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TheWarden 22 Oct 2021 13:34

When I had a PCR test in France a few weeks back, the government sent a link with a pdf COVID pass and a link to add the same pass into the wallet on their covid app within a few minutes of notification of the result from the lab. A very efficient system.

Getting back to Morocco's recent news, I found an interesting article about the reasons behind the sudden decision. If the content is correct, I suspect the 3rd country loophole with be swiftly closed as we saw last winter.


Tim Cullis 22 Oct 2021 17:41

Dr Tayab Hamdi is a Moroccan medical specialist and researcher in health policies and systems, and a member of the National Health Committee advising the government, nevertheless is taking most of his information from the BBC.

The AY4.2 variant was first sequenced in the UK in July, see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58965650

For all its faults elsewhere, the UK is THE world leader in sequencing the coronavirus genome enabling it to spot a more contagious, and possibly more deadly, variant of the virus that in most countries has long gone unnoticed. The fact that a variant is first identified in the UK has more to do with the sequencing than the origin of the variant.

PanEuropean 23 Oct 2021 02:47

Here is a link to an interesting article on the "Simple Flying" website that provides more granular detail about the recent Moroccan flight ban:

COVID Flight Ban Cancels 12% Of Morocco’s Flights.

The article also mentions new routes planned between Morocco and the British Isles.

On the same website, the same day, is an article announcing the resumption of flights between Canada and Morocco: Royal Air Maroc Relaunches Flights To Canada. Details about the COVID control requirements imposed by the Canadian government on flights between Canada and Morocco can be found at the Transport Canada website, here: Transport Canada introducing new measures for the reintroduction of direct flights from Morocco on October 29, 2021.


Chris Scott 26 Oct 2021 22:43

I read from Gerbert (HUBB contributor)


Royal Air Maroc says it resumes flights from the Netherlands on monday!
Hopefully UK and DE too, sooner than later

gvdaa 27 Oct 2021 08:38

Two friends of mine, whose RAM flight was cancelled, are now booked on a flight next monday. They booked by phone through RAM in the Netherlands! We'll see what happens

Tim Cullis 27 Oct 2021 13:05

Ryanair is still selling flights to Morocco for early November, see Tripadvisor discussion

In an email to an already booked customer Ryanair warns that flight times might be between one and five hours longer than normal. This makes me think they are touching down en-route so they can claim the flight is not direct.

Chris Scott 27 Oct 2021 13:12

Yes, I was wondering if RAM might be doing that too to use the current loophole. So I wish easyJet would offer it with mine.
We shall find out soon.

TheWarden 27 Oct 2021 13:24

The airlines and ferry companies have been selling tickets for services that didn't/couldn't operate since the beginning of the pandemic. I wouldn't get my hopes up based on tickets being available.

SoE gets reviewed tomorrow so we will hear something, even if its just the expected extension.

TheWarden 28 Oct 2021 18:26

SOE extended until end of November. No news on borders or ferries and flights.

TheWarden 2 Nov 2021 18:20

Spain has extended the closure of its borders with Morocco another month to the end of November

Chris Scott 3 Nov 2021 22:36

Any news on whether the indirect flight loophole has worked?

gvdaa 4 Nov 2021 07:26

"Two friends of mine, whose RAM flight was cancelled, are now booked on a flight next monday. They booked by phone through RAM in the Netherlands! We'll see what happens"

The flight was cancelled! But they could fly from Brussels, on the same day.

Tim Cullis 4 Nov 2021 10:28


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 623808)
Any news on whether the indirect flight loophole has worked?

All those who earlier reported they had booked 'direct flights with extended flight times' have now had rather belated cancellation emails. There was an article in Hespress stating 16 Lisbon to Morocco flights were being blocked and I wonder whether some or all of these were actually going to be carrying the UK passengers.

People flying indirect (e.g. via Dublin) have so far been succcessful.

TheWarden 4 Nov 2021 10:29


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 623808)
Any news on whether the indirect flight loophole has worked?

The 3rd country loophole is still working.

New update on travel from the UK FCO today saying your printed COVID Status needs to be dated after the 1st November. They don't clarify why

Chri8 4 Nov 2021 12:17

We are thinking of travelling to Morocco over Christmas, but there are now two tricky questions rising (until then perhaps some more).

1. On the Onda-Site it is said, that the certificate would not be valid 6 month after the second vaccination. As the formulation is not very clear and could be linked only to the moroccan certificate from their website, I would be interested if someone has more information about that. In our country the validity of the certificate is longer than the 6 month and therefore still no 3rd vaccination necessary. Would our national certificate therefore still be valid?

