Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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TheWarden 17 Feb 2020 14:14

COVID-19 - Morocco Master Thread
Post useful Morocco Coronavirus info here which can be of use to other travellers.
Not all who use this forum choose to post, but all are seeking info.

Please take chit-chat or speculation to other threads or websites.

Morocco have introduced a requirement for a Coronavirus declaration to be completed for entry into the Kingdom.

Below is a link to the form for entry via sea, there is a different form if you arrive by air


uknomad 17 Feb 2020 16:47

Many thanks. bier

TheWarden 17 Feb 2020 17:37

No problem :D

BTW I'm not sure what the situation is arriving into Morocco from Mauritania is, I guess there will be a similar form.

Tomkat 18 Feb 2020 13:16

And so it starts.

TheWarden 18 Feb 2020 16:36

Checking peoples temperatures on the way into Mauritania today.

The Norwegians from the Tindouf crossing, crossed back into Morocco yesterday and didn't have a form to fill in apparently

uknomad 18 Feb 2020 21:08

A) I wonder what would happen if you said "YES" to any of those questions, and how would the Moroccans would handle it. I feel for any Chinese now landing who haven't been affected.

and B) would anyone admit it, and says YES to any of the bottom 3 questions?

Some years ago I entered the US of A, and some TSA clown asked if I "intended to perform an act of terrorism", really :eek3:. As if anyone would say yes!? :innocent:

samyonboard 10 Mar 2020 18:02

All GNV Ships to Italy suspended till April 3rd
SO returns and going to Morocco from Genova not longer possible. Sete or Barcelona are alternatives... Source: Salambo Tours e.K. FB site

PanEuropean 10 Mar 2020 22:16

Wow, I just barely got my butt out of Palermo (to Tunis) on time - I left on last Saturday's sailing.

I expect that the Italy to Tunisia ferry service will get cancelled in the not too distant future, the only question will be whether the Tunisians pull the plug on it out of fear of importing infection, or whether the ferry company will pull the plug because of a lack of passengers.

There were only about 60 people on the ship Saturday - it has capacity for 1,200.


samyonboard 12 Mar 2020 16:35

RUmors now that Morocco cuts all incoming Ferries from Spain too... WOn't be too long and all borders are shut...

PanEuropean 12 Mar 2020 19:19


Originally Posted by samyonboard (Post 609931)
RUmors now...

Rumors are like pissing down your pant leg - they might make you feel warm & comfortable, but they are of no benefit to anyone else.

Let's keep the information posted here on the HUBB limited to FACTUAL information that can be backed up with either official government or trustworthy news sources, or first-hand experience.


Piecemealad 12 Mar 2020 23:29

COVID-19 - access to and from Morocco
I have been contacted by a hotel I had booked with to tell me the Moroccan Gvt will close the border with Spain tomorrow 13 March 2020 due to Covid 19

Peter Girling 13 Mar 2020 08:59

Morocco Frontier with Spain Closed
It's official:


Tim Cullis 13 Mar 2020 10:25

Airline and passenger ferry links to and from Spain and Italy have been suspended, though freight traffic to and from Spain will continue at present.

The land borders with the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla have been closed.

Snow White 13 Mar 2020 11:36

Oh bugger.
Was due to go there next week, :censored:

tony johnston 13 Mar 2020 12:25

Whopee!stuck here for the forseeable future with no pressing committments at home:D

gsadvman 13 Mar 2020 14:20

Morocco no go
flights and ferries suspended to and from Spain to Morocco......

Peter Girling 13 Mar 2020 16:35

Now includes travel from France:


TheWarden 14 Mar 2020 00:04

Lot of gossip going around on this, current situation is, no ferries or planes between Spain Italy or France from Morocco, Spain routes were cancelled yesterday, France today. Commercial traffic is still permitted.

Ceuta etc land borders were closed at 6am this morning but have now been reopened. But they are only open for Spanish citizens leaving or Moroccans returning.

Mauritanian border is open but health screening in place on both sides

TheWarden 14 Mar 2020 00:06


Originally Posted by tony johnston (Post 609952)
Whopee!stuck here for the forseeable future with no pressing committments at home:D

me too, but seems to be much less risk here with only 8 cases confirmed. Plus its warm and sunny :D

TheWarden 14 Mar 2020 00:10


.... Rumors are like pissing down your pant leg - they might make you feel warm & comfortable, but they are of no benefit to anyone else.
Its not a rumour, see the other thread, but borders are restricted not closed

Piecemealad 14 Mar 2020 07:51

Im currently in Jerez cant go back cant go forward strange feeling.

uknomad 14 Mar 2020 08:36

Thanks for the heads-up.

uknomad 14 Mar 2020 08:42


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 609965)
Lot of gossip going around on this, current situation is, no ferries or planes between Spain Italy or France from Morocco, Spain routes were cancelled yesterday, France today. Commercial traffic is still permitted.

