Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Middle East (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/)
-   -   East Africa WITHOUT Egyptian Carnet possible? UK Bike (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/east-africa-without-egyptian-carnet-71399)

jaybee 23 Jul 2013 16:39

East Africa WITHOUT Egyptian Carnet possible? UK Bike

Does anybody know whether it's still possible to enter Egypt without a Carnet? The UK RAC Carnet for Egypt at 800% is almost prohibitively expensive. Other options?

Route through Saudi?
Temporary Egyptian Carnet, depositing €2000?
Libya is current shut I believe.

Please advise, planning to depart on the trip in Aug from UK. Destination: Cape Town!


Surfy 23 Jul 2013 21:39

Isaac had to bought a carnet in egypt at 2013, like John before in the 2012.

Here at the HuBB you can read their experiences:


But it is still africa. Maybe the next try is a success again? Just look that you be able to financially buy/resolve issues on your trip.

The Carnet is not so expensive, when you watch it in detail. You just deposit money, you get it back afterwards.

Whats about the west route? I try to list all travelers on the west route - who wrote/write a blog since 2012:http://transafrica2012.blogspot.com/...unterwegs.html


jpyrek 9 Sep 2013 18:03

NOt sure where you are at this time...but when I did this route (and had the same issue of not wanting to drop 800% of the value), I went with the indemnity option as opposed to the guarantee option for the carnet.

The cost structure was a tad different. witht he guarantee option, you pay your carnet fee + 800% of the value of the vehicle..and then applicable taxes.

With the indemnity option, you pay the carnet fee + (10% of 800% of the value of the vehile...or 80% of the value of the vehile) + applicable taxes.

THe difference in refund is when you discharge your guarantee option carnet, you get all of the money back less your fee...and with indemnity you get back 1/2 of your deposit not including the fee.

See if that is an option for you. We also were to get our vehicles valued at $1,200 and $1,000 respectively...which aided us greatly in having inexpensive carnets.

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