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guyharris 30 Mar 2005 18:08

Insurance on Syria / Jordan borders?
Hi guys & gals,

I'm travelling from Norway to Egypt in May, by 4x4. It is impossible to obtain 3rd party cover for Syria and Jordan before departure, and I'm told you buy this cover at the border.

Does anyone have experience with this? Is it difficult, how much does it cost etc? I am, of course, travelling with a carnet.

Thanks!! :-)

pietro.spera 31 Mar 2005 11:46

It's easy, especially at the Jordan border. To buy insurance it's part of the burocratic stuff you have to do at the border, but I don't rememeber the price...

guyharris 31 Mar 2005 15:02

Thanks Pietro! I've been hearing very different stories. I'm very seriously considering NOT going, but leaving my vehicle with friends in Turkey and flying to Egypt.

Have a great day! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

fireboomer 3 Apr 2005 19:40


That is also what I heard / read. Wouldn't worry too much. Just don't arrive in the evening at the border. Give yourself and the borderguys some time. Get there around noon or in the morning.

We are leaving Belgium May 15th for Jordan on two motorbikes. Might see eachother on the road?
We are crossing into Syria around may 20th.


pietro.spera 4 Apr 2005 13:50

Guyharris, don't forget you need a visa for Syria, to obtain in advance. The visa is issued at the border in Jordan and Egypt.

At least this was the rule 3 years ago for us (we are italian), but I guess it is the same for all the europeans.

Dagge 6 Apr 2005 18:12

You need a Visa for Syria beforehand *if* your country has a Syrian embassy. For example us Finns can get the Visa on the border since we have no Syrian Embassy. It doesn't matter if you've gone through countries that have an embassy.

What comes to the liability insurance, they sell it to you on the border in both Syria and Jordan. I don't remember the prices for Syria but I think everything, Visa, insurance etc. was around 1400 Syrian pounds on a motorcycle (don't remember the exchange ratio). Just do not go through Syria on export plates, that cost me 450USD.

The insurance for Jordan was about 9 Dinars.

Douglas Hackney 13 Apr 2005 11:29

We used a Carnet in both Syria and Jordan. Also make sure you have your title and registration for your vehicle. I used color copies and never pulled out my original of either the title or registration.

They see dozens of Carnets a day, so are very familiar with them.

Insurance is indeed very easy to purchase at the border and very low cost.

I can also confirm the visa information. You must have your visa *before* you arrive in Syria if your country has a Syrian embassy. Get a multiple entry visa for Syria, it will allow you a side trip to Lebanon.

You CAN NOT enter Syria if you show an Israeli visa or a border crossing exit stamp from Jordan or Egypt at their border crossing with Israel in your passport. The Syrians will check your passport very carefully for any evidence of entry into Isreal (occupied Palestine). They couldn't figure out what our Bhutanese visas were, but finally let us in. Be prepared for overwhelming kindness and hospitality in Syria.

Jordan was very reluctant to let us in with our motorcycles, as only the royal family can ride in Jordan. It took us about four hours to convince them to let us through. You won't have any problem with your 4x4.

Syria was incredible. Plan for plenty of extra time there. Jordan was not so incredible. Allow plenty of time for Petra, but otherwise, just take the King's Highway for the best scenery.

Tip: Write your VIN and engine serial # inside the back cover of your passport. It will save a lot of time filling out the forms.

More info on crossing borders in Syria and Jordan at:


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