Ceuta etc land borders were closed at 6am this morning but have now been reopened. But they are only open for Spanish citizens leaving or Moroccans returning.

Mauritanian border is open but health screening in place on both sides

Thanks for the heads-up.

7800 14 Mar 2020 10:30

I was just about to start applying for visas for my UK to Cape Town trip. 18 months planning and dreaming and 6 weeks to go and it's gone, I'm absolutely gutted.:censored:

Chris Scott 14 Mar 2020 13:18

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the info.
Was about to cross into RIM tomorrow for a short visit but decided to turn back north while I still could.
Looks like I left it too late.
My Santander sailing dropped too - tho Brit Ferry website says 'all running to schedule'
Still, better to be stuck in MK than baking RIM. Loads of great places to stay with good wifi comms, unlike inland RIM.

Hopefully Straits ferries will resume soon, at least to let foreigners out, as Warden says in the Sp enclaves.

In contact with a Czech bloke here. His country is closed. His work project cancelled.
Decided to turn his T7 test run into the full trans-Africa he was planning. May as well keep going.

Map on BBC shows Africa largely clear - or just unreported... like C. Asia...

uknomad 14 Mar 2020 21:48

Thanks Chris.

A lot of mainland European Countries seem to be closing their borders now, I think there's about 10 already, I've already lost freight work in some of these.

Off to Spain and France next week, we'll see then. Who knows hopefully a job to Morocco and weather the "storm virus" there. Somewhat ironic as far, far too many people I meet, think Moroccans are dirty.

Safe travels all!

TheWarden 14 Mar 2020 21:52

Updates today, Ceuta border open for Spanish and French leaving, possibly a few other nationalities. You need a valid ferry ticket to leave.

No news for us Brits at present but will speak to the embassy on Monday when it reopens.

Some campsite offering free accomodation to us refugees.

Mean time we are enjoying the desert and heading to Zagora tomorrow

Chris Scott 15 Mar 2020 09:37

Getting quite bad here now if you want to get out.
Airports closed I am told - but can’t be for too long or for everyone and everywhere I hope.


Land borders (there is only one) open but RIM turning people back who entered Morocco in the last few days - or the option to quarantine in a hotel for 14 days.
Other travellers here at Bir Gandouz wondering what to do.

Better to be stuck in MK, that's for sure.

Tim Cullis 15 Mar 2020 13:47

UK flights about to be suspended
See this TripAdvisor thread for information on the virus in Morocco: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowTo...html#106042556

klausmong1 15 Mar 2020 14:22

Sorry, what is RIM ?

Tim Cullis 15 Mar 2020 14:57

It’s official. All international flights, ferries and land border crossings suspended, see https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/202...urther-notice/

Though it’s likely one-way repatriation flights will be organised.

Tim Cullis 15 Mar 2020 15:00

RIM - Republic Islamic Mauritania.

All international flights, ferries and land border crossings now suspended, see https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/202...urther-notice/

TheWarden 15 Mar 2020 16:46

French Airlines are running flights to repatriate French nationals, more reports today that europeans are able to cross in Cueta if you have a valid ferry ticket to leave

Tim Cullis 15 Mar 2020 18:27

Two UK 4x4 camper owners were able to exit via Ceuta yesterday.

The latest situation with UK flight cancellations (from FCO website) is, "As of midnight 15 March, flights between Morocco and 31 other countries will be suspended. Flights to and from the UK will be suspended from midnight 16 March. Passenger ferry links between Morocco and Spain and Gibraltar have already been suspended. If you are already visiting Morocco, you should urgently contact your airline or tour operator and arrange to leave as soon as possible."

Chris Scott 15 Mar 2020 18:56

I have a BA flight booked Friday to UK.
Was the first available.
We'll see if it happens.

uknomad 15 Mar 2020 19:50

Thanks for the update Tim.

Chris Scott 16 Mar 2020 09:40

Out of Ceuta and across Spain
It looks like FRS (unlike Balearia until April 1) are still listing several ferries running this Friday (for example) with a couple of cancellations to suggest the timetable has been amended due to current events.