2. we are thinking of flying from Italy (not our country of residence), but it seems, that Italy would not allow Third-country passengers to fly back from Morocco to Italy for touristic reasons. Any experience about that regulation. At the moment I interpret the Italian regulation, that Morocco is on list E (country not listed on List A to D) and entry for touristic reasons would not be allowed. Allthough there seems to be an exemption for EU/Schengen, I'm not sure if this applies, or would fear that it is not clear how to prove at the departure in Morocco, that Italy would not reject entry. Salute-Webpage of Italy

TheWarden 4 Nov 2021 12:26


Originally Posted by Chri8 (Post 623821)
We are thinking of travelling to Morocco over Christmas, but there are now two tricky questions rising (until then perhaps some more).

1. On the Onda-Site it is said, that the certificate would not be valid 6 month after the second vaccination. As the formulation is not very clear and could be linked only to the moroccan certificate from their website, I would be interested if someone has more information about that. In our country the validity of the certificate is longer than the 6 month and therefore still no 3rd vaccination necessary. Would our national certificate therefore still be valid?

3rd dose and time limit of validity is only for Moroccan residents and citizens at the moment. There has been no change for tourists.

Of course this could all change as time goes on.

Can't help with the 2nd question I'm afraid.

Tim Cullis 4 Nov 2021 20:49

For a reason that isn't fully explained on their website, the Foreign Office travel pages for Morocco are stating a need to refresh or reprint the UK Covid pass for travel to Morocco, see https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/morocco

Quote: If you downloaded your NHS COVID Pass as a PDF or added it to your Apple Wallet before 1 November 2021, you’ll need to download, reprint or add an updated version before you travel so that your NHS COVID Pass is valid.

I believe I am right in saying that if you add the Covid pass to Apple Wallet whilst you are online it continues to automatically update, it's only if you were offline when adding that it doesn't.

It all becomes clearer elsewhere as this is to do with the fact that on 1 November the UK linked with the EU digital portal meaning that now all EU (and other) countries are able to scan them whether it's for travel or entrance to domestic events. Some discussion here: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowTo...ir_Travel.html

Despite loads of dosh being thrown in its general direction, the NHS system isn't currently geared up to provide a pass that takes into account a third (booster) dose. My wife had her booster seven weeks ago and it still isn't showing.

I was pinged on Monday by track and trace as having been in close contact with a zombie. The app asks various questions including 'was your last vaccination within (I think it said) 12 days'. Well I'd had a third dose booster so I said 'yes' and was told to self-isolate. If I hadn't had the booster I wouldn't have been told that. Crazy IT system... Anyway I've now done lateral flow tests for the last three days and I am clear.

PanEuropean 5 Nov 2021 02:03


Originally Posted by Chri8 (Post 623821)
...we are thinking of flying from Italy (not our country of residence), but it seems, that Italy would not allow Third-country passengers to fly back from Morocco to Italy for touristic reasons. Any experience about that regulation. At the moment I interpret the Italian regulation, that Morocco is on list E (country not listed on List A to D) and entry for touristic reasons would not be allowed.

Hi Chris:

As usual, in Italy, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

In September this year, I took the ferry from Tunisia (also on List E) to Italy. The Italian government website was full of the very same information and warnings that you alluded to in your post above. I found an exemption that stated that persons entering Italy were exempt from quarantine (and other travel-related barriers) if they were only transiting Italy and would not be in the country for more than 36 hours.

I downloaded all the paperwork, declarations, sworn statements, etc. that the Italian government wanted me to fill out, printed out all my COVID vaccination proofs etc., and boarded the ferry, expecting that all these documents would be examined when I got off.

Not the case. One customs official looked at my Canadian passport, stamped it, and waved me onwards out of the port. Not a single question about COVID, travel plans, vaccinations, etc.

Hope this information is useful to you.


PS: During my brief time in Italy (the 3 hours it took to ride from Genoa to Switzerland), I noticed that Italy has a "wear a mask" mandate in place. But the Italians have a unique interpretation of this... most of them wear the mask on their arm, over their elbow. It's their way of saying "Yeah, I'm wearing a mask".

Chris Scott 5 Nov 2021 09:35


But they could fly from Brussels, on the same day.
I've heard the same from Morocco that Brussels works at the moment.

9 November:
I'm told a Brit arrived in Marrakech yesterday via Spain with no problems.
The various Covid hoops for each country are as hard as it gets.

TheWarden 9 Nov 2021 17:33

Night time curfew and permits to travel between cities and provinces to be removed from tomorrow.

Lot of rumours (again) today from the Mauritanians that the border with Morocco has reopened, however people at the border report differently. Nothing official from the Authorities yet.

1 rumour is that a rally has special permission to cross tomorrow. But its not the Africa Eco Race or any of the big money rallies, its a banger rally from Germany, and as we know Germany and Morocco aren't talking

levelo 9 Nov 2021 18:38

I am booked on a Marrakesh-bound flight this coming Saturday. Rumour has it that French airports may be soon added to the list of those already banned. Fingers crossed.

Tim Cullis 9 Nov 2021 18:44

Today there's some very good news for Morocco and some disappointing news.

