Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Working with Manatees in Belize - Wildtracks (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/make-a-difference/working-with-manatees-belize-wildtracks-20828)

Grant Johnson 4 Mar 2005 01:45

Working with Manatees in Belize - Wildtracks
Organisation: Wildtracks
Address: Wildtracks, P.O. Box 278, Belize City, Belize
Tel: (00501) 423 2032

Location: Sarteneja, NE Belize.
Geographic area of activity: Corozal Bay and NE Belize jungle habitats Conservation activity: To protect and preserve the jungle habitats of NE Belize. 2) The conservation and research of the Belizean manatee population.

Key programme areas: Conservation. research, outreach and sustainable
development (working with local communities)

Desired volunteers: Wildtracks strongly favors volunteers with experience and qualifications to Masters / PHD level in the above listed key programme areas. There are some opportunities for basic physical work such as clearing trails etc. but it is limited.

(To give a better idea of the kind of volunteers Wildtracks likes the current volunteers base consists of:
1 x PHD Marine Biologist
1 x PHD Tropical Tree Specialist
1 x Logistics Officer
1 x Graduate Oceanographer
1 x Community development and Funding Officer (Liz)
1 x Rural Economist on Business Health Advisor (Me)
2 x Tropical Conservation Management Professors

As you can see, its all a bit specialist and we just happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right skills. However, I hope this helps the site and can give some people a few options along the way.

All the best
Chris Smith and Liz Peel

posted by Grant for Chris and Liz
See their blog for more.

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