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levelo 25 Mar 2020 18:43

Thanks for the update Tim.
A friend of mine ( French national ) is stuck near Er Rachidia. Camping out by himself, everything is fine so far, but he is only allowed to go buy supplies in the nearest market. The Police won't even let him drive further to a proper supermarket.
He is wondering what to do next.
Is there a " reliable " way of knowing when the ferries run ? Or when they will start running again ?

TheWarden 25 Mar 2020 20:30

Ceuta border is currently closed to everyone but ferries are still running goods into Ceuta from Spain. The camper van armada has been offered an old army barracks to camp in along with Tanger Med car park.

Not heard anything about the army rounding people up from tbe desert and I know a few still out there. It likely that when they have to resupply they will not be allowed to roam around again.

A big Unicat 6x6 arrived with us last night having driven from Erfoud 700km away. They were waved through most checkpoints it seems without trouble or a travel permit

PS there is a proper supermarket in Er Rachidia, on the main road north to the Ziz Gorge

levelo 25 Mar 2020 21:10

Thanks mate.
My friend hasn't been hassled by Police. They know where he camps and are quite friendly They haven't ordered him to move on. He'd rather stay where he is than get stuck in Tangiers though.
He'll only make a move If ferries start running again.

TheWarden 25 Mar 2020 21:24

The campervan colony in the north will be miserable, and even worse with the heavy rain and flash flooding that hit the region over the last few days.

If he gets bored and can get to Boudnib then I think theres no charge at the moment to stay at the campsite. They've had to close the restaurant and the owner is stuck in France but its not a bad place to stay.

RayCaldwell 26 Mar 2020 21:30

Levelo, we are in a French owned campsite just outside Ouarzazate (Ait Ben Haddou side). The owner is being very helpful and kind and I'm sure wouldn't take much persuasion to allow your friend in. The campsite is called L'Escale De Ouarzazate. There is an oued adjacent to the site which we have been walking up and down the last few days without any bother and the site has a (cold) pool which as the only Scot here, I am using. Things do seem to be tightening up though - we did our second trip to the Carrefour in Ouarzazate today but would not have gotten there without paperwork from the campsite owner. Following confirmation of the Ceuta situation, we intend to stay put.

Tim Cullis 26 Mar 2020 23:08

Most of the motorhomes have now moved to the park near Tanger Med. This is actually at Ksar es Seghir, about 5km west of the port, there's two blocks of portacabins, fresh water taps and a cassette dumping spot. Electricity is being installed. There's a temporary shop/market stall area. The French Embassy says a medical team will be on site and that negotiations are taking place for repatriation by ferry to Sète in southern France.

A report from someone who's there, "We are in a motorhome stuck in the site ~5km from Tanger Med. Whilst the site is being prepared and does have a basic shop with groceries this is a really awful place to be. There are motorways on all sides of the car park. You are absolutely not allowed to leave, I cannot stress more that this far we are prisoners on this site. Despite pushing all day for papers to go to the bank we are constantly fobbed off. We are constantly asked for our passports and details with no plausible explanation as to why. The army is patrolling the site. They are there to stop you getting out NOT to stop people getting in. Do not come here unless you are absolutely desperate for food and water. There are 3 taps for 2000+ people. If the virus comes here hundreds of elderly motorhomers are likely to die."

Tim Cullis 26 Mar 2020 23:09

In the meantime, in Zagora... "We are allowed to walk through the palmerie but not on the main roads and in the middle there is a riad where we and 3 others have dined fabulously including aperitifs and red wine for Dhs 600 per couple. Our German neighbour, our new friend, has invented a new term; para jail, paradise in jail! Unfortunately the alcohol shop is shut and we are close to dry. Going to be a great way to lose weight. Regards from the safest place on earth."

So the decision seems clear for the moment!

TheWarden 27 Mar 2020 00:09

Interesting to see the contrasts in application of the rules. Strictly speaking you need a official permit to go to the shop, for medical reason and for work.

We can come and go from the campsite as we want, so a lot of the residents are surfing, or taking walks along the coast, no problems going into the village for supplies. 2 of the guys went up to the nearest town today and got waved through the 2 checkpoints. We haven't tried a run into Agadir for alcohol yet, but one of the campsite staff regularly attends the hospital there for treatment so we should be ok. The last new arrivals drove here from Erfoud 700km away. They were stopped north of Agadir without a permit but told the police they were going to a campsite and were allowed to proceed.

Tanger Med park sounds worse and worse as time goes on, a lot of them left it too late to get into Ceuta before the Spanish closed their border.

Seems I picked a good place to ride out the lock down

levelo 27 Mar 2020 08:49

Sounds like the new rules are not implemented evenly within Morocco.
Wondering who's got the upper hand on this. The Police ? The Gendarmerie Royale ? Your local Moqadem ( = mayor ) ?
My acquaintance is stuck in Er Rich. They won't even allow him the drive to Er Rachidia to resupply.
In Imsouane ( that's where you are, right ? ) there used to be a guest house/bar ( fully stocked, lots of locals used to go there to get drunk ) on the way out of town to Essaouira ( but before the climb to the main road ).

levelo 27 Mar 2020 08:57

Thanks Ray. I'll let him know. Thing is he is totally stuck for now. I advised him to go talk to the Moqadem and make up a solid story to be able to move on. He is French but he also totally dislikes being in French CCs ghettos :-). Your place sounds nice, though.

TheWarden 27 Mar 2020 12:17

The mayor issued our permits here. Not sure about the guest house most places in town are closed. I think the majority of tourists here are camping

Has you friend tried the road out to Amellagou then down to Guelmim a, should be less police on that route. If he could get over to the Todra, Dades Gorge then there's pistes across to Ouarazazate.