Firstly the disappointing news. Vaccination figures seem to have fallen off a cliff. Two weeks ago the combined first, second and booster doses were totalling 1.6m in a week, with a peak day of over 525,000. This last week has seen under 327,000 doses administered. Six months ago the total of second doses had reached 4.44m. Morocco has a policy of giving booster doses at the six month anniversary and only 1.55m have been administered to date, which means almost 2.9m people currently have out-of-date vaccine passes. The reason for the poor performance is not shortage of vaccines, the government has said it has stocks of almost 15m doses. It also claims vaccination progress is good, but the figures released by the Ministry of Health tell a different story.

On the very positive side, the average new case numbers have fallen yet further to 152 and are now at their lowest since ** 19 June 2020 **. Yes, not June this year, but June last year—16 months ago! For those interested in the raw statistics...

4Mar20 1st case: 1

11May20 1st peak: 175
2Jun20 1st trough: 41
17Nov20 2nd peak: 5206
2Mar21 2nd trough: 350
14Apr21 3rd peak: 569
16May21 3rd trough: 154
10Aug21 4th peak: 9774
9Nov21 current: 152

Going back to the vaccination figures, I wonder whether the positive news on the case numbers is causing the vaccine-hesitants to hold firm. The pressure from the vaccine pass is not as great as intended. Many of the unvaccinated are not travelling, don't need to visit government buildings or police stations, are not eating in restaurants, and their favourite cafes are not checking the passes.

I posed this hypothesis to someone living in El Jadida and he responded, "That is exactly it. I tried getting the third shot when the compulsory pass was announced and it was simply impossible. 100s of people in front of me and 100s more in the sports hall not wearing masks. I declined to submit myself to that. Today, I was the only person in the clinic - I chose a different place to be sure I could get Pfizer. A French friend who had been there a couple of hours earlier had three people in front of her. People have realised they don't need to show the pass. Even Carrefour has given up. Therefore, alongside the ludicrously low figures, people are falling back on luck of the draw and god being 'the best disposer of affairs'. Several locals have said the latter to me."

The relaxation of the night curfew may have some effect on the infection rates going forward but Morocco is currently in a very good place.

Tim Cullis 9 Nov 2021 18:52


Originally Posted by levelo (Post 623933)
Rumour has it that French airports may be soon added to the list of those already banned.

I'm not claiming insider knowledge, but other than Morocco joining the list of counties peed off with M. Macron (grin) there's no good reason for this to happen.

Case numbers in France have climbed 70% in the last 30 days but are only around 700 for the last seven days per million population. Of the 27 EU countries only five are lower, the highest is almost 10,000 (and the UK is 3,500).

TheWarden 9 Nov 2021 20:10

There was no good reason for them banning direct flights from the UK, while allowing transit through a 3rd country, or for keeping Spanish ferries from running when you can fly between Spain and Morocco and keeping the Mauri border closed to tourists but not locals

The one thing we have learnt with Morocco's actions over the last 18months is little can be predicted accurately

markharf 9 Nov 2021 21:02


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 623942)
The one thing we have learnt with Morocco's actions over the last 18months is little can be predicted accurately

I'm not sure this should come as a huge surprise....but even if it did, I'd say the same about my country (USA), Britain, India, Japan, and scores of others.

Tim Cullis 10 Nov 2021 01:44

Mauritanian border now open for tourists according to a Mauritanian contact of Noureddine from Loc2roues.

"Mauritania opens the road today ... this Tuesday morning. The border opened to let tourists pass. Towards the Mauritanian desert and Sub-Saharan Africa. And this measure taken by the Moroccan authorities deprived them of certain compelling profits. We Mauritanian guides our administrators will work hard to make your dreams coincide"

TheWarden 10 Nov 2021 09:04

The people who crossed into Mauritania last night had exceptional permission after some had camped on the border for over 20 days. A good number of the group are members of Overlanding West Africa and Morocco, and confirmed their crossing on Facebook last night as follows.

"We passed to Mauritania.
Exceptional title and for our small group of 10 cars including the Senegalese.
Officially, the Moroccan border is still closed to tourists ������"

There is an expectation that the Dresden to Banjul banger rally might cross today.

There has been no official announcement yet by the Moroccans that it will open for tourists

TheWarden 10 Nov 2021 12:08

First announcement from Morocco on the Mauritanian border.


rydz 10 Nov 2021 14:17


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 623960)
First announcement from Morocco on the Mauritanian border.


Its a start,and thats a good thing!

levelo 11 Nov 2021 19:20


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 623937)
I'm not claiming insider knowledge, but other than Morocco joining the list of counties peed off with M. Macron (grin) there's no good reason for this to happen.

Case numbers in France have climbed 70% in the last 30 days but are only around 700 for the last seven days per million population. Of the 27 EU countries only five are lower, the highest is almost 10,000 (and the UK is 3,500).

Which countries peed off with Macron do you have in mind ?

