Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Morocco (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/morocco/)
-   -   Anyone going to Marocca late July/Beg August? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/morocco/anyone-going-marocca-late-july-88393)

MauriceWeltreise 22 Jul 2016 16:11

Anyone going to Marocca late July/Beg August?
Hello guys, after 9000km i arrive soon in Gibralta. I dont know when i am next so close to africa, i wanted to ask whoever is going:

Is anyone going to Marocco in the End of July Beginning of August???
If yes, please let me know if i can join you or your group for a certain period of time, depeding of your plans ofcause! :)

Sofar i have no ferry ticket and whatever else i need :D

Cheers, Maurice


g6snl 22 Jul 2016 18:42

I don't think you will meet many groups going that way at the present time.

I think the most important thing you need apart from ticket will be the knowledge of how to stay cool ! July-Aug get VERY SERIOUSLY hot.

MauriceWeltreise 25 Jul 2016 08:10

Thanks for your answer g6snl :)
Number one skill must be : stay riding :) at least that works a bit in hot areas of Spain...

I may have 2 person from Netherlands through Fb, but not for sure right now...

If there are no more responses in the end of next week, that topic can be closed please :)

Gesendet von meinem D6603 mit Tapatalk

Massive Lee 1 Aug 2016 03:20

I wouldn't ride Morocco, especially the South in July or August, unless you have a very good resistance to heat. I had 40°+ in April and it was tough... Daily water drinking was around 8 litres. And water is a matter of life and death. So get plenty.

MauriceWeltreise 1 Aug 2016 08:36

Seems like I will not drive there, as there are no people contacting me, but that's ok. I probably asked at the wrong time of the year :)

8 Liters a day is plenty! I carry only about 3 Liters with me in Europe.

the weather is more hot here in Malaga right now, than in Morocco.

Gesendet von meinem D6603 mit Tapatalk

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