TheWarden 27 Mar 2020 13:01

The mayor issued our permits here. Not sure about the guest house most places in town are closed. I think the majority of tourists here are camping

Has you friend tried the road out to Amellagou then down to Guelmim a, should be less police on that route. If he could get over to the Todra, Dades Gorge then there's pistes across to Ouarazazate.

levelo 27 Mar 2020 14:22

Thanks for the tips.
From what I understand the guys in uniforms keep a close watch on him. I assume it'd be hard for him to take off unnoticed.
And even if he'd manage the likelihood of being stopped further along the way seems high.
I think the only way out for him is a travel permit. He's an elderly guy and he could use health issues as a way of getting it.

TheWarden 27 Mar 2020 23:32

French and germans have arranged for a ferry for those at Tanger Med on Sunday to Sete, absolute bargain at 1200euros:(

levelo 28 Mar 2020 09:45

Damn !
Do you have more details ? Is it only for people who already had tickets ?

TheWarden 28 Mar 2020 13:07


The best info is on the German Consulates facebook website etc. It s a little unclear but believe that the priority is people at the Tanger Med site. I've also heard the UK consulate is contacting people directly about the ferry. Maybe another one next Thursday. TBH 2 ferries is not going to clear the people here and even less at 1200euro for one way

levelo 28 Mar 2020 13:13

Thanks for the link.
People are desperate to get home. I don't think the price tag will even be an issue.

Tim Cullis 28 Mar 2020 13:27

Tanger Med to Sète (France) ferry looks like it's a reality for at least some of the motorhomes and 4x4s currently stuck as Ksar-es-Seghir.

There will be two voyages, one tomorrow (Sunday) and another on Thursday. The ferry can take about 200 motorhomes. Tickets will be €1200 instead of the normal €500. The ships name is Napolis and is operated by Balearia.

Police will allow for people to leave and buy tickets which are available to any nationality in the carpark in Tangier Med. The tickets are available NOW to purchase before 1800 hours from the location below.

GPS: N35 51 29.7 W5 32 00.5

Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RpScWDibU413wvS1A

I believe the sales point is Agencesevenseastravel whose telephone number is +212 663-000544

Tim Cullis 28 Mar 2020 13:31

Early indications from negotiations between the French and UK governments are that those who choose to take the ferry to Sete will be allowed to travel across France to Calais, where a ferry will be available to take them across the Channel back to the UK.

Latest from the Embassy is that the the Honorary Consul is on his way to the port to help Brits at Tangier Med. There is limited availability on this boat and the advice for those that are not already at Tangier Med is to stay where you are and await further advice. The embassy does not know what are the plans for those that choose to stay in the carpark at Tanger Med but the Moroccans will not forcibly remove them until a better solution for them is found.

TheWarden 28 Mar 2020 14:41

Good news for those up there, but a disgrace on the pricing and they will need 5 ferries to clear the Tanger Med bscklog

The UK Embassy could do with working on their communication with those currently in country, particularly after seeing how good the German and French ones are at keeping people informed

Chris Scott 28 Mar 2020 14:47

Assuming Mk gets no worse I wouldn't be in a rush to get back to the UK right now.
Give it a week or better still, two.

motomujer 28 Mar 2020 14:49

Good resource for updates re: Morocco's Corona response
A woman who writes for Morocco World News has created a private English-speaking FB group "Coronavirus Morocco - News & Updates" that I've found to be a solid and comprehensive resource. In the About: "This group has been created for those of you who are interested in updates and validated news on the latest Coronavirus in the world and specifically in Morocco. We will be sharing news from around the world as well as locally (from validated sources) for your information. ... This group is in NO WAY created to cause panic or fear - solely a group to share information in one place as the internet is overflowing with so many different stories and misinformation! ..."


*Highly* recommend.

levelo 28 Mar 2020 14:51

The French aren't that good either.

I am French and the official channel ( the French Embassy's website ) isn't updated for those who are far from Tangiers and would like to start heading northwards to get a chance to catch that damn ferry.
They may be contacting people individually though.

Thanks for the links Tim and Motomujer.

TheWarden 28 Mar 2020 15:36

Another 3 weeks before lockndown is lifted at the earliest. Our group is very happy where we are and no intention of moving until after restrictions are lifted.

I run or help run a number of Facebook Groups covering Morocco and Overlanding, we fight daily with rumours and misinformation to keep our members up to date.

(slight aside but things are getting sticky for overlandeds further south. 17 got into trouble on the ivory Coast over the last couple of days)

levelo 28 Mar 2020 16:46

Right on.

Just got wind of a guy who's also stranded in Ghana with nowhere to go.

Be kind enough to keep posting the new develpments on the Morocco front on this thread :-)

TheWarden 28 Mar 2020 17:29

Latest from the German Embassy, amazing how quickly things change/develop. Basically the ferry is for campervan and caravans only, prices start at 1200 and go up according to size.

- 28.03. 14:15 -

- For the European campers stranded in Morocco, who are already in the parking lots in Tangier Med, a ferry to France (Séte) will depart on Sunday (March 29th, afternoon).

- This ferry is only intended for those European campers (EU + associated countries) who are already in the parking lots in Tangier Med.

- This group of people can - regardless of their European nationality - buy tickets for the crossing on site in the ferry port. The prices depend on the size of the vehicle and the number of people, starting from 1200, - EUR.

- Another ferry is planned for next week. The conditions are the same as for the first. With this crossing, however, some European campers can be taken into account - within the scope of the available spaces - which are currently in Northern Morocco but not yet in Tangier Med. Tickets for this can be purchased in the Tangier Med ferry port from Sunday afternoon.

- A crossing for people without a (camping) vehicle is definitely not possible on both ferries.

- For all other Germans remaining in Morocco, we will publish information about any other ferries or any other exit options on this channel as soon as they emerge.

- Please follow us actively on Facebook and on our website

levelo 28 Mar 2020 17:35

Thanks for the update !

Tim Cullis 29 Mar 2020 16:17

Update on the ferry to Sète solution. (1) it's very expensive, normal price is about €500, the €1,200 quoted doesn't include cabin, length surcharge and animals, and one owner is paying over €1,500. (2) Despite statements that the Moroccan authorities won't throw people out if they don't take up the ferry, the reverse seems to be the case and in the (awfully long) video linked below the person speaking says owners are being asked to leave and find a more permanent solution elsewhere. (3) This is because the Ksar-es-Seghir parking is being positioned as a transit camp and other owners further down the country will be invited to move up to it as other ferries are organised.

