Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Car/4x4 exit info? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/morocco/car-4x4-exit-info-94577)

Hagrid58 23 Mar 2018 13:17

Car/4x4 exit info?
Has anyone recent experience of the Maroc - Spain crossing in a 4 wheel(or more) vehicle. Last time out of Tangier Med the queue for the xray machine took 5 hours! Is it still as bad?
Was thinking of using Ceuta instead but have just been told there is an xray machine there now, not sure how reliable that info is as it wasn't from first hand experience.
Tangier Ville is an option but would prefer to exit via Tangier Med or Ceuta if possible.
So has anyone left Maroc recently and how bad were the delays, if any?

TheWarden 23 Mar 2018 15:34

Seems to be luck of the draw at Tanger Med, when I came back before Christmas it took about an hour with being x-rayed.

Read a horror story yesterday of a French guy coming back via Ceuta last week which ended up with 24 hours in a police cell after a scam involving illegal immigrants! Apparently after clearing Moroccan customs and before Spanish searches an immigrant hid in his van

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

priffe 24 Mar 2018 00:44

A friend recommended Tanger Ville - Tarifa, small ferry (20 vehicles?) means it is much faster. And the corruption of old times may be no more.
May check it out next trip.

tony johnston 28 Mar 2018 05:33

I've been through TM several times in the past two years,last time in February.and have not experienced those kinds of delays for the x ray.It may have been a one-off 'glitch' of some kind for any reason.

I try and cross mid-week and try and check to make sure there are no major Euro or Maroc holidays that would affect volumes of traffic. Last Xmas took me 6 hrs to get thro T Med as I had picked a bad day to cross so,I learnt the hard way.

Hope we get some more current feedback for this thread:innocent:

uknomad 28 Mar 2018 15:08

Likewise, never really had a problem using Tangier-Med, unless carrying "goods" which is a different kettle of fish.

Haven't been through Ceuta for about 7yrs.

As above; not on holidays or late Fridays and weekends are generally busier, I tend to find earlier ferries on week days days quieter. Recently been in Oct, Nov and Jan this year, and back in May.

You are on Africa time. :thumbup1:

Tim Cullis 29 Mar 2018 08:47

It must be luck of the draw, I've not experienced more than 5 minutes wait for the X-ray machine.

uknomad 29 Mar 2018 16:45


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 581305)
It must be luck of the draw, I've not experienced more than 5 minutes wait for the X-ray machine.

They probably know who you are Tim. :mchappy::thumbup1:beer

WolfgangK1 5 Apr 2018 11:58

Hi, ,
I used the ferry from Tanger Med to Algeciras on Sunday 1.4. 18, it takes only 30 Min. through the whole custom.
Differant to the entrance, I must wait 3,5 hours.
Baleares Ferry was 3,5 hours delayed on both ways , very sad and never again.

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