Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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monkeybikestef 17 Aug 2005 05:09

Saudi to Scotland
I recently got a daft idea in my head to export a bike from Saudi to Scotland and ride the thing rather than ship it. I am considering going via Iran and Turkey at the moment but that might change with the current goings on in Iran. I have most of the information i need and i would like to here from anyone who has done a similar trip in a car or on a bike.
The only major detail i need to find out about is the procedure for exporting the bike out of Saudi and the legality of riding on export plates?
If anyone has any info or top tips please share.

Thanks!! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Dagge 23 Aug 2005 18:05

Atleast in Riyadh, you will not get export plates for a bike, that wasn't a huge problem though, I just made my own. That had a few advantages like printing the numbers and letters in latin characters instead of arabic. What you will get from the traffic police is a paper saying that it's ok to export the bike, that paper will also have a number of the plate. Get it translated, you'll need it in non-arabic speaking countries like Turkey.

One piece of additional advice, do not go into Syria with export plates, really, I mean it. It'll cost you several hundreds of euros and the bike has to be with a transit convoy all the way through the country.

monkeybikestef 5 Sep 2005 05:21

Thanks for the advice. Syria is definatly crossed off the list!

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