Update from a few minutes ago from Ian Fearn, "I am hopefully just about to get on this ferry. We are told this camp will close ASAP. There are still 30-40 vans clearly not leaving today."

TheWarden 29 Mar 2020 16:46

That guy has huge amounts of half accurate information!

The embassies are still telling people to stay put where there. The info I posted last night from the Germans says some people already in the North will be allowed to get the ferry, but have provided no information if the police will let you travel there. It seems that the travel permits are hard to get in the north with expats resident here reporting they have been unable to get one as required to go shopping etc.

Tim Cullis 30 Mar 2020 00:53

Ian Fearn's update from earlier today,

"We are now on the boat but it hasn’t left yet. The boat is nice, well run and incredibly clean. I know the price is high but I am not in a position to complain. We were told the Moroccans DO want to close this camp. It must be costing them a fortune financially and in general resources. Personally I would rather they piled the cash and efforts into their own people at this challenging time.

My advice to you is, contact the embassy and get permission to travel to the tanger med car park ONLY if you are prepared to pay the 1400 euros [incl €200 for cabin] for the ferry to Sète. The site is perfectly adequate for a few days wait. Just do what you're told by the officials, there is no arguing to be done."

motoreiter 30 Mar 2020 02:36


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 610457)
- A crossing for people without a (camping) vehicle is definitely not possible on both ferries.

hmm, that seems odd, since it seems like you could fit about ten motos (and riders) in the space taken by the average RV, not to mention all the spots on the sides where no RV can fit.

I'm far from Morocco but am following this thread with great interest--everyone on here seems like a great sport about a very challenging situation--good luck to all of you!

Tim Cullis 30 Mar 2020 09:18

I suspect the limitation is on cabins. Although large, motorhomes are half the size of trucks which normally make up much of the ferry load. And it's not as if people are going to want to share cabins ;)

levelo 30 Mar 2020 11:03

Again, thanks for all of you who take the time to keep us posted here as news unfold.

I also think that the only way to reach Tangiers for those who are stranded elsewhere and want to leave Morocco is via the relevant Embassies/Consulates.

Acquaintance of mine near Er Rachidia was ordered to leave by Police ( wild camping ) only to be stopped again 40 ks further. Had to backtrack and return to his previous spot.

Another friend ( cycling ) was able to reach Tetouan on his own yesterday, but he was backed by the French Consulate. I don't have the full details, but somehow he was not allowed to catch yesterday's ferry to Sète. Was it just for MOTOR vehicles and their drivers/passengers ?

Chris Scott 30 Mar 2020 14:43

Interesting article explaining why it can be a struggle for the British FCO to repatriate.

TheWarden 30 Mar 2020 23:04

Had an email today from the UK Embassy about the next ferry on Thursday. Basically telling what we already new about the ferry. 150 spaces with Baleria. Also said if we were to get a reservation we would have to get permission to get there from the Moroccan Authorities. But didn't explain how. Generally quite a positive communication from them.

However, a similar update from the German embassy added some critical info the UK lot didn't mention.

Its campervans only, nothing else, no good for me in a 4x4. But critically added 2 important bits of information.

First, they could not guarantee that Moroccan police would let you drive to Tanger Med even with a reservation.

Second was news that since yesterday a stricter travel ban had been enforced for camping vehicles in Morocco.

The last point is probably as a result of the amount of camping vehicles ignoring the rules locally.

So in summary you pay 1200 euro for your campervan to get on the ferry, but you might be stopped from travelling by the police miss the ferry and lose the 1200.doh

We're all staying in the sun

levelo 31 Mar 2020 06:02

Same update from the French Consulate in Tangiers.
What is the phone # of the shipping agency selling the tickets ?
The one Tim gave in one of his previous posts ?

levelo 31 Mar 2020 09:40

Here's an article about the ferry which made it to Sète :


For those who don't understand French it basically says that priority in Tangiers was given to the elderly and families with kids. People had to undergo a medical test before leaving ( temperature control ) and had to remain inside their vehicles during the crossing. That would explain why travellers with 4x4s, motorbikes or bicycles weren't allowed. All passengers undergo medical screening upon disembarking. 70 foreigners were on board ( meaning non-French ).

TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 10:24

Sorry don't have a phone number, the email just had balearias website link.

There were some cabins available, I think the guy in the long winded video above had one

Rained a bit last night, sun out again though :D

TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 10:55

another email from embassy with phone numbers

+212 539934463
+212 661499684

RayCaldwell 31 Mar 2020 11:18

Interesting reading. We got a call from the consulate yesterday, it seemed offering us a place on Thursday's boat which we accepted. Got all excited: got a transit letter from the embassy so were this morning going to take this to the local police station to obtain a Moroccan transit permit, only to receive an email from the Consul this morning telling us how to buys tickets i.e. as described above. The two numbers don't pick up and there is nothing on the website. So in view of the fact that we do not have actual tickets for the ferry, we will not be moving. I'm now going to have to go to my wife and break the bad news.:(

TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 11:37

Ray, I've just had an email from the embassy with a web link to book the ferry


TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 11:48


Costs for the ferry, strangely lists a price for cars when everything else says campers and caravans only

RayCaldwell 31 Mar 2020 12:31

We have just come back from a failed attempt (with our campsite owner) to get to Ouarzazate Carrefour and have received a similar email from the Consulate wrt ferry. We have tried to make a booking with a cabin (went through successfully) and I'm now awaiting an email reply to see if we've been successful. I'll let you know.

Tim Cullis 31 Mar 2020 14:19

Scraped off other sources...

For all those UK Nationals travelling in their Motorhomes to Tanger Med to get the ferry on Thursday.