And I also know that Brittany are still running out of north Spain next week, also with some cancellations.

Assuming Ceuta land border remains open for the next few days, can anyone who is able to watch more news that me clarify if it's still possible/allowed to ride across Spain?
Afaict, it seems lockdown does not mean locked up, just restricted to essential movement.

TheWarden 16 Mar 2020 10:38

Another confirmed Brit exited via Ceuta last night and currently driving north through Spain.

Ceuta border is open if you leaving and Spain is not on a total lock down, despite what the rumour mongers will have you believe

Chris Scott 16 Mar 2020 11:09

Thanks for info. Will aim for Ceuta then, then hold my breath till Santander.

TheWarden 16 Mar 2020 12:27

Apparently its very busy and obviously limited space. Should get a but easier in a few days and more people have exited

Tim Cullis 16 Mar 2020 13:33

My neighbours in Spain say that travelling home is an allowable exception to the lockdown. On the possible routes through Spain, Sevilla and Madrid are the places to avoid as much as you are able.

In the meantime in Morocco, although food shops will remain open, all restaurants and coffee shops will close at 18:00 today until further notice. Also hamams, cinemas, clubs, theatres, etc

The British Embassy in Morocco is assuring British citizens that repatriation flights to the UK will take place. The Embassy has set up a crisis team to help the Moroccan authorities and the Airlines manage the situation. The top priority of that team today is to negotiate extra flights with authorities. Thomas Reilly, the British Ambassador, stresses that airline companies, tour companies and travel agents are all working to get people home.

Chris Scott 16 Mar 2020 19:43

Thanks for extra news.

Got to this hotel just after 6pm and the police were already on them to get their tables off the street and shut up shop.
Wouldn't even serve me a coffee once inside - one of the reasons I like this place ;-(
Feels like a solo booze-free lock-in.

Crucially, hotels remain open so I'm told.
But I can see some less worldly places not accepting foreigners unless they know you.
Unclear if they can feed you too.
I suppose not, but got unused camp food to get through anyway.

I presume same in Spain: hotels open, but BYO dinner.

I did contact the Rabat embassy this morning wrt repat flights, in case it comes to that. Not heard anything yet.

Someone just mentioned that coming back via Spain may require me to quarantine myself when I get to UK.

So something to be said for parking the bike and flying home, if that becomes possible.

TheWarden 16 Mar 2020 19:51

Our experience today has been a lot more pragmatic. Restaurant in Zagora said yes they have to close at 6pm but they a still allowed to sell us takeaway meals.

No problems at the hotel/campsite in Mhamid, happy to see us amidst a sea of knee jerk cancellations, food and coffee not a problem.

Lot of places now offering huge discounts or free accomodation to people trapped by cornahysteria.

We did get turned down for a coffee at 1 place a 4pm so we went next door and spent our money.

Chris Scott 16 Mar 2020 20:08

This on Morocco embassy Twitter.

British nationals in #Morocco affected by the Coronavirus outbreak can contact us on this address: Morocco.consularsupport ATAT fco.gov.uk
Please mention your full name, date of birth, passport number, current location & phone number.

ADDED: Just tried this and you get an auto response (4 in fact) to send the info you just sent - and a bit more - so they can see if a flight you might have book (as iI have) will happen.

TheWarden 16 Mar 2020 20:41

Luc at Carrefour DNomads has confirmed that the restaurant closure order does not apply to hotels, they are currently preparing a chicken tajine for those staying tonight.

Comments elsewhere that the ferry's are on hold again from Mellilia

Chris Scott 17 Mar 2020 20:32

There is a video from the Brit ambassador on Twitter assuring those wanting to fly out that he has brought in extra flights.

But he then advises contact your airline/tour op etc to get on those flights or mill around the airport in on the off chance. The responses to his post show how that's gone down. BA are uncontactable and cancelled flights not rebookable online.

Maybe that's all embassies can ever do.
I had an idea repatriation was a bit more organised: 'be here at x time and a plane will be waiting.'

Hopefully it will ease up in a couple of days.

levelo 17 Mar 2020 21:43

Friend of mine is currently stuck around Sevilla.
He was in Morocco for a while but he had left his van in southern Spain.
He somehow made it back to Spain, picked up his car and started driving north. He was stopped by Police twice today, they wouldn't let him drive anywhere.
The poor guy is stuck, trying to get home ( northern Italy... ).

