Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Runner 6 Apr 2004 13:58

I am a bit ropey on carnets.

If I am taking a car from the Uk to Jordan and back via Syria and Turkey...

a) Do I need a carnet for Turkey?

b) Is the carnet cost per country visited? In other words, does it inscrease as you add more states to the list of places you are transitting through?

Ta http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

simmo 6 Apr 2004 20:37

a) technically no but if you have one they will stamp it.

b) No- depends on the highest amount of duty payable in the countries you are visiting, eg Iran is around 500 percent on bikes, so deposit is based on that figure..you should only be able to sell it in one of the countries you are visiting!


pietro.spera 7 Apr 2004 14:46


Originally posted by Runner:
a) Do I need a carnet for Turkey?

b) Is the carnet cost per country visited? In other words, does it inscrease as you add more states to the list of places you are transitting through?
a) Riding from Europe to Turkey, you don't need a carnet, at least if you are a EU citizen (I'm italian and they never asked to me, except when we drove back from Iran, but I don't think it's in your plan);

b) You pay to obtain the carnet. When you have it, you can use it all the times you need without paying anithing more (except some fee at every custom for documents and stuff and for insurance)

ozhanu 18 Feb 2005 07:32

Hi all..

I have some questions about carnet. I am planning a long trip to Middle East on summer 05 or summer 06 depends how much I can save till this summer. I am a citizen of Turkish Republic but I'm currently living in the UK and have a UK driving licance and a F650 with a UK reg. plate.
My route according to my plans will be:

UK->Italy => Ferry=> Italy->Turkey and then Syria(transit)->Lebanon(6 days)->Syria(transit again)-> Jordan (transit)-> S.Arabia(transit)-)Oman(3 days)->UAE(6 days)->Qatar(3 days) Bahrain(3 days)-> Iran(6 days) and back to Turkey and the UK.

1-What kind of carnet do I need?
2-How much it will cost?
3-Where can I get the carnet for this trip?
4-Will it cover all of the contries that I mentioned above?

5-Do I have to have a International Driving Licance or will my UK driving licance enough?
6-What sort of insurance MUST I have?
7-Any other advices welcome..

Thanks in advance
ozhan u.

beddhist 18 Feb 2005 21:43

Carnet: contact the RAC, they will answer all your questions.

Insurance: get a Green Card from your insurance co. and make sure it's valid for all the European countries you want to visit, incl. TR. Not sure what ME countries it may cover. Alternatively, you can get insurance at the TR border, maybe cheaper than paying extra in UK.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


ozhanu 21 Feb 2005 20:08

Thank you very much for your advise. I'll call RAC soon.
ozhan u.

ozhanu 25 Feb 2005 10:36

Runner, look what I've found for Turkey:

Motorist Rules
General: Those who wish to enter the country with their vans, minibuses. Automobiles, station wagons, bicycles, motorcycles -motorbikes, buses, motor coaches, trailers, caravans or other transport vehicles, will have to provide the following documentation:
1. Passport
2. Driving license.
3. Car license ( documents where all details related to the car and owner's name are registered). If it is somebody else's vehicle a power of attorney should be provided.
4. Internal green card (Insurance card). The TR. sign should be visible.
5. Transit book "Carnet de Passage" (forthose who want to proceed to the Middle East).
Period: The vehicle can be brought into Turkey up to 6 months. If for any important reason the staying periods has to be extended it is neccessary to apply to:
-The Turkish Touring and Automobile Club ( Turkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu)
1. Oto Sanayi Sitesi Yan Levent Istanbul. Tel http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif212)212 8140(7 lines) Fax http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif212)2826842
Directorate of Customs (Gumrukler Genel Mudurlugu) Ulus Ankara
Tel http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif312)31038 10-31038 18 Fax: (312) 311 13 46, before the end of the period declared.

Good Luck
ozhan u. www.ozhanu.com

guyharris 30 Mar 2005 18:01

The lady to contact at the RAC is Sue Collins on 01454 208000 or e-mail at sjcollins (((A-T)))}} rac.co.uk

She will help you with the carnet; there are basically 3 options:

1. Pay a deposit for between 2 & 5 times the value of the vehicle, refundable on return of the carnet.

2. Give a bank guarantee for the same.

3. Pay an insurance of 10% of the above fee, half of which is returnable on return on the carnet.

E.G. If your motor is worth £1,000, then you must pay / deposit or guarantee between £2 & 5,000, dependent on where you're travelling. (Egypt is 5 times vehicle value, Syria is 2, but you have to pay the highest.)

Fun, eh?!

Sue's email address obfuscated by Grant - no point in giving the spambots another address to collect - especially when it's someone we want to be nice to us! Always obfuscate an address if you MUST put it here. Note that Sue's contact info is also on the Links page.

[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 30 March 2005).]

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