It is difficult to completely severe air ties between France and Morocco indeed but it's already happened.
And not everything is Covid-related in the relationship. The political situation between the 2 countries has been pretty tense for some weeks for a number of reasons ( as is the case with Spain ).

Tim Cullis 13 Nov 2021 22:30

New restrictions for list 'B' arrivals

For people coming from a list B country (including France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands...) in addition to the compulsory health pass and the negative PCR of less than 48 hours, a twofold control will be carried out on arrival, using thermal cameras and electronic thermometers as well as antigenic tests.

Medical teams will be deployed at each port and airport. Any passenger who tests positive will not be allowed to enter Morocco and will have to return to the country of embarkation at the expense of the air or sea transport company, except for passengers with a permanent residence in Morocco.

levelo 14 Nov 2021 11:49

I landed at Menara airport yesterday afternoon.
Great flight with clear views right above the Strait of Gibraltar. I even clearly saw Casablanca's Great Mosque.
My documents ( proof of vax + PCR, in printed format ) were briefly checked upon arrival, but NOT scanned. Immigration makes you fill in a form with health-related questions. Nothing more.
The airport was very quiet. So is Marrakesh.
Feels so good to be back. Temps are simply perfect.
Masks are still supposed to be compulsory but no one's wearing them.
Leaving for the mountains tomorrow. It hasn't rained nor snowed yet,the countryside is at its driest.

Tim Cullis 14 Nov 2021 22:33

Thanks for the report and I hope you have a great time. There's actually been snow in a few places in the mountains this last week, mostly above 2000m

TheWarden 17 Nov 2021 21:32

Morocco has updated the requirements for entry into the country.

List A and B revised. Spain, UK, Netherlands and Germany removed from List B. But only Spain has been added to List A.

The other countries area mystery at the moment, not appearing on either list.

The big concern is this update REMOVES any mention of Unvaccinated travellers.

I expect we will see a lot of discussion about these changes while we understand what this update means particularly for Unvaccinated travellers.


TheWarden 17 Nov 2021 23:22

The official List B still shows the UK and Germany so the article may not be completely accurate

Tim Cullis 17 Nov 2021 23:30

Spain, Germany and the UK were removed from the B list and added to the new A list which was widely circulated on social media, now Germany and the UK have been removed from A list and put back onto the B list.

The net result is that Spain has been moved from the B list to the A list. France is still on the B list.

Effective immediately, all travellers to Morocco must be fully vaccinated. Travellers from 'A' list countries do not need a PCR test, from 'B' list countries they require a PCR test within 48 hours of boarding.

Antigen tests will be carried out on arrival (maybe only B list?). Moroccan citizens and foreigners resident in Morocco found positive will have to undergo ten days quarantine, all other passengers will be refused entry to Morocco.

Health ministry: https://www.sante.gov.ma/pages/actua...spx?idactu=434

Tim Cullis 18 Nov 2021 08:46

The implication from previous notifications was that all incoming passengers (or maybe all incoming passengers from 'B' list countries) would be subject to lateral flow tests.

Morocco's National Airports Authority has clarified the situation stating that all passengers will be subject to 'double temperature control, systematic' (thermal cameras and electronic thermometers) and that some passengers will be subject to 'random control by rapid antigenic test'.

There have been some reports of hotel staff colluding with those who are supposed to be undergoing quarantine and not strictly enforcing the rules, this may be behind the decision to no longer allow entry to unvaccinated non-resident/citizens.


The government's plan to increase vaccine takeup by only allowing vaccinated citizens access to shops, cafes, etc. seems to have backfired. Refusal from the establishments concerned to check passes plus the relaxation of general restrictions means the vaccine pass is not required for the majority of people and there has been a pushback from people who are being influenced by social media feeds and feel the government has been coercive. Consequently vaccine figures have declined again to less than 230,000 doses last week.

Hespress article on vaccine takeup: https://en.hespress.com/30328-heres-...accinated.html

TheWarden 18 Nov 2021 10:20

Where were the List A pdfs published showing UK etc on it?

As the news broke last night several sites published a version of the Lists without the UK on and then the health ministry published a revised list shortly after showing them still on List B

hav 18 Nov 2021 11:08

Unfortunate that Netherlands isn't listed anywhere.

Just to be clear, it's the last transit airport that counts, not the originating country, correct? So a Norwegian transiting through Brussels gets in without a test, but that same person transiting through Heathrow must have a test?

Tim Cullis 18 Nov 2021 11:32

Netherlands is on list 'B' as Pays-Bas.

Transit passengers whose luggage is checked through to final destination, or only have hand luggage, don't need to go through passport control to collect their luggage and so don't technically enter the transit country.

TheWarden 18 Nov 2021 11:35

As I understand it, if you are from a List B country you need to spend 10 days in a List A country to be able to travel under list A rules.

Given how quickly things can change if I was travelling out I would just get a PCR done to be safe, its cheaper than losing your flight or ferry ticket

Tim Cullis 19 Nov 2021 14:59

As from today the NHS Covid Travel Pass now includes details of booster jabs (this could otherwise have been a problem when in countries that demand booster verification).