You should contact the UK embassy which is issuing a letter with permission to travel to get the Ferry. To get your letter from the embassy you can WhatsApp Ahad Miah at +212 6 66 29 34 44 or email him Ahad.miah@homeoffice.gov.uk

You should also have the Moroccan Government form that allows you to be outside of your place of confinement. This needs to be stamped by the local authorities. The form is in Arabic. The last box is for travel for another reason. Tick this box and write that you are travelling to catch the ferry boat from Tanger Med.

The UK embassy have had confirmation, from the ferry company, that as long as your vehicle has the correct EU registration (or UK or Swiss as mentioned in the Ferry company's announcement) you can buy a ticket and board the ferry. The ferry is not restricted to just camper vans. 4X4 vehicles were able to board on the Sunday sailing.

I don't believe it's true that you have to stay in the vehicle all the time, nobody else has mentioned this, but certainly foot passengers, motorcycles and cars are not accepted on this ferry.

Comment from Ian Fearn, "We have now arrived in Sete. The ferry was very good. Exceptional staff on Balearia. Temperatures taken 3 times. French port officials firm but kind and compassionate to the situation. We have been issued with official paperwork to travel home," (through France).

TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 17:29

Yesterday's ferry had 164 Campervans, 37 Caravans and 2 light vehicles (type not specified).All published info (except the price list) says camping vehicles only that I've seen.

Also reports that some peeples 200euro cabins turned out to be just chairs.

We've not had anything from the embassy about paperwork to get there or a reply to the query yet. The German Embassy does have a letter to print but also they say they cannot guarantee that it will get you through to Tanger.

Other news, the Wilya of Marrakech has banned the sale of alcohol, not sure about other regions yet

levelo 31 Mar 2020 18:29

So many hurdles to get to that damn ferry.
My friend ( cycling ) is not allowed on.
Good luck.

RayCaldwell 31 Mar 2020 18:42

We finally received an email with confirmed tickets and have the letter from the Embassy in French (locally poorly) printed off so we are going to go for it. My host (the French campsite owner) said the local police wouldn't issue a permit when we got it printed off as they couldn't read what the Embassy letter says so he has suggested when we get nearer to "civilisation" that we detour to a gendarmerie and get one then. In any event, we've now paid for the ticket so being a tight Scot (:clap: ) we will be going for it. I note though that the timing is now 0800 on 2nd and not as previously indicated which was 1600. We've paid EUR 1400 and, hopefully, that includes a cabin, as I suspect we'll not be using the rooftop tent. We have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow. :thumbup1:. I don't know what kind of internet we'll get over the next couple of days but as soon as I can, I'll update how it all went.

TheWarden 31 Mar 2020 20:22

Keep us updated on progress, there's free WiFi at Tanger Med and also most of the motorway services.

levelo 31 Mar 2020 20:25

Best of luck !

Tim Cullis 31 Mar 2020 21:39

Go for it Ray.

Alcohol sales are banned from midnight tonight. Quite how this will help in the fight against Covid-19 escapes me.

Tim Cullis 31 Mar 2020 23:52

1 Attachment(s)
Apparently the ban followed drunken brawling and fighting with the police in the Bab Doukkla area of Marrakech, but there is talk that the Wali didn't have the power to do this and it might be reversed.

TheWarden 1 Apr 2020 22:59

Balearia have announced the next ferry is now open to all vehicle but no cabins left. They also now list departure time as 18:30.

Alcohol can still be sourced here although not through a shop. Trying out a run to Agadir tomorrow, more for something to do after 2 weeks of not moving

TheWarden 2 Apr 2020 18:35

Just back from Agadir, no problems getting there and back, only 1 checkpoint asked to see permit and they didn't look closely.

Plenty of alcohol available, so the rumoured ban appears to have been nothing more than a rumour

British embassy has more flights available check out their posts for more info

Tim Cullis 3 Apr 2020 00:50

If you look at the document on post #151 you'll see the ban was not a rumour, however it was quickly reversed as the Wali was seen to be operating beyond his powers. This is the same Wali who has clamped down on the henna hags, monkey photos, scooters and other stuff in Djemaa el Fna.

levelo 3 Apr 2020 08:36

Good to hear.
Any update on the " last " Tanger-Sète ferry and those who tried to make it ?

TheWarden 3 Apr 2020 09:57

Post #151 was the same image being shared around several internet sources claiming alcohol sales had been banned across Morocco, this wasn't the case, hence it was a rumour.

No news from Ray, which I'm taking as good news and he made the ferry ok. Balearia did open up the crossing to normal vehicles on Wednesday Afternoon.

levelo 3 Apr 2020 12:16

Are there talks about scheduling more soon ?

Or will you guys have to wait until the end of the lockdown to be able to make a move and eventually get out ?

TheWarden 3 Apr 2020 13:06

Not heard anything more on ferries, the French and Spanish have arrange more flights and the UK 1 more flight.

So we are sticking it out for the duration

levelo 3 Apr 2020 13:33

I don't want to sound too pessimistic but it seems likely that the lockdown will last until the end of Ramadan.
I don't know if the Moroccan authorities will have the guts and the manpower to enforce it, though.

TheWarden 3 Apr 2020 14:49

I've not heard any thing official except the current end date of 20th April.

Ramadan will cause them bif problems to police as everyone starts to head home for the period. I expect there will be a relaxation of travel restrictions for a short period if the do need to extend it.

Big thing for us is for Spain to reopen its border to allow EU citizens to return home.

