Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Landy mechanic in Italy? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/light-overland-vehicle-tech/landy-mechanic-in-italy-63959)

roamingyak 27 Apr 2012 08:08

Landy mechanic in Italy?
Does anybody know of any good independent landy mechanics in Italy - anywhere between Bari and Swissland would be fine ;-)

gary27 29 Apr 2012 13:02

I don't know of any independent landy machanics here but there is a main dealer here and the macanics are good I've used them several times we are near Poggibonsi It's on the way to Switzerland about 30 km south of Florance.
And about 4 hours from the Swiss boarder. What do you need doing?

roamingyak 1 May 2012 21:02

Thanks mate, 3 years in Africa and she needs a few tweaks...

I thought it would be prudent to have a few options when I get off the boat etc. Still another 1,000km of desert heat before I get on the ferry...

gary27 1 May 2012 22:19

O.k No problems If you need somwhere to stay for a few days whilste you get it serviced then your welcome to stay with us

roamingyak 2 May 2012 08:31

Thanks mate, that would be great either way - perhaps drop me an email with your details etc? A gps waypoint would also be useful ;-)

My emale is dj at my username

Cheers, dj

gary27 3 May 2012 21:23

Hi dj
I tryed E-mailing you but it got rejected so here are my gps coordinates
43° 31' 03' 82N 11° 05' 07' 44E So if you want to stay your more than welcome just let use know when you think you will arrive and if you like i'll book you in the land rover garage other wise they tend to drag there feet.

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