From the beginning of November it connects to the EU travel pass gateway and details of UK vaccinations can be interchanged with apps of other countries enabling a seamless checking of status. I believe from comments by TheWarden that this already works with The French app? Not sure about Morocco.

Toyark 19 Nov 2021 17:15


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 624199)
As from today the NHS Covid Travel Pass now includes details of booster jabs

Just checked my UK NHS app- Booster now showing with QR code:thumbup1: in the correct place.


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 624199)
I believe from comments by TheWarden that this already works with The French app?

Just checked and I was able to scan my UK booster QR into the TousAntiCovid French app- usual shower of electronic confetti confirms OK and now visible.

As for Morocco- no idea

Chris Scott 21 Nov 2021 09:03

PCR test centres in Morocco
As it is now buried 7 pages and 3 months ago, here again is the official link to the list of regional clinics to get a PCR test which has lately become a requirement to more of us when leaving Morocco by ferry or plane.


Can anyone confirm how quickly results are delivered?

bikebabe26 21 Nov 2021 13:12

Morocco update admittedly on Facebook
Mark from Overlanding West Africa & Morocco has posted an excellent summary of all things Morocco based today

Tim Cullis 23 Nov 2021 18:55

The honeymoon couldn't last.

Yet more falling numbers on the vaccination front and now the average daily case numbers have climbed for the last three days by a total of 10%. It's too early to call for definite but this reverse in decline is normally the harbinger for a fresh wave.

On the positive side, if this is a new wave, the country is starting from a very low level of infection.

levelo 23 Nov 2021 20:27


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 624233)
As it is now buried 7 pages and 3 months ago, here again is the official link to the list of regional clinics to get a PCR test which has lately become a requirement to more of us when leaving Morocco by ferry or plane.

Are PCR tests still required when leaving Morocco ?
I was under the impression that this requirement was lifted a while back-- when tourists needed a vax certificate to enter the country.

I am still in the country.
Away from the usual tourists towns ( Essaouira & Marrakesh ) there are virtually no foreigners. People are not wearing masks, even in crowded markets or shared taxis. I have been asked for my Covid certificate only once at an empty museum :-). Lots of businesses closed, or struggling to survive.

Chris Scott 23 Nov 2021 21:26


Are PCR tests still required when leaving Morocco ?
Departure PCRs are back on, as they were for ages, apart from a brief spell in October (for UK nationals, at least).

Chris Scott 24 Nov 2021 14:10

PCR test in Marrakech
1 Attachment(s)
I dare say there are 100s around the country, but if you’re renting a vehicle from one of the agencies in Gueliz, Marrakech and/or flying out of RAK, the nearest clinic to get a PCR done around here is
Labo Gueliz
31.63276, -8.01646

Near the train station on the main Bvd Abdelkarim el Khatabbi (same road as Loc2roues) which leads north to the A3 for Casa, or south to the airport and the Tizi n Test.

It’s open for walk-ins 7 days a week from 7am.
Will confirm 500dh price and all the rest later.

[But after seeing Tim's posted below it looks like I may have got carried away with my testing regime.
It seems no PCR needed to get on a France-bound GNV ferry, assuming it actually leaves on Saturday after the latest sudden shift in goalposts].

But for Genoa, GNV says:
The Covid test (PCR or rapid) with a negative result obtained within the 72 hours prior to entry into Italy is mandatory for all passengers arriving in Italy from Morocco. Kids under 6 years are exempt

levelo 24 Nov 2021 16:00


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 624310)
Departure PCRs are back on, as they were for ages, apart from a brief spell in October (for UK nationals, at least).

It doesn't appear to be the case for French nationals.
I just checked again on the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères' website.
Transavia, the airline I am flying, hasn't warned me either.
Is there an official list of nationalities for which tests are mandatory published by the Moroccan government ?

Tim Cullis 25 Nov 2021 07:47

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by levelo (Post 624306)
Are PCR tests still required when leaving Morocco?

Are you asking what is needed by the Moroccan authorities in order to leave the country? If this is the case, foreigners whether resident in Morocco or abroad don't need any authorisation.

TheWarden 25 Nov 2021 12:45

SoE extended until the 31st December

TheWarden 25 Nov 2021 16:51

Breaking news flight between Morocco and France suspended fro 23:59 Friday 26th November.

No news on ferries yet.


Chris Scott 25 Nov 2021 18:57


No news on ferries yet.
If they do ditch them too, hopefully my Saturday TanMed–Sete will divert to Barcelona.
It's near enough.

levelo 25 Nov 2021 19:08


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624351)
Breaking news flight between Morocco and France suspended fro 23:59 Friday 26th November.

No news on ferries yet.


