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beddhist 1 Nov 2006 22:22

Spare parts to Iran or UAE

I need a new brake disk fairly urgently. Is it feasable to have it sent to either Iran or UAE? Will it likely get "lost" if sent registered to a poste restante address? What about customs?


Stephano 2 Nov 2006 03:47

I was struck when crossing Iran, south to north, that I wasn't asked for a cent anywhere. Not for disembarking, customs, checkpoints, bribery, exiting... nothing. That was impressive for a not-so-wealthy society after the efforts to extract money here, there and everywhere at Dubai ports (both official and unofficial).

That said, there are no customs charges on private mail here in the UAE (yet). There might be in Iran. Registered post to the UAE is also reliable.

Funnily enough, my friend picked up a parcel from Sharjah post office yesterday and they are now charging 75 fils (20 cents) per day for storage of uncollected mail! If you would like a safe delivery address and prompt collection (!) in Sharjah/Dubai just send me an e-mail.


brettsyoung 2 Nov 2006 04:04

I'll be in Iran (Bandar Abbas) on 7 Nov, coming from the UAE. If you want a hand getting a part and think the UAE option is the way to go give me a yell. Your disk might be available in Dubai already...if you tell me what you want I can ring around.


beddhist 2 Nov 2006 19:21

Thanks for your offers of help guys.

I have no show of getting to Bandar Abbas by the 7th. In fact, there is serious flooding in Eastern TR right now and the forecast is for more rain and snow in the Far East, don't know yet if and how this might delay me.

So, I think if you, Stephano, email me your postal address then I have the parts sent over soon. (Anybody else in your area need some DR parts, while I'm putting an order through?)

I think if I don't use the rear brake too much the disk will last some time still.

Thanks again,

Stephano 4 Nov 2006 05:38


Originally Posted by beddhist
Stephano, email me your postal address.

Check your e-mail, Peter. :scooter:

jcbp 14 Nov 2006 17:55


Originally Posted by BrettUAE
I'll be in Iran (Bandar Abbas) on 7 Nov, coming from the UAE. If you want a hand getting a part and think the UAE option is the way to go give me a yell. Your disk might be available in Dubai already...if you tell me what you want I can ring around.



Just out of interest, whats the crossing like between Bandar and UAE? Is it bike friendly? Is it easy to find a ferry from the Bandar side?


brettsyoung 9 Dec 2006 07:49

Yes it is easy (easy being a relative term of course).

There are several helpful, English-speaking port officials who will be happy to explain the process. Make sure you're willing to lose the best part of a day getting it all sorted. There is no graft on the Iranian side, just a process. The officials get bikes from time to time and so are used to the unique issues. The Deputy Head of the Port is especially helpful.

The crew on the ship were helpful and got me to load my bike early to get it out of the way. It was well strapped, and I was able to wander down and check on it during the night. In hindsight, I would have left a lot more of my luggage on the bike instead of carrying it - there is luggage everywhere by the time the boat sails and no-one seems particularly concerned with its security.

The port is easy to find - it's at the end of the port road (just ask anyone in town) or follow the coast road west as far as you can go. The passenger ferry is at the entrance of the port proper and is likewise easy to spot. It's worth checking Google Earth to see the lay of the town - pretty straightforward. When you go into the front entrance of the passenger terminal, head to the offices on the left if you need assistance. Someone there will summon help. The people you need are beyond the security point, with the usual nasty jackboot types guarding the entrance.

hope that all helps. Brett

beddhist 12 Dec 2006 12:24

It takes even more than the better part of the day, it takes ALL day. We were told to arrive between 8 and 9 am and when the port offices closed for the day around 3 PM our carnets had still not been processed completely. Although this is a car ferry, vehicles are carried as FREIGHT, with all the paperwork and fees that involves on both sides (bill of lading, etc.).

A young customs agent did most of the running around for us and he didn't even want money for it. He even fed us! I did give him some money, though.

It might be a good idea to get some UAE Dirhams before leaving to avoid having to change money privately with customs people at a bad rate.

The ferry itself is not bad, despite its age and condition. We got comfy benches to sleep on.

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