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hopelessly lost 5 Dec 2007 15:51

Turkey/Iran weather advice
I originally planned to ride through Turkey and into Iran in late October. I applied for my visa months ago, but I've only received it now (actually, I'm going to the Iranian Embassy in Syria tomorrow to see if it's really there... I have my doubts.) Anyway, here's my question - is it even possible to ride through Turkey and into Iran right now (early to mid-December), or should I simply admit defeat and ride south? (I'm in Syria now, and it's a little chilly here!) I've really wanted to hit Iran for a long time, but I don't want to suffer needlessly in the snow. Advice is appreciated.

Dessertstrom 5 Dec 2007 16:32

I see there are some very big hills in Turkey so it's going to be very cold, even here in Saudi the wind chill is getting worse. I once nearly got hyperthermia (is that right?) in December crossing the mountains here because it was raining and I had to get back for work.
There is always the train.
Good luck with your trip.

DukeXTZ 5 Dec 2007 23:10

stay south.
a friend of mine went from iran to turkey few days ago, and he sent me a mail about his situation. He told me that in Maku (Iran) they have -5°C during the day. In Turkey even worse. 1m snow and -15°C. He tried and failed to cross the mountains to van. He tried to cross the mountains on a pickup, but this attemp failed too. Finally he made it on a big truck. Bitlis (Turkey) is according to my friend covered in ice. He had some nice crashes in Bitlis.

(Sorry, had to translate from German)

He went south, and should be too in Syria. Maybe you can meet him. (a german on a V-Strom.)

hopelessly lost 6 Dec 2007 10:41

Thanks for the replies. the sad thing is... i pretty much knew the answer. it's just that, i've been trying to get to iran for so long that i was looking for a little glimmer of hope. but, at least the replies have made my decision to abandon iran as a motorcycle travel destination (in december/january) a little easier. i'll head south. sigh. by the way, i finally got my iranian visa.

cozcan 6 Dec 2007 11:55

Iran seems to be out of your agenda but if Turkey is still in, west Anatolia will warmly welcome you. I am looking out of my window and it is like spring outside with bright sunshine. Temporary rains (sometimes heavy) but not much of a problem and we here can ride everyday of the year.

cozcan (from Izmir, Turkey)

alexpezzi 6 Dec 2007 14:08

Train to cross Turkey in winter

Originally Posted by cozcan (Post 162277)
Iran seems to be out of your agenda but if Turkey is still in, west Anatolia will warmly welcome you. I am looking out of my window and it is like spring outside with bright sunshine. Temporary rains (sometimes heavy) but not much of a problem and we here can ride everyday of the year.

cozcan (from Izmir, Turkey)

Hi there,
I was thinking going the same way (Turkey - Iran) at the very beginning of the new year and I was looking for trains for me and the bike to cross Turkey from Istanbul or the southern coast to Irtan but there seems to be none in winter, does anybody has a link or a suggestion? Anyone has done it before?

alexpezzi 6 Dec 2007 14:42

got it...
sorry guys, just found on the hubb exactly what i wanted... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...797#post159807

Ekke 6 Dec 2007 15:40

Congratulations on the visa!!!
Where to now Jeremy? We are in Cairo at the moment (perfect weather) and having a little trouble with the Sudanese visa application. We thought we had it cased by doing all the legwork in Canada but we are back to square one here. Still hoping to catch the Dec 17 boat from Aswan though. If this doesn't work out maybe we'll bypass Sudan somehow. You had mentioned doing something similar yourself. From Israel to Djibouti?

hopelessly lost 6 Dec 2007 22:14

well, my plans have changed so much i no longer know where i am or where i'm going. i'm currently trying to figure out how to leave my bike in syria for a few weeks while i fly to iran. i have a secure place to put the machine, but i don't know how things will work with the carnet or syrian visa when i return. (i've managed to get visas at the border with no problems both times i've entered syria, but i don't know if it's so easy at the airport.) i'll create a new post with these questions, or search a bit more on the hubb. anyway, i don't think riding south through africa is on the agenda any longer... i'm stuck in the middle east (and quite enjoying it!)

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