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Bossies 17 Jul 2007 11:02

Jordanian Visa in London
1 months ago Travcour told me that as a South African I could only get a 3 month visa for Jordan and that it would take 3-5 days to apply for.

Finally last week the Jordanian embassy website went live and it advised that none-(list of countries) first had to apply for approval which wuold take 4-6 weeks and then only could you apply for the visa itself. Well obviously in panic I downloaded the required forms from the website and headed down to the Jordanian embassy. On arrival I was told I had the wrong form and was handed a new one which I filled in there and then. They then told me to sit and wait. 10 minutes later they said all is OK andf I can come collect my passport in the afternoon and oh yes...it's a 6 month multiple entry.

Oh yes and they were going to charge me £25 over and above the claimed visa application fee of £21. Well the visa was free.

Once again I have come to realise that so-called visa agents add very little value to the actual process which they make out to be so very complicated which in fact is made very straightforward with a bit of patience and a smile.

Caminando 17 Jul 2007 12:55

My S. African friends tell me that they are not welcome in many countries and have a lot of paperwork hassle. Is this because of apartheid or what?

So it's a nice change to read of one country at least which lets them in easily.

Unlike Canadians who seem to be welcome in most places.....it's that lovely maple syrup they bribe border guards with...

Bossies 17 Jul 2007 14:00


Originally Posted by Caminando (Post 143735)
My S. African friends tell me that they are not welcome in many countries and have a lot of paperwork hassle. Is this because of apartheid or what?

So it's a nice change to read of one country at least which lets them in easily.

Unlike Canadians who seem to be welcome in most places.....it's that lovely maple syrup they bribe border guards with...

Until the early 90's it was still that reason yes, but now it's just the fact that South Africa is lumped in with Somali, Nigeria, Niger etc as another source of potential illegal immigrants so are all treated with suspision.

Saffa's were until recently allowed free access intop Turkey, something about helping each other out in the old days, but now we also have to get visas there.

But then visa's are free for Jordan (as I found out with this application) and Egypt.

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