TheWarden 17 Mar 2020 21:51

Had the same experience with the FCO consulate email thing. It all geared at peoe who flew in. Apparently the 3 days of evac flights is prioritising people with return tickets.

2 of us in 4x4s in FZ tonight, companion needs to get back to family, I'm more flexible but wondering what next

TheWarden 17 Mar 2020 21:54

Who is stuck in Morocco at the moment?
So who is stuck here at the moment? Might be worth staying in contact, pooling resources or just getting out into the desert to wait it out

markharf 17 Mar 2020 22:53


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 610146)
BA are uncontactable and cancelled flights not rebookable online.

I'll offer this just in case it's useful to someone. I've been trying to cancel my Air Canada flights, feeling like an episode from a Franz Kafka novel--website links that didn't work, phone numbers that didn't work, email addresses that don't work, message boards full of people just like me, etc. I used some contact info from Chris Elliot's website (https://www.elliott.org), but that didn't work either.

I finally got a response from a direct message I sent on an Air Canada Facebook page. I don't yet know whether it's all taken care of as the rep promised, but it seemed like a good sign. So that avenue may be worth a try.

Christopher Elliot has contact info for, among others, executives at British Airways, Air France, and more. Follow his very specific instructions for best chance of success (and so as not to poison these communication channels).

Good luck all!


Chris Scott 17 Mar 2020 22:53


... prioritising people with return tickets.
I see. Fair enough and good to know. Will leave RAK airport for a few days then.

They emailed a reply to my explaining airlines uncontactable with the 9-points questionnaire I filled out yesterday or before.
'I filled it out already' I say
that generates another 9-points questionnaire
'I filled it out already' I say
that generates another...

They did try to call me today. Or someone did. On the moto.
Like BA, you certainly can't call them:
'Sorry the embassy is closed' at 2pm on a Tuesday.

Another problem, in the provinces at least, is that hotels are closing for lack of business. Yesterday in Tantan the place closed behind me, same will happen here in Tiznit.
While in Marrakech or Agadir - where one is told to head for to get flights home – my usual place in Marrakech is virtually empty and about to close too. I think everyone's camped at the airport.

uknomad 18 Mar 2020 11:47

Stop gloating. :) I wish I was, the hysteria here is laughable.

Can't get toliet paper here, people were told to sneeze into their elbows, just shows, people don't know their a*se from their elbow. :welcome::D

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 16:16

Not meant that way, just thinking ahead that a few like minded people might be able to ride the situation here together

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 17:50

Messaged both Balearia and Trasmedditeranae today and the confirmed that ferries are running back to Spain from Cueta but didn't know if we could get into Ceuta. I guess that's outside their remit

FCO travel advice for driving back through Spain is typically unhelpful and on the Spain page tells you what to do about driving through Francedoh

In Taliouine tonight and the locals are much more aware of the issue. Bread shop had barricades up to stop you leaning on the counter and the guy was washing coins. Few people sporting pointless face masks

uknomad 18 Mar 2020 18:03

I didn't think you did mean that way. I'd still rather be in Maroc. bier

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 18:06

It seems that flights from RAK and AGR end tomorrow (19th) so may be too late to leave vehicle after that until who knows.
But Spain?France roads restricted? I guess you'll find out.

Yes, overnight the new fashion is wearing masks -often on forehead - or pulling up cheches. Some cafes open discreetly.
Hawkers on the Tiznit bus tried to shove some latex gloves in my face.
Now in Marrakech - deserted for a Wednesday. This hotel about to close.

Hope anyone who wants to drive/ride back out can manage.
May be a long wait with increasing local restrictions and shortages if you choose to sit it out.

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 18:09

Just heard from a guy who tried Ceuta, not possible, yet people were passing him at the border saying they had a ferry tonight.

Guess we could try and find dig tree Chris?

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 18:25

Thanks but I don't want to go back to WS any time soon - except to shoot through to RIM.
I made it back to Dakhla Junctiion with 600cc in the tank and normal range down by 40%. And this was at 100kph.
The wind just does not stop day or night - as we know.
OK in a car or camper and it's that time of year.

So Ceuta border in to Spain is open?
It's one step closer - but closer to what?

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 18:32

Yes seems open but nowhere to go from there it seems.

