Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Best route from Thessaloniki to Istanbul (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/best-route-from-thessaloniki-istanbul-38235)

Tybalt 6 Oct 2008 17:05

Best route from Thessaloniki to Istanbul
Hey all! I know I read a post about this somewhere but for the life of me I can't find it! Does anyone have good suggestions for a good motorcycle route into turkey (IE pretty and slow - not highway!) Much appreciated!

PS and I always welcome other good road tips - I'll be in Turkey for a month or so so bring um on!

ozhanu 6 Oct 2008 20:44

hi there,

just go to Michelin group: Tires, car tire maker, guide michelin, michelin map and sustainable mobility. there you can plan your route. I have been in Greece twice and I always took the motorway.

In your case, there are good small coastal roads until the Turkiye boder. When you enter Turkiye just take the E90 and E84 road. By the way, it is getting colder and might be worst by the coast.

Drop me a line when you are in Turkiye. We can meet for a beer/coffee and if you need there is free accomodation for you.

Have fun

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