RayCaldwell 6 Apr 2020 20:43

Hi guys, Sorry for delay in posting. As I'm a tight Scot I don't have a good phone so can only get free internet when available. Anyway...
We had no problems driving up to Tangier-Med. Got stopped once and waved the British embassy logo at them and that was enough. We arrived Wed night and found the place relatively quite according to the couple of Brits we spoke to who hadn't got on the previous ferry because tickets went like wild fire. Balearic were getting a bigger boat so ETD was changed to Thursday evening some time.
The refugee campervan park is fine - 2 x portacabin shops selling fresh food, 2 x portacabin toilet blocks and plenty of fresh water. Weather was pretty crap though and we had a rough night in our tent - lots of traffic noise and very windy - hey ho, my fault for not forking out for sumit betterdoh .
We were told though, rather worryingly, that our 'reservation' would need to be confirmed! There then started a slow trickle of campervans AND 4X4 VEHICLES which got heavier on the Thursday morning. Paranoia set in as French and Germans that had arrived after us started getting their green loading coupon (The Germans had their Ambassador there doing a sterling job for them, and to be fair answering everybody else's questions too) but eventually we got ours and almost immediately boarding started. The Moroccan police convoyed us round to the terminal and on we went. We left 2200 on Thursday night.
The ship "Abel Matutes" only offers Whatsapp text onboard - my excuse for not posting sooner. Lots of Pulman seats but we did get a cabin (We paid EUR1200 + 200). Social distancing enforced on board and everyone given masks. Might have been us but meal timings seemed very haphazard (we turned up twice to find it already closed even though we'd been told the timings!) so take your own grub or you could miss out (we, as were many, were allowed to return to our vehicles during sailing to get stuff e.g. food) But that aside, a really nice crossing. We'd been led to believe the crossing was 40 hrs but we woke up on Sat morning already entering Sete harbour, some 36 hrs after leaving. At first we were all told we'd be health checked in our cabins by the French but suddenly that changed and it was all-go to the vehicles and after the usual immigration checks and issuance of a transit permit through France (which we weren't asked for once) we were convoyed to the toll motorway and let loose. We probably saw only ten cars all the way up France! We overnighted at an aires with only a toilet block - no-one hassled us for putting up out roof tent and yesterday morning we reached Calais and got on the first ferry leaving. More cars in Englandshire but we still made good time and got home to Aberdeenshire around 11pm last night. So all good really.
At Tangier-Med there was a rumour going round that the ferry would only leave when full. It certainly wasn't full of vehicles when we left - but the feeling was that that might be the case for future sailings.
Let me know if I've missed any salient points you'd like more info on and I'll reply if I know. Basically, if you want out of Morocco with your vehicle, I think it's the only way for the time being and provided you time it well (minimum time at TM), it works well. Good luck :)

TheWarden 6 Apr 2020 22:26

Thanks for the info Ray good to hear you made it although the lack of report made me think you had managed it.

On Wednesday before the ferry Balearia announced it was open to all vehicles and I guessed that was because it wasn't full.

Interesting the German embassy staff were present, our guys have been very very silent recently, despite the Info being published by the French and German counterparts.

Last couple of days we have seen several planes heading west, probably from Marrakech judging by the flight path.

As of tomorrow everyone here has to wear masks when out of their home but they announced it at 10pm tonight so details are a bit unclear as to where we get them from or how the rule applies to campsites.

levelo 7 Apr 2020 08:59

Great to hear Ray. It all went pretty smoothly then !

I do have a few more questions.

- How did you manage to leave your campsite near Ouarzazate ? Were you okayed by the local gendarmerie ? Did they escort you or give you an official permit ?

- Which route did you pick to make it to Tangiers ? The fastest one over the Tichka then the highway up from Marrakesh ?

- Did you hear anything about more ferries being scheduled ? Yours wasn't full, it could take time before another one materializes...

TheWarden 7 Apr 2020 16:31

I saw a brief mention of another couple of ferries later in April last week but nothing since then.

There are still huge amount of people with vehicles in Morocco, we saw over a 100 when we went on a shoping run to Agadir last week, probably 50 or so in the village here and I heard Le Relais has 300 people staying there at the moment.

Hard to judge how things will progress here for those currently stuck, the 2 key things will be developments in Spain and the number of new cases in Morocco.

levelo 7 Apr 2020 16:45

I see.
But ferries could bypass Spain altogether just like the last one, couldn't they ?

RayCaldwell 7 Apr 2020 17:21

Hi Levelo,
When we were contacted by the British Embassy, they also provided a document which was a request to allow transit which we were suppose to take to the local gendarmerie who would then issue us with a Moroccan one. What happened was, the local gendarmerie printed the British Embassy transit off and gave it to us, refusing to issue anything else or even stamp it. We decided that would be enough and the campsite owner agreed, suggesting that when we got nearer Marrakesh we could try getting a Moroccan permit, but as we had no trouble, we didn't bother. When they see it's a foreigner, they just waved us through. One thing to note is that the local police may not know about more boats - they only know that the border is closed - so you may have to be quite insistent that you are going to get a boat. Proof (reservation) would help but as I say we weren't seriously challenged anywhere.
Yes, we went over Tichka and straight up via motorways. NB: we went round Marrakesh on the new ring road to the East (shown on the OSM map) - the first section is almost a track and there was a left turn to 'Casablanca' signposted which we ignored so I thought we'd perhaps made a mistake but it was perfect (and missed any potential checks nearer the city).
We were given the impression there would be more ferries but nothing concrete, and that they (Balearic) would be looking to get the numbers before committing.
Hope that helps. Good luck with your friend.

levelo 7 Apr 2020 17:51

Thanks Ray.
You've answered my questions thoroughly.
Beside the German Ambassador were there any other diplomatic staff at the harbour ( British ? French ? ).
Just wondering if the French were as organized as the Germans and the Brits with this.
My friend is old and not so tech savvy, unfortunately.

TheWarden 7 Apr 2020 18:52


Originally Posted by levelo (Post 610669)
I see.
But ferries could bypass Spain altogether just like the last one, couldn't they ?

yes they could but at a huge price increase, if the last one wasn't full then it was probably too expensive for many. I know the lot in the campsite here all said its far too expensive when we all have tickets from Morocco to Spain already paid for.

It costs me about 1000 return from the UK to Morocco and back on average so spending 1200+ to France isn't an option. Best in the current situation is for Spain to reopen Ceuta for EU citizens to leave that way, luckily as the UK hasn't left yet we still get treated the same (something the Brexit bridgade didn't think about in 2016doh)

levelo 7 Apr 2020 20:48

I hear you.
But the way I see it these 2 crossings were hastily organized for those who really had to go home and who didn't want to risk being stranded in Morocco for ages.
Expensive yes, but who knows when the normal, cheaper routes ( i.e to Spain ) will reopen.
I know quite a few folks who had to buy expensive new, last minute air tickets to get home despite of the fact that they already had one.
Hopefully Spain will reallow ferries soon.

