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annabiker 4 Jan 2002 01:09

My name is Anna Ioannidou, I am a twenty-seven year old biker from Greece.
I am an active biker my self since 1996 and I have travelled with my Moto Guzzi V65 several miles in and outside my country. At the summer of 1999 I became aware of organised bike touring while in a trip in India. Since then I haven¢t stop being delighted by the concept of this kind of business.

A life-long love of travelling and nature has led me into trekking, camping and much road riding. From all weather commuting to long road trips, through endless breezes and flies, motorbiking has grown to be a way of life to me.
I have driven in Europe, a little bit in India and a lot around Greece.

When I do not bike, I am a free-lance graphic designer and I also work a lot with video.
I speak very fluent English as I have spent five years in England while studding.
Also I have a British motorcycle/car licence.

My decision came after a very serious thought and an ever-growing will, to live and work with bikes.

)anna ioannidou(

A.B. 4 Jan 2002 22:10

I might have something for you Anna. Please find my email in my profile and email me.


[This message has been edited by A.B. (edited 05 January 2002).]

annabiker 6 Jan 2002 17:31

Dear A.B.

I got your e-mail and I will respond to you by early this week
as there are some problems with my e-mail host.

best regards,

Gabriel Graham 18 May 2002 00:06

Hello Anna,
I am a student travelling through Europe this summer, and was considering shipping over a Harley for a trade somewhere in my travels.
I'd appreciate your advice as to whether you think this is a good idea or not. What areas are safe for me to ride through? Should I be considering some issues before I make this expensive and dangerous endeavor? Let me know.

Grant Johnson 21 May 2002 02:06

Shipping your bike over isn't inexpensive, but it's not dangerous. Europe is no more dangerous than Canada and probalby less dangerous than USA.

Selling the bike may be difficult though. Best not to plan on that unless you want to get into serious red tape cutting and paying duty on it. Find a buyer in advance, or check on the requirements for selling a foreign bike in a particular country first.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

anna9 23 May 2002 02:31

Dear Gabriel,
I suppose you are living in the states? I can not advise you about shipping and trading but I know that each country has slightly different laws on that matter. We are" Europe" but not all laws are the same for all countries. In Greece the laws on that matter are still taken from the ice age...

On traveling... I belive that Europe is safe and quite easy as there are a lot of good roads and you can speak English allmost everywhere. Gets expensive though some times. Italy for example has a lot of road tolls (brrr), but still there are back roads if you look carefully. It will be usefull is you could find a Camp Site guide (if it exists) as you can not free camp in all countries. There are a lot of orginised Camping though. In French country roads you can sleep over the little stop overs next to the road.
Have you though of buing a bike while here and sell it at the end of your trip? It may cost less than shipping etc.

Do not let anything stop you from doing this trip.
If you thing you are low on money for Europe you can always try India. Super cheep and a great place to ride!!

Good luck!!!)anna(

Great Escape Tours 14 Oct 2006 00:52

Hi Anna,

I was wondering how your search for being a motorcycle guide has been going. I'd love to hear about any more travels you have done, and if you ever were able to hook on with a tour company!



a1arn 15 Oct 2006 20:46

Not the same thing
Riding to satisfy yourself and looking after a group of people are two pretty different situations, the latter involving a whole lot of things that will have very little to do with bikes.

I guess if you like being around people, making friends, and have a high tolerance levels for the occasional obnoxious character, it may well be your cup of tea! You must have given all this due consideration while making your decision, and I hope you get what you want soon.

bralaoui2007 16 Feb 2008 03:08

hello anna,
congratulation for all what you did in the motor road.i m a saharian boy living in the South Est of Morocco where the Paris Dakar past.this place is very prety and very good for motobikes.i enjoy this sport and loving it because it make the cultures to meet each other.
my dream is to organize a small Paris Dakar with small groups for meeting the adventures and living crazy moments in the desert.
i know very well the desert and the pists.i own a campsite for hébérgement.
many thinks to discover,dunes,oasis,road of fossils,lakes...
so if you are interesting about this suggestion you can contact me in my email adress: ibrahimtouareg@caramail.com

best regards,

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