Might be forced to stick it out in the south until the Embassy get around to us independent motorised travellers

Had a look for Dig Tree in September, 50 degrees and a sand storm, no fun even in a 4x4

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 19:11

Escape from Ceuta
1 Attachment(s)
Just saw this

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 19:19

Saw that and a brief glimmer of hope then saw that the original post was over 24hours ago, much like some of the flight info they are posting today. Then there's the concern wether we can drive through Spain to the next ferry.

Still at least our guys seem not to have forgotten the unusual travellers

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 19:30

Yes, how can it take 24 hours to repost that - especially as it may change by the time you belt up there?
Or an easyjet timetable from 2 days ago?

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 20:48

Morocco closing airports tomorrow night (19th).
It's official.

TheWarden 18 Mar 2020 21:25

Really? What will they do with all the tourists stuck here

Chris Scott 18 Mar 2020 23:47

1 Attachment(s)
They will say they had their chance to get out via RAK or AGR, or even Ceuta before Mk shuts borders.
Things will eventually re-open of course, but who knows when?

Afaict, the embassy's 'behind the scenes' work has been to negotiate/plead with Mk to allow 'rescue' flights to above airports before shut down.
Then additionally, get/demand airlines to lay them on, even if it means coming out empty. Lots of talk/evidence of empty seats going back and not just packing them in. May be an explanation for this, but just adds to frustration.

Emb was clear: get to RAK or AGR.
But why applaud announcing a bunch of Easyjets to France?
UK is just a few miles on. EJ is a Brit airline, no?
In France you get fined for going out now unless in a certified jogging outfit.

In front of the scenes, MK FCO comms or advice to travellers has been, self-admittedly 'contradictory'.
'Contact your airline' just did not work.
Has not for me or g/f back home.

Never heard from BA - flight was just cancelled, missed an EJet while on the bus today via g/f on the phone, but reacted quicker to an EJ email to rebook my cancelled Monday flight for tomorrow.
Will believe it when the wheels tuck in.

Post below struck a cord. That's how I thought repat worked.
Not convinced reg with the embassy had any benefit for me.
EJet would have emailed the cancel/rebook anyway.
Perhaps it helped give them an idea of numbers?
Maybe embassy will see my name on a manifest later and tick me off.

But my past experience with embassies when in a pickle (outside the realm of regular holidaymaking) has been: rely on your own contacts/resources.

samyonboard 19 Mar 2020 02:34

In a german speaking Morocco traveller FB Group ppl say they are at the port in Ceuta. EU Passports can get out of Morocco into Ceuta if they have a Ferry ticket... At the moment no ferries but because of the weather. That is announced to be better tomorrow. Also on the same FB ppl report they make it through Spain, france into Germany no problem. That means heading home is possible. Good luck buying toilet paper on the way tho... Good luck everybody!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1633166896942809/

7800 19 Mar 2020 13:03

UK Advice to Leave Morocco
The British embassy in Morocco has put out the following announcement on Twitter for Brits in the country to go to Marrakech immediately:

All special flights departing from Morocco to the UK are scheduled for today. There will be no other flights after midnight tonight.

UK in Morocco
⚠️⚠️⚠️If you are in Agadir, please go to Marrakech immediately. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

❗️❗️All special flights departing from #Morocco

TheWarden 19 Mar 2020 16:17

Trouble is the airport is total chaos with people and the flights are full. Tried getting a ticket with no luck. We saw 2 flights come into Agadir when we were there but didn't see which airlines.

Bumped into some Brit friends in Agadir and we are now in Imsouane camping.

Ferries from Ceuta on hold due to bad weather yesterday so didn't fancy the 12 hour drive north

Tim Cullis 19 Mar 2020 16:25

Unfortunately I don't believe there's sufficient capacity on the planes departing from Agadir and Marrakech to clear the backlog, and that takes no account of those currently in Tanger and Fez.

The planes that have been carrying tourists back are generally scheduled flights that were already pretty much fully booked by those returning as planned after their holiday, leaving very little capacity for those who weren't due to fly back until later. It's worth stressing there have been NO rescue or repatriation flights, just a couple more added here and there by EasyJet and Ryanair.

Americans are in an even worse position as the Embassy is twiddling its thumbs and doing nothing, and in the meantime the EU has closed its borders to non-EU citizens, so the only viable 'escape' route is flying nonstop from Casablanca to JFK. If you are a 'left behind American' check out the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/937876296631227/ There's also a Whatapp group at https://chat.whatsapp.com/C8Vl1UHewR...bjfUzuTDySTTbY

My take on this is that there WILL be further flights put on if there's sufficient people left behind on the ground. In the meantime I've posted my musing about stuck in Morocco on Tripadvisor, giving some thought to what those left behind might do!!