TheWarden 18 Apr 2020 20:27

So today the government announced the state of emergency would be extended until the 20th May.

Rumours of GNV ferries running to Genoa at normal prices and not the rip off price Balearia gave for the Sete ferry a few weeks ago.

Despite the GNV ferries being publicised on German, French and Swiss embassy site the UK crowd have done nothing, zero communication from them in over 14days, really quite shocking performance from them.

levelo 18 Apr 2020 20:40

Yes, just heard myself too.
I am not that surprised that the lockdown has been extended.
When are the ferries scheduled ?
Time to get out probably.

TheWarden 18 Apr 2020 21:18

I think the first is Tuesday and then one on the 5th or so. But there are slightly vague statements that the sailings depend on the Moroccans giving permission (although surely they'd prefer to get tourists out of the country?).

On GNV's website I can book a ticket for tanger to Barcelona for 200euros at almost anytime but not so sure they will run.

levelo 19 Apr 2020 07:48

Here's what I found on a French CV's newsletter. Dated April 16th.


TheWarden 20 Apr 2020 19:38

Announcement from the German embassy today saying they expect air space to reopen on the 31st May and ferries about the same time.

The UK Ambassador emailed some people, but not every one registered with them, a very self congratulatory message stating they had repatriated all UK Nationals but some who decided to stay have now changed their minds, needless to say that hasn't gone down terribly well with people who have been trying for over a month to get some info or action out of them.

Chris Scott 20 Apr 2020 20:38

Good news.
One hopes Morocco's quick response has paid off.
Is there any news on when roads might reopen - I presume on that date or sooner.

TheWarden 20 Apr 2020 22:51

Hopefully it has, still just over 2000 cases and under 200 deaths, Ramadan could send things either way though.

Extended state of emergency ends on the 20th May, so hopefully travel in country will open up a bit then if things don't get worse before hand

TheWarden 21 Apr 2020 11:59

As Morocco extends it state of emergency they are getting tougher on people ignoring the rules

Main takeaways are:

The hours of store opening remain the same,each district
Your Caid/Wali’s of each area can decide what is appropriate in terms of travelling and the distance
You must have your permit to leave the house, be wearing a mask and have some ID with you (passport or your CIN number if you are a resident)
Security services will start tracking of motor-vehicles all over Morocco
Only necessary outings are allowed (Buying produce, medication, visits to medical professionals.
Failure to comply can lead to arrests and fines.

One important note is that the DGSN are now tracking vehicle movements across the country to enforce the restrictions and in some areas drones are being used in this process.

levelo 25 Apr 2020 17:55

Hey there,

Any news ? Any ferries scheduled in the coming days ?
Ramadan probably doesn't help...


TheWarden 25 Apr 2020 21:29

No news, a GNV ferry left last week but we spoke to them directly and they said no ferries until after the lock down finishes but then 7 hours later one left Tanger Med with passengers.

Recently there has been a bit of to and fro between Morocco and Spain, with Soain blaming Morocco for the border closures (when it was Spain who closed Ceuta). A couple of Spanish news outlets reporting that Morocco won't open Ceuta or Mellila until October as an attempt to make things difficult. personally I think its BS from the Spanish

levelo 26 Apr 2020 13:14


So 2 ferries left Tanger Med last week ?
Headed for Genoa ?


TheWarden 26 Apr 2020 18:41

As far as I know just the one ferry. There was supposed to be one next week I think but unlikely now

TheWarden 26 Apr 2020 21:31

French embassy has posted details of 2 more GNV ferries on their website.One on the 12th May and one on the 16th

Still no communication from the British Embassy on the matter

donpablohahn 6 May 2020 08:41

I'm an American stuck in Fes with my motorcycle.

It seems like a ferry to Spain/Italy is not an option for me any time soon, as I'm not an EU/Schengen resident.

TAP airlines appears to be resuming flights once airspace reopens on June 1. I can purchase a single-itinerary flight back to the US, connecting through Lisbon.


1) Can a US citizen currently fly through Lisbon, despite the Schengen border being closed to American tourists? (All Lisbon flights currently operating out of Terminal 1, so I assume no need to pass through immigration--more concerned about being denied boarding outright here in Morocco. I contacted the airline but no response.)

2) Anyone know someone in Casablanca, Fes, or Marrakesh who can help me store the motorcycle indefinitely? I'd prefer not to leave it with some random guy on the street with a chair. No idea when I can return and ferry to Spain.

Chris Scott 6 May 2020 10:09

If it's just a transit in Lisbon on to US I am sure you could pass through.
Weren't the US embassy in Mk organising repat flights via Spain or Pt a few weeks back?
If they did it then, you can do it now.
I can't see immigration stopping you leaving Mk with a ticket right though to US, your home country.
And the same in Lisbon, assuming there is any immigration at all and you don't just move on to a transit lounge.
I would try and ask your consulate.

The rental place in Marrakech I work with would let you store the bike.
I was heading there in March but didn't quite make it.
Are people on the streets yet? Can you ride to Marrakech?
They would have to come in and open the garage up.
Don't know if that's allowed. If it is I may try and get my bike there too.

Airport is 15 mins from the place in Gueliz.

TheWarden 6 May 2020 12:51

1 Attachment(s)
Another weeks in lockdown already, time strangley seems to pass quite quickly.

Evac ferries to Sete are still running and also some to Genoa Italy. date for the French option are now the 12th and 19th May.

GNV also are running weekly ferries in June so theres some light at the end of the tunnel for EU people (and Brits). Still huge numbers of people waiting to get out in various vehicles.

After 5 weeks with no information from the UK Embassy I pushed things a bit. Got in touch with my MP and got a response on Saturday night saying he had raised the issue with the Foreign Office. Emailed the embassy again to receive a message saying the previous email address wasn't monitored and to register on a new one (5 times registering with them so far. Then a friend put me in touch with a contact on the Embassy staff yesterday.

