Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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bravo 24 Jan 2007 09:53

If you're ever in Israel
If you're ever in Israel look me up. I ride a 1997 Yamaha XTZ660 Tenere and would love to show you around.

hook 20 May 2007 13:18

Hi Bravo, Dave here. I'm sitting in Aswan now, still waiting to get my bike out of customs- tomorrow will be day 5 of this hostage crisis! Anyway, hope to meet you in Israel, Hook.

5 Eyes 20 May 2007 22:45

hi Bravo

welcome to the HUBB

I will be starting a trip from cape town to cairo on the 1st July and hope to get to Tel Aviv on or around the 5th august.
We will be crossing ( hopefully ) at Taba and then into Eilat and then ride up tp Tel Aviv .
We are hoping that a few friends will meet us at the Border.
One thing for sure is that we will be having a big Party in the Molly Bloom pub and youre welcome to come

see you then


yoni 21 May 2007 07:31

So here it is once more
Ho Dave, got your mail.
please read this:

To get an up to date info on shipping your bike (or car) to Israel from Greece
or the other way, Call Rosenfeld co. in Israel
it is: 972-4-8613671 or: 972-4-8613613 (if calling inside Israel it is 04-8613613 or, 04-8613671)
Ask for Alicya or Rashid and they will help.

Have fun


hook 22 May 2007 06:53

Hi Yoni, thanks for the email. I checked the Rosenfeld website a week or two ago and the site said the ferries from Israel-Greece were suspended for the foreseeable future. I'll try giving them a call. Thanks, Dave. By the way, Salamis and Poseidon lines have also suspended service to/from Israel...

5 Eyes 22 May 2007 14:39

Hey GUys

I am planning a big party in the Molly Bloom Irish pub in tel Aviv on or around the 5th April.

PLease come and bring many :)


hook 22 May 2007 17:31

Hi Gary, you mentioned the 5th of April- did you mean June? (I just re-read one of your older posts and realized you must mean 5 August- bummer I won't be around!). I'd love to visit said pub in Tel Aviv! Hope your planning is going well. See you on the road, H.

yoni 22 May 2007 19:25

Hi Hook. use the phone.
If you need info on using Rosenfeld's service, use the phone and talk to those names. Their site is not up to date,
This is the middle-east and here we close things personally :))

see you

Samy 23 May 2007 12:19

Hi Bravo,

How to enter to Israel by bike? Is it possible to pass from Egypt? How can I get into Israel by my bike?

I really don't know.

I visited Israel three times and all were by air. I really would like to do but really don't know how.

I live in TR and I have to pass Syria and Jordan by land and you know it is impossible.

5 Eyes 23 May 2007 20:41

Hook , I did mean the 5th August.. sorry you wont be there

Sammy.. getting into israel is no problem but DO NOT go through Gaza.
The way we plan to go is from Cairo across the Sinai through the border at Taba.
if you need any help give me a shout i have some friends there


Samy 24 May 2007 08:12

Hi Gary,

Is it possible to enter directly Israel from Egypt?
May be you pass from Jordan/Aqaba?

Is it possible to pass to Israel from Jordan?

hook 24 May 2007 08:33

Hi Gary and Sammy, Gary I just read your post about Gaza. A new map I just picked up mentions that the Gaza Strip is under control of Palestine. Crossing at Taba seems a shame- to be that close to Petra and miss it...there appear to be no roads south of the Dead Sea heading into Israel. One option might be to catch the fast ferry (visas for Jordan available onboard) from El Saradin to Jordan. It looks like an easy day to Petra from there. Then one could boogy down to Elat and head north in Israel. Depending on the Haifa ferry situation I might head for Libya/Tunis- all options are open. I'm calling Rosenfeld today and will let you know if you'd like. Good luck guys! H.

yoni 24 May 2007 14:27

Hi Sammy and Gary
You were asking:
"Is it possible to enter directly Israel from Egypt?
May be you pass from Jordan/Aqaba?

Is it possible to pass to Israel from Jordan?"

All answers are "YES"!

have fun

hook 24 May 2007 15:01

By the way everyone. As of May 24, 2007, Rosenfeld is running ferries from Haifa to Cyprus and Piraeus (near Athens) each Monday and Thursday. I spoke with Alicya today. Thanks much for the info Yoni. H.

5 Eyes 29 May 2007 23:18

HI Yoni

Like Sammy says its no problem to cross into Israel From egypt.. the border crossing is called Taba, you cross there and the first town you meet is Eilat which is a great place.

Do not be tempted to take a short cut through Gaza at the moment.. not a good idea

have fun and rember Im having a party in the molly bloom pub in Tel Aviv some time between the 5th and 9th August


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