This is all so very sudden, Moroccan style :innocent:
My direct flight to France on Transavia was -- and still is, I just checked on their website-- scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
No emails nor text messages from them. Yet.
This airline mostly flies between France, Morocco, Spain and The Netherlands ( it is owned by Air France-KLM ).
I am hoping the company somehow reroutes its planes.

levelo 25 Nov 2021 19:18


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 624356)
If they do ditch them too, hopefully my Saturday TanMed–Sete will divert to Barcelona.
It's near enough.

Here's what's just been posted on the French Ministère des Affaires Etrangères' website ( dated today ). The border with Mauritania appears to be closed again and the ferries to Sète suspended.

"Conditions d’entrée sur le territoire marocain
L’état d’urgence sanitaire est en vigueur au Maroc depuis le 20 mars 2020 et est prolongé tous les mois depuis cette date. Dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence, les frontières aériennes, terrestres et maritimes du Maroc sont fermées.

Les liaisons aériennes entre la France et le Maroc, qui avaient repris le 15 juin 2021 sont à nouveau suspendues, à partir du 26 novembre 2021 à 23h59. Au-delà de cette date, des vols commerciaux dans le sens Maroc-France pourraient être autorisés, dans les mêmes conditions que lors de la dernière suspension (mars-juin 2021). Il convient de se rapprocher de sa compagnie aérienne.

Les liaisons maritimes entre la France et le Maroc sont également suspendues.

Les frontières terrestres restent fermées. Aucun franchissement n’est possible, dans les deux sens. Cela concerne notamment les points de passage frontaliers avec Ceuta et Melilla, ainsi qu’avec la Mauritanie (Guerguerat) ".

TheWarden 25 Nov 2021 19:23


Originally Posted by levelo (Post 624357)
This is all so very sudden, Moroccan style :innocent:
My direct flight to France on Transavia was -- and still is, I just checked on their website-- scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
No emails nor text messages from them. Yet.
This airline mostly flies between France, Morocco, Spain and The Netherlands ( it is owned by Air France-KLM ).
I am hoping the company somehow reroutes its planes.

French embassy has issued an announcement I would check it out asap

levelo 25 Nov 2021 19:57


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624359)
French embassy has issued an announcement I would check it out asap

Just been told that all ' return ' Transavia flights to France out of Morocco are maintained until December 2nd. My folks called the airline on my behalf.
I assume the same is true with other airlines linking the 2 countries.

Chris Scott 25 Nov 2021 20:18

Quick response from an email to GNV which is hopeful.

We are handling a large number of requests, we ask you the courtesy of waiting for our reply.

levelo 25 Nov 2021 20:23


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 624363)
Quick response from an email to GNV which is hopeful.

We are handling a large number of requests, we ask you the courtesy of waiting for our reply.

Good luck mate.
If the airlines are allowed to fly out to France your Saturday ferry should undergo the same treatment.
It would then be the very last before long.
The French MAE hasn't confirmed yet what the airline has been telling me but I suppose our public servants don't do overtime :-)

Chris Scott 25 Nov 2021 22:32

This may explain closing the RIM border:

TheWarden 25 Nov 2021 22:41

Suspension of flights deferred until the 28th now, so you may both be OK.

Not seen anything new from the Moroccans re the Mauritanian Border since the announcment a few weeks ago. But a lot of rumours that they would only allow people out not in

PanEuropean 26 Nov 2021 02:15

Here is a link to an informative article on the 'Simple Flying' website that provides an overview of European flight restrictions imposed by Morocco: Morocco Bans Flights As COVID Levels Rise.


levelo 26 Nov 2021 07:25


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624367)
Suspension of flights deferred until the 28th now, so you may both be OK.

Not seen anything new from the Moroccans re the Mauritanian Border since the announcment a few weeks ago. But a lot of rumours that they would o ly allow people out not in

It's in the news this side of the Strait :
Until further notice. Stay tuned !

TheWarden 26 Nov 2021 16:53

Travel from several southern African countries stopped now

TheWarden 26 Nov 2021 18:19

Ferries between France and Morocco confirmed as suspended from the 28th.

Hope both of you get out ok

levelo 26 Nov 2021 18:28


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624384)
Ferries between France and Morocco confirmed as suspended from the 28th.

Hope both of you get out ok

My flight is still on tomorrow. I was able to do my check-in online this afternoon. I am expecting the airport to be rather chaotic, though.

Earlier this afternoon Transavia still had seats available on its Paris-bound planes ( some may have been added since the news broke ).
They were going at around 500 euros a pop :(

edwardbgill 27 Nov 2021 20:07


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624384)
Ferries between France and Morocco confirmed as suspended from the 28th.

Hope both of you get out ok

Is this confirmed? What’s the source?


TheWarden 27 Nov 2021 20:16

Announcement from the Moroccan gov. Yesterday it was just the French Embassy saying it.

Today official clarification and GNV confirmed ferries cancelled

edwardbgill 27 Nov 2021 23:22


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624405)
Announcement from the Moroccan gov. Yesterday it was just the French Embassy saying it.

