France but its the early all plastic type and they want as much in postage...

Anyone have idea’s / contact or even a spare they would sell on ?

Many thanks Matt

tacr2man 31 Jan 2012 10:52

Fuel Pump /Diesel Priming Pump Toyota Landcruiser 40 Series 60 Series H 2H B 3B | eBay

is the above what you are looking for ? :thumbup1:

goodwoodweirdo 31 Jan 2012 12:21

It is .... I'd found that but recon having it shipped from OZ is extreme... these Bosch pumps are used on all the 80's Mercedes, I must be able to buy something locally...

If I don’t find anything by the end of the week I’ll order it and wait for delivery...


tacr2man 31 Jan 2012 12:45

might be worth trying these they are amain bosch dealer

Euro Car Parts Delivery | Car Parts | Car Accessories | Car Tools

the first part no you quoted has been superceeded to 2 447 101 038
which bosch compares with
DAF 1354258
MAN 51 12150 7018
the next numder goes to 7021 or merc 472 090 01 50 HTSH

goodwoodweirdo 31 Jan 2012 16:32

Fantastic, I had a new number of 2 447 010 038 and the local Bosch agent has 2 in stock... I mean how useless can someone be... so tomorrow after I buy all his stock (€15 each), I’ll propose he resigns from a job, clearly he’s not interested in and get out there....

ChrisC 5 Feb 2012 19:52


Originally Posted by goodwoodweirdo (Post 365389)
Fantastic, I had a new number of 2 447 010 038 and the local Bosch agent has 2 in stock... I mean how useless can someone be... so tomorrow after I buy all his stock (€15 each), I’ll propose he resigns from a job, clearly he’s not interested in and get out there....

Find it a bit difficult to understand the basis for this comment!?

tacr2man 5 Feb 2012 22:39


Originally Posted by ChrisC (Post 366099)
Find it a bit difficult to understand the basis for this comment!?

I think its simple enough , he had been into his local bosch agent with an old part number , and also vehicle spec, the local parts chap did not even manage to find out that the part had been superseded , I found that info in the bosch parts catalogue , and gave the new number . I have no connection with bosch , :oops2: HTSH :cool4:

goodwoodweirdo 6 Feb 2012 18:14


Originally Posted by tacr2man (Post 366144)
I think its simple enough , he had been into his local bosch agent with an old part number , and also vehicle spec, the local parts chap did not even manage to find out that the part had been superseded , I found that info in the bosch parts catalogue , and gave the new number . I have no connection with bosch , :oops2: HTSH :cool4:

Sorry a little rant, indeed given the Bosch agent plenty of info but not the latest p/n ... now remeber the range of cars this is fitted to ... with the right number he had 2 in stock, cheap enough for me to buy both of them and keep one in stock...

He just didnt fancy helping me I guess...

ChrisC 7 Feb 2012 09:30

Bosch parts man
sorry I might have jumped the gun there a bit


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