Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Have you made a difference? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/make-a-difference/have-you-made-a-difference-20825)

Susan Johnson 14 Feb 2005 01:21

Have you made a difference?
As we travel through other countries, especially in the 3rd world, only a hard heart would not be moved by the poverty, illness, environmental damage, and the aftermath of wars that you see and hear about. But we may feel powerless to help or feel that our efforts will not matter.

Many travellers know better. Some are using their trip as a vehicle for fundraising into research and treatment of diseases such as muscular dystrophy or polio. Others seek out volunteer opportunities such as wildlife conservation or simply want to help out in a country in exchange for the hospitality they’ve received.

This forum will be for those travellers who have ‘made a difference’ to tell us how they did it, what the experience was like, and how others can help. Also, non-profit organisations or individuals can describe opportunities for travellers to help out in a worthwhile cause and provide contact details.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead"
Susan and Grant

Susan Johnson

'One world, two wheels'

tucan 17 Feb 2005 04:18

gday susan
great idea as a lot of are riding for more than just the joy factor.
we are mick , chris ,paddy and now late starter scott , we are doing a london to vladivostock ride leaving london 15th may 05 riding via norway ,the stans,mongolia and siberia .
we are riding for a miserable terminal disease called FREIDREICHS ATAXIA it is an australian registered charity and being so rare gets very little funding , so we plan to change that .we have raised over $5000 to date and are planning a big fundraising /sendoff do in london on the 14th may .
now here comes a question , could we con you in being a guest speaker for us ? what an honor that would be .
please check out our website at http://members.home.nl/thelaststans/
for all about the ride and of course the charity .
again great idea

DaveSmith 17 Feb 2005 05:17

I've got a donation section for epilepsy on my site (I'm epileptic). I don't know what sort of donations they've gotten though. The link just goes to a generic donation page.


Trying to ride (and work) my way round the world on a 1965 Ducati 250cc. Australia, New Zealand and Japan are first. http://nokilli.com/rtw/

Susan Johnson 18 Feb 2005 01:54


<font face="" size="2">"could we con you in being a guest speaker for us ?"</font>
Be honoured to help send you off http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I'll mark it in my calendar, drop me a note closer to time with details.


tucan 18 Feb 2005 20:59

gday susan
fantastic news ,i shall let you know the details of the venue asap .
i am driving an overland truck in south america at the moment but shall be in london around the 20th april , look forward greatly to meeting you .
again thankyou so much for your support

lost1 19 Feb 2005 02:23

Susan, what a great idea.

I was so moved by what I saw when I was travelling in Africa that I volunteered my time with several orphanages along the way. This gave way to working for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) for 7 years. It is not so easy getting work with international humanitarian organizations while travelling through these lesser developed countries, however there certainly are alot of opportunities to apply for via internet or when back home. a good resource is the vacancies at reliefweb.org. or msf.org
Many of these organizations require logistics or admin type people.

This is certainly one way of contributing to those places that left you with a feeling of wanting to do more.
If you can't give the time you can always send a donation.

Send me an email if you have any questions.

Polly 14 Apr 2007 08:11

Riding for handicap International
Hello Susan and Grant
I am a newbie on the Hubb :thumbup1: but addicted:mchappy: for ages,
Together with my wife Patricia I did work for Handicap International (HI)( known from:Ban landmines, ban clusterbombs actions etc..)(personal finance volunteering gifts volunteer at handicapinternational.org) We worked in Congo,in Yemen and in Sri lanka and now we are about to end our mission in Indonesia..and ....taking a break to..
YES...we are planning to make our dream come true:scooter: (I just submited a request for a blog:Brussels to Christchurch(NZ) and...)(pat and pol)
We would like to visit some missions of HI on our tour (in SE Asia) and we hope to create some awareness about our work and to do some sensitization on the subject...

Is it possible to link Handicap International website with this blog, or to create a link for donations to the organization?
I am afraid to be very much of an amateur on internet :confused1:
Can I submit such a idea to my organization?
Can I request some technical assistance to create such a link( if Icould eventualy not manage this?
Thanks for listening,
Meet you on the road somewhere...

llanelli 14 Apr 2007 08:28

Riding to link schools.

we are planning a ride next year from UK to Australia. Our aim is twofold:
1) To raise awareness of the plight of the Ethnic groups in Burma.
2) To link schools around the world to celebrate our similarities and promote acceptance of our differences.

We currently fund a refugee school on the Thai/Burma border which came about through us travelling in the other direction (only got to Thailand and volunteered there for 6 months instead).

we are both teachers who work in Special Education schools. I wonder if we can work together for mutual causes.

Many Thanks

Andrew and Wendy

Polly 14 Apr 2007 08:33

Sorry, Susan and everybody who is reading the post reply: Riding for Handicap International

This is a mistake, this NOT the web adress of Handicap International

Here is the REAL ONE

Handicap International - Handicap International

Sorry, sorry, sorry

(I told you I was some kind of an :censored: on internet)

mattcbf600 14 Apr 2007 10:06

Just spotted this - cracking idea :-)

Bill Ryder 14 Apr 2007 14:39

Helping out at home
If you happen to live in the USA and think you will never be in the position of helping someone in the heart of africa, think again. You have skills and resources that can make a real difference. My wife and I were at a indian reservation in New Mexico last fall and shared some of our skills, time and money. My wife saved a wonderfull old wise womans leg. She had a bad infection and wouldn't use the health care available to her so my wife acompanied her to the town hospital and made sure they didn't admit her and keep her away from her people. I fixed the gas supply so they could cook and then fixed the hot water heater that had been broken for a year. We helped out several other people that didn't have running water in their house. We left with a really good feeling in our hearts and continue to send books and money to the headman to be used for the children.

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