Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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5 Eyes 29 May 2007 23:19

I meant HI Sammy, like Yoni says :)

Caminando 30 May 2007 01:35


Originally Posted by bravo (Post 124802)
If you're ever in Israel look me up. I ride a 1997 Yamaha XTZ660 Tenere and would love to show you around.

Isn't there a UN embargo on visiting Israel and the Occupied Territories of Palestine?

hook 30 May 2007 07:44

Hi everyone (where is Bravo- the one who started this thread?), I crossed from Egypt into Israel yesterday at Taba. It took over 3 hours due to the security. No problems otherwise. Now it's time to find this pub in Tel Aviv...ride safe guys!

yoni 30 May 2007 09:25

Hi Gary
Have fun in Israel. from mid July to mid Aug. I'll be riding 2 up from Greece to Bulgaria, Romania, Hungaria, Austria and back via Yugoslavia to Greece and home.

Take care

hook 8 Jun 2007 20:18

Here is some important news for folks considering loading their bikes on to a ferry from Haifa to Cyprus: don't. I plan to load the shipping info to the shipping pages when I get out of Cyprus. Rosenfeld didn't tell us what they should have before we boarded the ship to Cyprus (like the port tax was higher than the 150euro we paid for the trip in the first place, etc). Go the land route via Egypt-Jordan-Syria-Turkey with the rest of the smart people. Israel is an expensive dead-end. Arriving in the port at Cyprus I wasn't sure who was more disgusted, myself or the 3 Slovenians that endured the Cyprus port authority with me...more on the way to the shipping pages. I'd advise against using Rosenfeld. If you do, ask for details- they don't like those. (Details meaning, "when does the ship depart/arrive," etc). YONI, thanks so much for taking the trouble to post the Rosenfeld contact info. I have to ask, have YOU ever made the trip from Haifa to Turkey? I understand you are only providing information and are not an agent for Roseneld, but this thing was ugly. I am in my third and expensive day now- and not impressed. Bon chance! H.

yoni 10 Jun 2007 08:18

Sorry mate but:
I'm not any kind of any agent of any Rosenfeld. all I'm doing is my best for this comunity. I'm really sorry you got in such a mess with them. As I understand taxes on the Cyprus side is a subject you need to contact Cyprus athorities (or try doing that with any Cyprus HR member). I did the trip with Rosenfeld twice to Athens. they did a very good job with my trip. I did a trip to Turkey but did not pass via Cyprus.
As we all know - before lounching to a RW Trip, we learn and study the political situation on the rout we intend to pass. and I'm sure you did your homework and know something about the history of Cyprus and it's problems with the invation of the Turks, since then they don't recognize any kind of Turkish acts in Cyprus including a passage from the Greeck side to the Turkish. and you are one of many victems of that atitude. KAPISH?

Before answring you now, I contacted one that did it to Turkey and back via Cyprus. Thats what he said: "Cyprus athorities with their Greeck oreintation are doing trouble to those that are declaring they are going to the Turkish-Cyprus side (that is the only way to go from Cyprus to Turkey) They are doing that by forcing them to pay the maximum insurance fees for the 60km. from Limasol port to the turkish side."

Again I'm really sorry for you, for us Israelis this is the only way to go visit the world with our car or bike. you can recomend going via Jordan Syria and Lebanon (hope I hade have the oportunity to do so:) ), but that is another story considering time money and other unknown trobels.

Take care
and please let us know how your trip went on.

hook 10 Jun 2007 12:01

Yoni- I think you misunderstood me. I don't mean to put any blame on you- or Israel! I blame the port authority in Cyprus, what a disaster. Further, Rosenfeld didn't tell us about the expensive port tax in advance. The tax was more than the fare. On the ship we were given a plate of meat, beans, rice and a bottle of water. The crew then informed us that there was no more food or water available (we spent more than 16 hours on the ship). Luckily, I had some food and water with me. Part of the problem was that our ship wasn't a ferry, but a cargo vessel; an old Greek ship with a Russian crew. Rosenfeld didn't mention this to us. Rosenfeld didn't tell any of us that we should bring food and water, how could anyone gloss over this point?? Israel was beautiful and fun, but northbound riders should simply head further east. There is a ferry from Haifa to Greece that might be easier, but I'd simply go through Jordan/Syria/Turkey and save time and money. By the way, there were no hassles about the Greek/Turkish issues at any point in my journey through the Med (KAPISH?). Ride safe everyone, H.

Hi david

Sorry for the late reply

As far as I know, there r 2 weekly cargo ferries going to pireus (Athens)
thru Cyprus & Crete. U can go along for the ride but its 3-4 days & the
accommodation is basic.
+ they don't always have room 4 human passengers.
I myself sent the bike with the ship, & flew over to meet him, it's the same
The phone num of the shipping company that handles the ferry is -04-8613671
- talk to ALICIA. From out of the country its 9724-8613671.

Let me know if I Can be of any further assistance.

I got this email after the fact. Such is life, H!

yoni 10 Jun 2007 19:58

Got the point Hook
I'm going to talk with Rosenfeld's people tomorrow and ask them to respond to that. I will write here their respond.

Ride safe

yoni 12 Jun 2007 07:49

Hi Hook
Yesterday spoke to Rosenfeld guys. told them about your complains. The man said they have told you its a cargo ship not a ferry. and he himself realy don't know the Cyprus taarif or tax regulation for thos coming by cargo ships.
What I can add is that he did not give a @#% to my very angrey words telling him that his company is using their monopoly force on this line. and that I think they shuld write a paper with some kind of instructions to those that go with them.

So what I recomend is sending the bike to Athens by cargo ship and flying their.
that is what I'm going to do in mid July on my way to easten europe.

Again, as an Israeli I'm sorry for the trouble you had.

Hope your trip will go on better.

5 Eyes 12 Jun 2007 13:03


Originally Posted by hook (Post 137449)
By the way everyone. As of May 24, 2007, Rosenfeld is running ferries from Haifa to Cyprus and Piraeus (near Athens) each Monday and Thursday. I spoke with Alicya today. Thanks much for the info Yoni. H.

good News Dave.
I plan to leave my bike in Tel Aviv for the winter and get the ferry from Haifa in the spring and ride home to my little emerald Isle :)

BTW , I agree with you about not missing Petra, I've been already and it is a fantastic day trip.
Crossing between Egypt/Israel/Jordan is not such a big hassle


samolapraga 18 Feb 2008 23:07


Originally Posted by yoni (Post 139311)
So what I recomend is sending the bike to Athens by cargo ship and flying their.
that is what I'm going to do in mid July on my way to easten europe.

Hello Yoni,
Sorry for reviving this thread but i couldn't pm you to ask this question. I wanted to know if you managed succesfully to send the bike to greece, europe in your planned trip? How was it and how much did it cost overall? I am asking this because i am planning a trip in the ME together with 3 friends and we are arriving in Israel coming from Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. We would then like to take a ferry from haifa to somewhere in greece / turkey / anywhere possibel close to home on our way back. Do you have any advice on that? Going back by land is out of the question since we only have 1 month for all this trip, and i would't like to rush back home.

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