Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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nrgizr 28 Jun 2010 13:12

First Time to Mid East
Hi all,

I’ve read lots of useful stuff here and hope for an update.
I’m planning to make my way with girlfriend as pillion all the way to Syria this August on my F800GS.
My questions are:
  • I understand that a Carnet is not required and that Insurance can be purchased at the border. Is anything specific required though such as an International Driving Permit or a translated (Arabic) copy of vehicle registration certificate?
  • Is travelling in August gonna be extreme i.e. the heat too extreme…..only mad dogs…
  • Has anyone travelling there on british plates been hassled due to political tensions
  • Do I need to pay all duties every time I cross the border should I decide to travel on to Jordan or Lebanon.
I’m fairly new to the game of overlanding….and please be patient with my begginers queries?!! Cheers for your help. :mchappy:

Knight of the Holy Graal 29 Jun 2010 07:40

I rode from my hometown in Italy to Jordan and back in 2008, and I can tell you that I had to obtain the International Driving Permit (anyway, I was stopped at a checkpoint between Petra and Amman but the two very friendly cops did not even want to see it).
No need to have the motorcycle's documents translated into Arabic.

Duties: I think you have to pay them at every border crossing but to tell you the truth I don't remember well how it was way back two years ago.

I rode there in August, and I can tell you that Syria and Jordan are really hot (but if I'm here writing to you, it means I survived... :cool4:). Drink plenty of water, it will be easy to find it, because gas stations are quite well spread over the territory and they sell every kind of fresh beverage you may need.
WARNING: on August 10th the Ramadan period begins, and drinking in public areas from dawn to sunset may not be appreciated by observant muslims...

It's an easy trip, anyway, don't worry. People are fantastic and helpful everywhere.

ozhanu 29 Jun 2010 15:02

carne is not a must but will help and cut a bit of expenses.
in august expect 40+ degree celsius
i dont think you will have any problem because of your number plate as soon as you act like an traveller and not as an politician.
International licence is needed.

have fun.

Knight of the Holy Graal 29 Jun 2010 15:13


Originally Posted by ozhanu (Post 294794)
as soon as you act like an traveller and not as an politician.

Fantastic sentence!! :thumbup1:

ThomasWillington 1 Jul 2010 10:43

I will be doing the mid east next year at some point including time in Palestine, and have done similar research, but cannot speak from first hand experience. International drivers licence can't hurt, I've got mine. It is not a big cost. Don't worry about translations of the other documents or a carnet of course.

I think there is a fine line between paying full costs and bargening them down a bit. Depends on each situation, and you don't want to get yourself into too much trouble, but you can try. Again, no first hand experience. Have a good trip!

bunda 6 Jul 2010 05:38

I did it in august / september, the only realy big problem with the heat I had in the Oman...

From my papers, I only had to show my bike title at the borders.
The police / millitary checkpoints only wanted to see my passport.
In syria they asked for the carnet at the border.

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