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Boxertwinuk 27 Aug 2006 23:14

Riding in Dubai?
Hopefully someone that stays in Dubai or nearby can tell me please - what're the riding conditions like there? I have a GS1200 andmight be relocating out there. Is it worth bringing my bike with me from the Ukor should I consider buying one out there?

Stephano 28 Aug 2006 06:05


Riding broadly falls into 2 categories here: on-road and off-road

On-road is almost exclusively good condition tarred surfaces. Off-road is mainly sand tracks/dunes but rocky wadis (dry riverbeds and valleys) are an option.

There are also subcategories such as MXing (off-road) on a track, track days at Dubai racetrack or parking a Harley outside the Hard Rock Café.

BMW would say that your bike could do either on or off-road but I’m assuming that you would ride it mainly on tarmac and occasionally in some wadis or on sandy tracks if the tyres were appropriate and you didn’t mind dropping it.

There is a fairly active BMW club and a few destinations that you can visit on a regular basis. However, the UAE is a small country so on-road riding is limited and could get boring quickly. The most fun is off-road on a lighter bike such as a KTM or Honda which you can buy here.

If I were you I would ride my 1200 over here for the experience and to have it around as and when needed (you can always ride it back again by another route) but also buy an off-road bike for the weekends.

Weatherise, humidity makes summer riding unpleasant but most of the year it is fine.

Finally, UAE roads are safer out of cities but quite dangerous for bikes within built-up areas.


Boxertwinuk 28 Aug 2006 09:43

Thanks for that, I have a lighter off road bike as well - a Husqvarna TE610E for off roading and I do use my GS for light off-roading as well. I'm not happy selling my car either and might look at getting it shipped over...is this relatively expensive to do?

Boxertwinuk 28 Aug 2006 10:22

I meant to ask are there any taxes or Carnets required for bringing vehicles into the country?

Stephano 28 Aug 2006 11:48

Best not to
Re: The Car
Don't bother unless it's got AC and even then I'd be cautious. UK spec cars could find the heat over here very punishing.

Boxertwinuk 28 Aug 2006 12:21

Well the car has AC and is a year old, running on fully synthetic oil I would think it should be okay...is there any carnets req'd for cars & bikes?

Stephano 28 Aug 2006 18:01

As a general rule, the UAE doesn’t levy duty on imported personal items. I have also brought in commercial goods on a small scale and not been charged duty. However, things change so you could e-mail the UAE Automobile Touring Club which is the organisation here that issues carnets and see if you can get a reply out of them. You won’t need a carnet for the UAE but as for import duties…

atcuae @ emirates.net.ae

A close friend imported her car from Florida 9 years ago and doesn’t recall any difficulties.

Stephano 28 Aug 2006 21:07

Where's your steering wheel?
I think being right-hand drive might be an issue for long-term importation as opposed to just travelling through. Try to check that specifically as they drive on the wrong side here.

Boxertwinuk 28 Aug 2006 21:10

From what I've been told, I can't register a RHD vehicle in Dubai - they won't allow it...so I need to figure out of they'll let me bring it in and use it...

Thanks for the help Stephano.

Sheikyabooty 4 Jan 2007 07:01

Hi guys I have just bought myself a dakar and am a new rider in dubai, and from all the tales I keep hearing about riding in Dubai its kinda making me wary of riding in Dubai. I have lived and been driving here for the past year and a bit, so I understand the mentality, but I would like some hints and tips and maybe meet up.


Porridge 4 Jan 2007 08:12

Hi Sam,

Although I dont have a bike at the moment, I spent four years riding around Dubai on my Triumph Daytona. The traffic is pretty crazy, but to be honest I had bigger scares riding round Paris a couple of years ago! I fully intend to get another bike as soon as possible, partly due to the traffic congestion and partly because I miss riding!!

The old saying that 'loud pipes save lives' is especially true here! If they can hear you, at least they are aware that you around somewhere! Basically never assume a thing with traffic here. Due to the huge number of nationalities driving on the roads, you will see some truly amazing stupidity. I do wonder sometimes how anyone can be so stupid, but its a fact of life that the driver training is pretty useless and the driving tests vary from 3 minutes to 10 minutes (I am serious!) Riding defensively (or offensively) will come very quickly to you as the learning curve is steep!

There is a group that do ride outs most weekends. I think its mostly road bikes (sports) but there seems to be a number of off road and dual purpose bikes as well. You can check the forum out on www.biggles.net

Hopefully see you out on the road soon!

Porridge :thumbup1:

Stephano 13 Jan 2007 19:56


Originally Posted by Sheikyabooty
Hi guys I have just bought myself a dakar and am a new rider in dubai. I would like some hints and tips and maybe meet up. Sam

Sam, I've just bought a road bike so drop me a line if you'd like to go for a ride somewhere. :) Stephan

Sheikyabooty 14 Jan 2007 05:16

Thanks for your responses guys, its nice to know other bikers are out there. Stephano, I shall definetly be dropping you a line soon, as I need to rack up some miles. I also have some offroad training on the 19th with BMW which would be nice.

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