Not sure if its coincidence or as a result of MP, inside contacts but yesterday I had 2 emails and 2 phone calls from the Embassy.

If you want a place on the evac ferry, register here

Otherwise book via GNV.it website.

UK embassy have then said to send them a copy of the booking confirmation and they will provide authorisation to travel to the ferry.

Meanwhile Morocco is planning for deconfinement but info is a little vague. Under discussion is easing restrictions region by region depending on the number of case, so we may see some regions open up while others don't.

Attached document is apparently an official one detailing current proposals, but I've not been able to verify this anywhere

Tim Cullis 7 May 2020 14:25

The document mentioned above was posted on magharebnews.com in April, I don't know the actual date but likely to be 29 or 30 April.

• Gradual implementation of a deconfinement information system and monitoring of quarantines;
• Strengthening of diagnosis and early detection;
• Monitoring the generalization of wearing a mask;
• Authorization from provinces registering less than 10 workers are invited to create a local monitoring committee able to expand the list of authorized activities during the health emergency period;
• Expansion of the list of authorized activities, particularly in small shops and services (take-away, laundries, shoe repair, hairdressing, etc.);
• All ministerial departments prepare codes and guides relating to sanitary conditions recommended by sectoral activities;
• All industrial and service companies that do not welcome the public normal way are invited to prepare a plan of compliance with health rules, transmitted to the competent authorities and which can close establishments in case of non-compliance with the rules.

• Repeal and / or adaptation of the text on health emergency and replacement by a text providing for an additional month restrictions of national and international displacement as well as the possibility that the
Government take by simple decisions all appropriate measures;
• Back to school for all levels involved in qualifying exams (primary certificate, patent, baccalaureate, etc.) with strict measures and continuation for other levels of distance education;
• Organization of competitions with strict or distance rules;
• Transformation of the list of authorized essential activities into a list prohibited commercial activities and services (mainly cafes and on-site restaurant, high-traffic shops) and authorization to all other activities

Proposal for a new package of measures by the CVE on the basis of a first evaluation of previous measures;
• Launch of the Zakat Fund;
• Resumption of the majority of commercial activities;
• Gradual reopening of national air, land and rail transport starting with the least affected regions;
• All ministers present stimulus packages for affected sectors

(Note: Operation Marhaba normally starts 15 July each year when Moroccan expats are welcomed back for summer holiday)

• Launch of a specific support plan for the most affected sectors and aid strategic companies;
• Tabling in Parliament of an amending finance law accompanied by a strategy recovery by public procurement and protective measures;
Gradual resumption of international air traffic with control and strict screening of new arrivals;
• Encouragement of national consumption and internal tourism;
• Resumption of demonstrations of less than 50 people;
Reopening of cafes and restaurants (on site) respecting distances minimum between clients.

• Preparation of a post-crisis plan (linked to the development model);
• Return to classes of all levels, schools and universities, if possible from mid-August;
• Gradual return of certain mass gatherings with rules accompanying sanitation;
Total reopening of airspace.

Ferries to Spain will depend on the Spanish unlocking more than the Moroccan authorities. I've read elsewhere that Morocco intends to keep the borders with Ceuta and Melilla closed until September, but this might well change, see https://www.yabiladi.com/articles/de...rontieres.html

Tim Cullis 7 May 2020 16:32

Although the title of this is encouraging (Spain: boats may resume June), there's actually nothing in the text that reflects this: https://www.bladi.net/espagne-voyage...mre,68453.html

English translation: Spain: boat trips may resume in June
May 6, 2020

Shipping companies operating in the Strait of Gibraltar are severely affected by the consequences of covid-19. Passenger traffic could resume in June, not before.

The return to normal of the activities of the shipping companies operating in the Strait of Gibraltar remains uncertain, in particular the resumption of normal passenger traffic between the two shores. The boarding of people with urgent travel needs is authorized upon presentation of an authorization granted by the administration of Sebta.

The government has announced recovery plans for maritime traffic, reports Ceutatv.com . If nothing particular changes in this sector until May 10, the situation will remain unchanged, as it has been since the entry into force of the state of emergency. The transport of goods to supply the population continues, despite announcements of a resumption of all traffic. The situation is identical in Tangier, because the Moroccan borders remain closed. A trend that seems to adopt the government of Ceuta, which has expressed its desire to keep the borders closed to effectively counter the virus.

The possibility of gradually recovering the transit of people between Algeciras and Sebta would be definitively open, even if the government's trend is to reduce capacity. Ships that provide this service are also affected. Companies are considering the possibility of resuming all departures to transport a much smaller number of passengers and vehicles, regardless of the price.

(Sebta is the Arabic name for Ceuta. How you are expected to get to Ceuta is another matter.)

TheWarden 7 May 2020 16:33

Flights are available via Air France from the first of June apparently.

Moroccan government are expected to finalise deconfinement arrangement over the next week with parliament discussions on Monday.

I'm booked onto the sailing on the 13th. Others here leave this weekend on the evac ferry running ahead of the 20th May. It'll end up costing me a bit more than normal but with Brittany Ferries cancellation of all ferries I would have to drive up through France anyway. My open return to Algeciras is valid for 12 months so that's not such an issue.

Morocco's potential issues with Ceuta and Mellila seems to stem from rumours that Spain may not reopen until late summer, a little bit of tit for tat between the 2. Certainly Spain's refusal to allow EU national to leave via Ceuta has caused a lot of resentment from those still in Morocco.

TheWarden 7 May 2020 16:39

Post lockdown strategy to be announced on the 18th.

Typically last minute but good news anyway

priffe 10 May 2020 13:24

It should be said that coronavirus and influenza are rarely a problem outside the temperate regions of the world, and there only in the cold months of the year.

