Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Iran, Syria, UAE, Oman & Turkey (road) maps (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/iran-syria-uae-oman-turkey-19426)

Margus 15 Feb 2005 01:58

Iran, Syria, UAE, Oman & Turkey (road) maps
Looking for detailed Iran, Syria, UAE, Oman & Turkey road maps.

Topological info, also "beutiful viewed" roads and sightseeing marked maps come in hand.

anyone can recommend any from his/her experiences?

Cheers, Margus

Margus 26 Feb 2005 15:00

Just found these for Iran:


nobby 26 Feb 2005 15:26

try stanfords,long acre,london wc2

cheers nobby

ozhanu 28 Feb 2005 06:05

here is the web site of stanfords:


ozhan u. / www.ozhanu.com

Margus 23 Apr 2005 02:58

Got Iran & Tourist map 2004 from a friend sending it from Tehran, along with local province and city maps in interest. They all costed about 1-2 dollars there, while in web shops you pay more than 30+$ or so for them.

So if you're looking for cheaper solution on maps maybe buying them from Iran is more proper way...

Cheers, Margus

ozhanu 23 Apr 2005 08:36

Are the maps which are posted from Iran English or only in Persian language? Is it possible to find English map in Iran?


ride safely
ozhan u.

Margus 23 Apr 2005 18:56


Originally posted by ozhanu:
Are the maps which are posted from Iran English or only in Persian language? Is it possible to find English map in Iran?

Mine are bold-english & small-persian hybrids, so you can use some local people for recognizing names etc, very helpfully conducted maps. I think Iran is about to complete decent tourism infrastructure in near years, most of political steps seem to prove it (visa now easyer to get, airlines working worldwide, lot sightseeing information spreaded etc). Can't wait when it get's Carnet-free indeed... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif

Those maps were bough from some library in Tehran, so i'd say they are availalbe there.

Cheers, Margus

[This message has been edited by Margus (edited 23 April 2005).]

niels 23 Apr 2005 20:14

i am in iran for the moment, and i am using the reise know how maps. really good map. some austrian couple gave it to me. did some offroaddriving and till now i only found 1 little mistake on the map (or maybe it was me).
check them out.a german company. its made out of some plastic material, wich you can wash and wouldnt break afther using it a few times. in iran i only saw maps in farsi..
hope tis helps...

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