Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   No money=Need Sponsorship...is it possible? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/money-saving-ideas-making-travel/no-money-need-sponsorship-possible-24978)

mikeb8man 6 Jan 2007 22:19

No money=Need Sponsorship...is it possible?
I am planning to ride from p.e (in s.a) to paris up the east coast of africa in August 2007. However i was wondering if any others had success in applying for sponsorship from companies for equipment etc... or if it is just a waste of time..Oh yeah anyone got any idea of costs for a trip like this of three months?

Grant Johnson 13 Jan 2007 22:02

Sponsorship has been discussed a number of times on the HUBB - do a little search and you'll find all sorts of opinions. There's also loads on how much it costs to do a trip. It's one of those "how long is a piece of string" questions. Plan on anything from US$20 a day per person per bike to as much as you can spend.

Re sponsors, the main thing is that in order to attract a sponsor(s) you need to have PROOF that you're actually going to do it. Completing a similar or harder trip in the past on your own money, documenting it well, lots of visibility in magazines and tv etc and looking professional makes it possible - not definite, but possible to get sponsorship. Remember, they have every man and their dog beating on the door for sponsorship - and they have all given something away, and then never hear or see the guy again, so they tend to slam the door in your face the instant you say "sponsor".

And even then, most people that DO get sponsorship will tell you that it wasn't worth the effort. By the time you jump through all the necessary hoops to convince the sponsor and make them happy, you could have worked at a regular job for poor to medium wages and been ahead - with no responsibility while on the trip to anyone but yourself.

It also depends on where you're from - some countries are much more used to the idea and more amenable - or think it's fantastic and no one has ever done it before so are willing to help. But they learn quickly...

hope that helps a little! DO search - there's loads of opinions on the subject.

Lone Rider 14 Jan 2007 00:48


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson
And even then, most people that DO get sponsorship will tell you that it wasn't worth the effort. By the time you jump through all the necessary hoops to convince the sponsor and make them happy, you could have worked at a regular job for poor to medium wages and been ahead - with no responsibility while on the trip to anyone but yourself.

Very true.

Gaining sponsorships seems ´cool´to some people. It´s actually a pain in the rear.

bartman10 25 Jan 2007 20:31

I've had some success, but it's not something that you would expect to pay for a whole trip.

So far I've been given a couple of Camelbak hydration sytems, some tough Factory 909 handle bars and big dessert style hand guards and some aluminum sheet to make panniers from.

It's worth asking for 'luxury goods' from sponsors. E.g. I could survive without the stronger handle bars and the hand gaurds, but having them could make a big difference in the likely event of a spill. If you do it that way then you don't feel like a sponsors unwillingness to help will ruin your trip. You'll just have to cut back on the luxuries.

It's also worth contacting the distributors and asking for wholesale prices or end-of-line prices.

Trouble is many of the most expensive things you need to pay for in cash, eg immunisation, air tickets and bike shipping. Sponsors are far more likely to give you products than cash.

Make sure you get on very good first name terms with your local bike dealer (go to one of the smaller dealerships and deal with the owner) and tell them what you're planning. You'll be surprised at the discounts.

Break into the local club racing scene and help with flag marshalling or timing or editing the club magazine or something. Racing clubs are always looking for non racing members to help. That way people will recognise your face and recognise you as one of the good guys who hangs around the track doing all the shit jobs in the rain and mud. A lot of bike shop employees race and if you're marshalling or something they'll realise you are giving up your free time to support their hobby, so they might be more willing to help you and your hobby.

It's all about the personal relationships. It doesn't matter how impressive your trip is, if you're on first name terms with your suppliers they're likely to help out.

Before you approach someone for sponsorship make sure you have all the paperwork sorted and on hand, so if they ask you for any detail you can give them an immediate response. It's all about a professional image.

Remeber you never get something for nothing. It takes a lot of time and can be very disapointing when you get knocked back.

Thanks to:

SportsPro / Factory 909

Extreme gear / Camelbak

Ullrich Aluminium

Ampro / MSR

parkie 25 Jan 2007 23:36

Interesting riding apparel there bartman :eek3:

Surely a bit cold for the girls - I hope they plan on sticking to the tropics....

wicjo 7 Mar 2007 03:19

lets join up forces!
I'm planning an identical trip for the same time.
I got a little bit of funding from my university already.

But lets join up forces, for at least part of the trip.

What are you riding?
Where are you from?

I just bought a Tenere'85 and will try to get it into shape before the trip.
If that won't work I will just take my Kawasaki KLE500, which I usedd for two 5k miles trips around Russia, Turkey and the Balkans.

Please drop me a line:
wicjo (aatt) irc (ddoott) pl



Originally Posted by mikeb8man (Post 122969)
I am planning to ride from p.e (in s.a) to paris up the east coast of africa in August 2007. However i was wondering if any others had success in applying for sponsorship from companies for equipment etc... or if it is just a waste of time..Oh yeah anyone got any idea of costs for a trip like this of three months?

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