Today official clarification and GNV confirmed ferries cancelled

Many thanks


levelo 28 Nov 2021 14:36


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624405)
Announcement from the Moroccan gov. Yesterday it was just the French Embassy saying it.

Today official clarification and GNV confirmed ferries cancelled

It's in the papers here in France. Only freighters will be sailing :


I got back home last night.
Menara airport was rather tense and packed with Frenchies anxious to board before the deadline. Extra flights were added by Transavia & Air France but some had already been postponed and rescheduled.
In true bandit fashion Easyjet and Ryanair had already decamped leaving hundreds of people stranded.

Tim Cullis 28 Nov 2021 15:15

All passenger flights to Morocco from all countries suspended for two weeks.

Suspension starts 1 minute to midnight Monday, so effective Tuesday onwards.


Morocco World News

I didn't see any mention of Italy in the ferry cancellations in previous posts, it now seems all passenger ferry links are suspended but possibly only for two weeks, according to Medias24

levelo 28 Nov 2021 16:46

There we go again...

TheWarden 28 Nov 2021 21:07

The ferries to Italy hadn't been mentioned in earlier posts because up until the announcement a few hours ago they were still runningdoh

Tim Cullis 28 Nov 2021 21:49


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 624442)
The ferries to Italy hadn't been mentioned in earlier posts because up until the announcement a few hours ago they were still runningdoh

Why the 'dōh' doh?

dtour 30 Nov 2021 09:48

All flights to and from Morocco are suspended since midnight. Currently stuck in Marrakech, the consensus is that some special flights will be organized to let people out the country, but no ETA yet.

Tim Cullis 30 Nov 2021 10:19

The French ambassador has stated that Air France and Transavia are planning one-way repatriation flights but as of yesterday afternoon were awaiting permission from the Moroccan authorities. The flights are intended for Europeans and for others who are looking to transit via France.

EDIT: judging from this link the permission has been granted

dtour 30 Nov 2021 11:52

Yes, there are some flights available with transavia starting from the 3rd of Dec. just booked one, let’s see if it happens!

levelo 30 Nov 2021 16:48


Originally Posted by dtour (Post 624487)
Yes, there are some flights available with transavia starting from the 3rd of Dec. just booked one, let’s see if it happens!

Sorry to hear.
To be on the safe side try to call their hotline. When I got them on the phone last Thursday evening they told me that they were planning to fly out of Morocco until December 2nd. Air France had flights ' scheduled ' until December 5th.

TheWarden 30 Nov 2021 17:18

Watching the news over the last 24hours and it seems most eu nations have planned repatriation flight waiting for approval from Morocco at the moment

dtour 30 Nov 2021 17:21

Ended up buying new flights with Iberia as Transavia could not confirm that the one we got won’t be cancelled. Kind of hoping they will cancel it now so we can get a refund.

Anyway there is a bunch of airlines from different countries now organizing evacuation flights (available to anyone who buys them). some resources below



Airarabia also had a list of flights on their website but the link was taken down maybe an hour ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

dtour 30 Nov 2021 17:23

Plus the list Tim shared earlier on this thread of course https://www.airfrance.ma/MA/fr/local...s_speciaux.htm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

levelo 30 Nov 2021 17:56


Originally Posted by dtour (Post 624500)
Plus the list Tim shared earlier on this thread of course https://www.airfrance.ma/MA/fr/local...s_speciaux.htm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Here is the complete list of Air France flights :

[IMG]horaires Air France[/IMG]

A friend of mine got an email from RAM stating the fact that repatriation flights were also scheduled but awaiting final approval.

TheWarden 30 Nov 2021 17:59

Thats hopeful if you need to get back to Europe,

Looks like the majority are still awaiting Moroccan approval, including Air France flights after the 1st December according to the link posted earlier

Tim Cullis 30 Nov 2021 23:35

Royal Air Maroc is preparing special flights to Italy, Spain and Canada for Saturday 4 December in addition to already announced flights to France, https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/202...pain-and-italy

TheWarden 8 Dec 2021 10:55

Morocco's COVID Scientific committee meet today to discuss the situation, the outcome will then be reviewed at tomorrows government meetings.

The current 2 week closure ends on Monday so expect to see an update following these meetings.

Some press outlets have been publishing news that travel will resume next week but its just rumour until we hear from the government

TheWarden 8 Dec 2021 14:28

Rumour mill on overdrive today, some news outlets reporting the Committee has recommended the reopening from Monday and others saying it will be extended. EDIT the Ministry of Health has now confirmed these reports are fake

As ever until the gov announcement don't believe anything. If things do open I very much doubt it will be a full opening of all borders and travel

TheWarden 9 Dec 2021 19:09

Travel suspension extended until the 31st December 2021

TheWarden 20 Dec 2021 17:23

Morocco has extended the time limit exemption for vehicles temporarily imported into the country until the 30th June 2022.

sz_22 20 Dec 2021 17:34

Can it be considered as a hint for the borders remaining closed much longer than expected? :(

TheWarden 20 Dec 2021 18:07

Not on its own, the extensions on temporary vehicle imports has always been in 6 month blocks rather than the usual monthly updates on the State of Emergency.