Why it has been reported as a major threat to health in Africa is a mystery.
Only six countries with over 100 deaths, and the numbers are falling. Clearly these cases were imported, and there is no local spread.
In Morocco, the numbers are falling
The actions taken to counter the epidemic are much more damaging than the virus per se.
Example: Mauretania 8 cases 1 dead. Partial lockdown and nightly curfew.

Tim Cullis 10 May 2020 14:29

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by priffe (Post 611346)
In Morocco, the numbers are falling

Not sure what numbers you are looking at.

My preference is the ACTIVE cases, in other words the total number detected, less recoveries and deaths. The figures below show no progress is being made—the number of active cases as of yesterday (3,263) is coincidentally identical to that of 12 days earlier.

Amd very few tests are being carried out; when calculated on the basis of tests/million of population, the UK with its less than ideal performance, is carrying out 15 times as many tests.

Chris Scott 10 May 2020 15:05

2 Attachment(s)
Interesting discussion. Can we have it without getting political?
May as well try while we wait.

I assumed 1st graph below was what was being referred to.
Mortality seems an easily understood (if emotional) metric.
Active cases less so, but seems to have levelled off.
I dare say this data could be spun in any number of directions, or of course doubted outright.
Last time I looked Turkmenistan: 0.

From what I've seen/experienced in RIM and Mk both took it seriously early on.
Because of nearby historic ebola fears? (In 2018 we were heat-tested flying into Atar).
Because govt have no worries population will conform?
Who knows, but they appear to have got it less bad than here.

Chris Scott 10 May 2020 15:14

On it
1 Attachment(s)
I was impressed that a pharmacy in Marrakech had wall-to-ceiling poly sheet.
This was March 18.

(The bloke in front pushed in, btw, so UK still wins on queuing).

TheWarden 10 May 2020 16:04

Slightly concerning for those of us who decided to stay is the reported increase in cases over the weekend. Sous Massa region (where I am currently) had been static for quite a while but has seen 12 new cases in the last 48hours.

Its still very low particularly with quite a high population density. But having seen the way people are not keeping distances on our regular run for Marjane could it be a sign that Morocco's early action hasn't quite worked? Hopefully not.

Lots of reports that people aren't sticking to guide lines from else where in the country and some souks have been reopened. New spikes in the north traced to factories and family gatherings are also a concern.

Not helping things for the foreigners here, are social media posts from other travellers promoting moving around as if nothings happening, tips on how to avoid checkpoints, spots to camp and where to go to surf. Police have been noticeable more active locally enforcing restrictions the last week. The 2 police we get on the village seem to be sent up midday from Tamri and on arrival aren't in a particularly good mood. I've had to remind some people here that its not a good idea to annoy them, particular mid afternoon on a hot Ramadan day.

First members of our Corona Crew departed today for the ferry on the 12th. Slight drama getting permission from the locals to travel but with all seriousness we hope we don't see them again too soon.

Ccandelario430 10 May 2020 21:02


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 611349)
From what I've seen/experienced in RIM and Mk both took it seriously early on.
Because of nearby historic ebola fears? (In 2018 we were heat-tested flying into Atar).
Because govt have no worries population will conform?
Who knows, but they appear to have got it less bad than here.

Well, Sudan closed all its borders and airports after the first reported case in the middle of March. It seemed like a bit of an overreaction for a country that, like Mauritania, receives very few tourists.

Tim Cullis 10 May 2020 21:42


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 611354)
Lots of reports that people aren't sticking to guide lines from else where in the country and some souks have been reopened. New spikes in the north traced to factories and family gatherings are also a concern.

Spikes are what is upsetting the apple cart.

Towards the end of April, 10% of all the deaths in Morocco were people of Jewish heritage (whereas as a percentage of the population they are minute). It was down to a wedding near Agadir after which 15 people died.

Draa-Tifilalet region was very low numbers until another spike happened in Ouarzazate prison where it is alleged that the prison director travelled to Marrakech to visit his sister for three days, came back and infected firstly 62 staff, who in turn infected prisoners, for a total of 303 cases.

Two wheels good 10 May 2020 23:14


Originally Posted by donpablohahn (Post 611270)
I'm an American stuck in Fes with my motorcycle.

2) Anyone know someone in Casablanca, Fes, or Marrakesh who can help me store the motorcycle indefinitely? I'd prefer not to leave it with some random guy on the street with a chair. No idea when I can return and ferry to Spain.

If Chris's rental company contact doesn't work out as an option...
It used to be the case that vehicles could be stored at a Douanes official storage sheds. Since then storage regulations have been relaxed to allow private locations but maybe the Douanes storage option is still available.
Most cities have a Douanes office and storage. Expect to be charged a daily fee.
(I posted a link in the past. I'll see if I can find it. ... ét voilà! Douanes locations )

Tim Cullis 13 May 2020 13:43

The British Embassy is attempting to coordinate non-freight vehicle travel (i.e. motorhomes, 4x4s, cars) as a one-off exercise on a ferry from Tanger Med to Algeciras on Thursday 14 May at 1500 hrs.

The timing seems unrealistically tight as travel documents have to be obtained first, but if you have not already been contacted by the British Embassy it might be worthwhile speaking to them.

TheWarden 13 May 2020 13:52

heard rumours of the same but nothing from the Embassy and they phoned yesterday about getting permission for people to move campsites.

Nothing formal from anywhere, UK van arrived here last night and left this morning saying they are on a ferry at 13:00 tomorrow but otherwise what we've heard is via a friend of a friend. It'll be interesting to see if they run seeing as the whole keeping ferries running but not letting people leave is ridiculous.

TheWarden 13 May 2020 15:26

Another unconfirmed bit of info circulating today

"If there's any Brits still in Morocco that are keen to get home, or at least start the journey.
I’ve just had a phone call today from Ahad at the Embassy, the Uk are apparently chartering a ferry from Tangier Med to Algeciras, to save going to Sète in France.
There was no trace of me on the U.K. list despite registering previously.
The Ferry is on the 18th and they’re charging £560 for a campervan and two people."

To put in context price wise, GNV ferry to Sete, a 43hour crossing, is 450, and normal price is 90euro each way to Algerciras.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 15:19.
