Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Visas for Syria still being issued in Amman? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/visas-syria-still-being-issued-63868)

m2m 21 Apr 2012 20:01

Visas for Syria still being issued in Amman?
I'm an Australian passport holder...any recent experiences?

itchyfeet38 22 Apr 2012 12:31

No, was only possible for Jordanian residents even before the troubles. Same true of Cairo - only for Egyptian residents.

Contact your home embassy for advice.

m2m 22 Apr 2012 13:11

Thanks for your reply, I guess you're correct that at the moment it's unlikely any Embassy of Syria will issue a visa to a Westerner...but who knows? The below link reports that Australians have received visas at the border, see:

Syrian visa at border for Australians? - Lonely Planet travel forum

Anyway, apart from not being able to get a visa to enter, the risk of getting caught up in the violence is just too high so I'll have to find another route.

m2m 22 Apr 2012 13:20

...although, this traveller reported on the Lonelyplanet Thorntree on 16/4/2012:

"I am currently travelling through Middle East, starting in Saudi Arabia (just the airport - I could not get the visa because I am a single female non-Muslim traveler!!!), and hopping across UAE, Oman, Yemen (right on the election), Lebanon and now in the war-torn Syria. Contradicting to most stories, getting visa from these countries ( i mean Yemen and Syria) are not that of a big deal for EU passport ( i have DUtch passport). I contacted a travel agency to get invitation for Yemen, and got the visa at Lebanon border for Syria in 15 minutes. Syria has been great. Safe, friendly, extremely hospitable, CHEAP (hotel room 300 bucks down to 50). I am the only tourist in the whole country it seems. Feel very special. Today travelling to Palmyra, saw 200 tanks and was asked 200 times to show passport but the solders are very welbehaved and friendly.
In the course of the next 6 months, i will keep hopping to Jordan, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Next year the travel continues to Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Afganistan and many other TAN TAN countries eastwards. Contact me on facebook if you have questions. I also post my travel updates there.
CultureMove.com | Facebook "

itchyfeet38 22 Apr 2012 14:40

As I understand it getting a visa on the border depends (or at least did depend) on whether you have a Syrian embassy in your own country. So Dutch friends of ours got a visa at the border last year as there is no Syrian embassy in Holland. This was last summer so after the current problems began but still a while ago.

British/South African friends got a visa in Khartoum, again last summer. If you are not past this point you might try there.

Poppino 10 May 2012 23:45

Hey to all, I dont know who is telling the story, that you cant enter Syria at the moment??? I camed from Jordan, and got without any problems a 3 days transit visa for 8US plus 30US incurence for the bike. In Hama I couldnt get an extension, but easily in Aleppo. Then, I left Syria at the Killis border, and they told me I hav to come back soon, transitvise wouldnt be a problem. two days ago, because of different reason I tried to go to the turkish Nusabyn Border, but that one is completly closed! So I drove to the Jarabulus one, and it wasnt any problem to get a visa there again. They told me its a3 days transit visa, so I paid 8US for Visa, and 8US Customs. But I figgured out, its a 4 week touristvisa! So, its possible to come to Syria from both sides!!! And its worth, I will stay a couple of days again here in Aleppo, before returning back to turkey! So all the best to all oberlanders!

chris.perjalanan 12 May 2012 20:11

@ poppino :

Where is your country of residence / whats your nationality ? Currently on my way to turkey, should be in jordan in 4 month so that would be fantastic news !!!

greetings from Kampala/Uganda,


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