The Moroccan gov will probably update the SoE and border restrictions in the next 10 days or so, most likley on the 30/12/21 . Given the current situation in Europe, I expect to see the closures remain in place for a while longer.

The danger they have now is this current set of travel restrictions will kill the 3rd Spring tourist season in a row now, the sudden decisions to close borders is damaging any tourist confidence about travel to Morocco without fear of becoming trapped for a while or facing a mad scramble to get expensive flights home.

Tim Cullis 21 Dec 2021 22:08

There are now 28 confirmed cases of Omicron in Morocco with another 38 suspected cases, spread over Casablanca, Rabat and Fez-Meknes.

The 28 confirmed cases puts Morocco roughly 21 days behind the UK's Omicron infection trajectory, so following much more closely than expected.

I don't know if there's a direct connection, but recorded positive Covid tests have taken a sudden upturn this week and today 381 new cases were registered. The seven-day rolling average of cases is 219 which is 50% higher than the 137 of a week ago.

On a worrying note, Sinopharm booster doses which have been extensively deployed in Morocco are said to be less effective against Omicron, according to a Hespress article

TheWarden 23 Dec 2021 12:12

SOE extended until end of Jan 2022.

Omicron presence in Morocco is no surprise, that horse had well and truly bolted by the time the Variant was announced!

sz_22 23 Dec 2021 13:12

SOE only, or borders closed, no flights/ferries either?

TheWarden 23 Dec 2021 17:26

SOE only at the moment. I expect we will hear on borders in the next week but it will very likely be an extension now.

The SOE is only the legal framework allowing the gov to impose control measures so will likely keep being extended until the pandemic is over

Tim Cullis 23 Dec 2021 17:56


Originally Posted by Tim Cullis (Post 624958)
... recorded positive Covid tests have taken a sudden upturn this week and today 381 new cases were registered. The seven-day rolling average of cases is 219 which is 50% higher than the 137 of a week ago.

The last two days have seen daily new cases of Covid of 427 and 475 respectively with a rolling 7-day average of 287.

With the onset of winter and the fact that Omnicron variant is already spreading there seems little doubt that Morocco is starting a fresh wave of infection, albeit from a thankfully very low starting position. Deaths have also risen (six today) but a low rolling average of just 3 per day.

UPDATE 25Dec: cases in the two days since the figures above were 654 and 734, which becomes a rolling average of 423 or 137% higher than a week ago. Once again the heavily populated coastal regions are leading the way with 584 of the 734 cases in Casablanca and Rabat regions, next worst hit was Marrakech region with 87, then Agadir (Souss-Massa region) with 38.

The Moroccan authorities announced that repatriation flights for citizens/residents stranded abroad would cease on 23 December due to the fast spread of Omicron. By that date, 45 cases of Covid were detected amongst those being repatriated to Marrakech, mostly Delta or other variants, but seven of the cases were Omicron. Five serious cases have been admitted to intensive care in Marrakech.

In the period between 14 and 23 December 112 suspected cases of Omicron have been detected in Morocco.

TheWarden 24 Dec 2021 13:58

ONDA announced flights suspended until end of January 2022

levelo 24 Dec 2021 17:27

The Moroccan government has also decided to stop repatriating its own citizens stranded around the world until the end of January ( mostly in the Near and Middle East )...

Merry Christmas to all !

sz_22 27 Dec 2021 09:39


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 625009)
ONDA announced flights suspended until end of January 2022

GNV still showing Dec 31....but they are not famous for rapid updates..:thumbdown:

PanEuropean 28 Dec 2021 20:14

Maybe Morocco is doing the right thing with the border closure
Hello all:

Below is an interesting chart showing a comparison between Canada, the USA and Morocco for COVID-19 infections reported since the start of the pandemic. The data comes from John Hopkins University, whom I consider to be a credible source.

The number of infections per 100,000 people reported in Morocco over the entire course of this pandemic is significantly lower than what has been reported in either Canada or the USA (the UK is off the chart, far higher than the USA).

Although the possibility exists that infection detection & recording in Morocco is not as thorough as it is in Canada and the USA, I think that is not the reason for the low incidence of infection reported in Morocco - the death rate following infection is likely the same in all 3 countries, and I don't think deaths have been off the chart in Morocco.

What I conclude from this is that perhaps the health authorities in Morocco have done the right thing - made the right decisions - with respect to closing borders and restricting movement of people in and out of the country. That's no consolation to those of us who want to travel there, but it appears to have greatly benefitted the population of Morocco.


COVID-19 Infections per 100,000 people - Canada, USA, Morocco

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 15:19.
