Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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iainnic 11 Oct 2011 22:13

yes - excellent evening - well worth the long travel down to see it all happen ! Look forward to the "products" of the Ted Simon Foundation - looks very promising and some great potential there !


The Ted Simon Foundation 12 Oct 2011 18:13

After the Launch
Great to hear all the positive feedback about the launch event and many thanks to all those who trekked up/down/over to Coventry for it.

There's a quick run-down on the event here, which includes a link to a selection of photos from the night.

A list of the members of the Committee of Advisors is now online (including Grant, with profiles on everyone to follow soon), along with details of the first group of Jupiter's Travellers.

For those of you attending the Cambria Traveller's Meeting this weekend, look out for Ted Simon who'll be talking about the Foundation and Jupiter's Travels. He'll also have some Foundation stickers and pin badges for anyone that's interested.

The Ted Simon Foundation 19 Mar 2012 17:47

Jupiter's Travellers and The 2012 Jupiter Discovery Ride
It's been quite a while since I last posted an update about the Foundation, so here's a quick catch-up....

Last week we announced another seven Jupiter's Travellers who join the 29 already being supported by the Foundation. You'll find the announcement on the blog here.

There's a new magazine-style section on the website called Journey Insights, where Jupiter's Travellers share their perspectives in writing, photography and film.

Back in February, Rene Cormier joined the Committee of Advisors.

And bringing things right up-to-date, earlier today we launched a new project called The 2012 Jupiter Discovery Ride: LA to Flagstaff, which is an opportunity to spend two weeks riding a BMW R1200GS to Overland Expo in Arizona in May. Applications close on 20th April.

Ted Simon will be presenting at Overland Expo as well as at the big UK summer HU Meeting in Ripley in July.

The Ted Simon Foundation 17 Jul 2013 17:55

Major Foundation Update
It's been well over a year since I last posted about The Ted Simon Foundation in this section of the HUBB, which is a reflection of the conflicting commitments I and my Foundation colleagues have had until very recently.

Lots has been happening in the background though and we've just finished a significant update to the Foundation website.

For those that may not be familiar with it already, The Ted Simon Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation based in northern California. We encourage adventure travellers to "go the extra mile" and be reporters of truth in the world. The purpose of the Foundation is to bring those truths to the general public, to counter the generalisations of the media, and to remind us all that life is lived family by family, mile by mile, regardless of the great issues which may be dominating the news.

We're now supporting a total of 77 Jupiter's Travellers from 14 different countries who are either planning a trip, on a journey right now, or returned home and working on a book, film or other project to communicate their experiences.

We'll soon be launching a new membership scheme and starting to prepare for the 40th anniversary of the beginning of Jupiter's Travels in October.

One of the many things I should have posted a long time ago is this video from 2011 in which Ted talks about the concept behind the Foundation's work (from around 3 minutes in)....

The Ted Simon Foundation 20 Jul 2013 08:11

New membership scheme - Jupiter's Companions
The Foundation's new membership scheme was launched this morning.

It's aimed at individuals who share our principles and would like to contribute their ideas, enthusiasm and experience to help our Jupiter's Travellers and their writing, photography and film-making projects.

Full details are available on the Jupiter's Companions page of the website.

The Ted Simon Foundation 7 Aug 2013 10:39

Jupiter's Angels - Corporate Membership
Following on from the announcement last month about the Jupiter's Companions personal membership scheme, The Ted Simon Foundation has now launched a corporate membership option called Jupiter's Angels.

It's aimed at businesses that would like to associate their brand with the principles of the Foundation and support the writing, photography and film-making projects of our Jupiter's Travellers.

Your help in spreading the word about the new scheme would be very much appreciated.

Lucky 24 Jan 2022 10:08

Is the Website down? Why?
https://jupiterstravellers.org/ does not respond - Server not found!!

Is there no more foundation activity?

Rapax 24 Jan 2022 13:09



Grant Johnson 24 Jan 2022 23:31

I think it's all ended sadly. I will check and confirm.

Lucky 28 Jan 2022 12:05


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 625834)
I think it's all ended sadly. I will check and confirm.

Thanks for investigating Grant - very sad indeed if it ended.


Grant Johnson 28 Jan 2022 18:51

Update from Ted today:
"...Unfortunately the woe is all over the foundation which has subsided out of sight and now exists only in the minds of our heroic travellers. We just couldn’t get anyone to give us any money, so we really couldn’t afford to keep the site going.
I guess we didn’t make enough of a difference."
So, sadly, it's all over.

backofbeyond 30 Jan 2022 15:36

Sorry to read that Grant. I never really 'got' Ted's foundation but there were enough travel 'A' listers involved that you'd have thought it would have been mainstream in the bike travel world. Certainly sad to see it go though.

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