Tim Cullis 19 Mar 2020 18:16

Tony and Jan Johnson are currently in Zagora in their Defender. Safer there than returning home to Spain.

samyonboard 20 Mar 2020 00:51

They are boarding ferries again... No info for how long it lasts. I remember seeing a declartion of the King saying the transport of goods will be maintained. So there will be ferries working, and can't think of a reason why they shouldn't let ppl without symptoms go home... SO it's looking bright so far.

Tim Cullis 20 Mar 2020 08:31

Events have moved fast and the state of emergency has now been introduced effective 6pm tonight (Friday 20 March). There will then be restrictions on traffic and travel, so if you want to relocate somewhere else without encountering problems, today is the day.

Once the state of emergency is in place you will still be allowed to go food shopping or visit the pharmacy but this will be within "the perimeter of the place of residence."

Tim Cullis 20 Mar 2020 08:38

AFAIK the ferries being used for exporting vegetables and other freight from Morocco to Spain are the normal RORO ones, but I can't see the Moroccan authorities relaxing the passenger suspension.

Ceuta and Melilla are the only viable ferry routes and the British Embassy is working with the Spanish government to get British nationals into Spain via Ceuta and from there to Gibraltar. The Embassy has also negotiated permission for flights back to the UK to continue today from both Agadir and Marrakech. Check British Ambassador @TSAReilly posts on Twitter.

TheWarden 20 Mar 2020 09:06

We heard, I'm holed up in Imsouane with a bunch of other tourists settling in for a while.

Going on run for supplies and then we will see. Once it looks like a return through Europe is possible then things might change on the decision to stay

TheWarden 20 Mar 2020 09:10

Yeah the goods ferries are the same as the passenger ones, but no good for tourists. A friend is trying Ceuta today but the ferries have been cancelled the last few days due to strong winds.

Announcement reported last night that campervan etc will be allowed to drive back through Spain and France sooon

tony johnston 20 Mar 2020 11:18

We have just heard that vehicles are still getting out thro tanger med provided they have ticket before arriving at port because all offices at the port are closed.queing for about five hours before loading.will post more later.we are currently in zagora with no plan to move.

Chris Scott 20 Mar 2020 12:45

They've laid on a few more special planes today out of Agadir and RAK, despite yesterday's midnight deadline and instruction to head for RAK.
These seem to be for other foreigners in need (or at least, Americans), not just stranded Brits.
You have to assume that will be the last of them.

The country is declaring a state of emergency and a 'lock down' 6pm tonight.

See post above
for what this actually may mean in terms of mobility.

Chris Scott 20 Mar 2020 13:24


Trouble is the airport is total chaos with people and the flights are full
That's what I read too and was braced for it, but I can tell you RAK yesterday was crowded but not at all chaotic. Patient people queuing in good humour.
Some anxious faces, occasional cheery outbursts. All cafes open.

I needlessly queued at an Easyjet Service Desk with 100s of others, moving ever slower. But I think this was for those with no tickets.
A sign saying this would have helped.

The main Departures board stopped updating itself after a while, which added to the confusion. One more click and my original departure time/flight might have come up.

With time running out, I left the Service Desk queue, and went to regular check-in which still stated a Mulhouse departure 2 hours earlier. There was talk of my flight cancelled again.
With all desks open the queues moved at normal pace. I expected to be turned away or otherwise disappointed, but the harried bloke logged me on asap.
I did my bike with the Customs (updated Tony's instructions a bit) and got there in time.

As it was, the plane left 2 or 3 hours late, to 'fill every last seat', the pilot said.

I think I was lucky and on Wednesday read an EasyJet email soon after it came in saying: 'Monday cancelled, rebook for tomorrow. Last chance'.
This I easily did in 2 mins.

Never heard from BA about a flight today. Looks like I get a voucher rather than a refund.
Same with Brittany Ferries who are pulling back and may stop soon.
One said you need travel insurance to get a refund, although BF refunded me when Storm Ciara stopped sailings a month back.

The situation for Americans improved today.

Tim Cullis 20 Mar 2020 17:03

8,000 British citizens returned to UK by the end of today, plus about 4,500 Americans today and tomorrow if all goes well.

Tim Cullis 20 Mar 2020 17:04

Now could be the time to learn how to 'hang ten'.

TheWarden 20 Mar 2020 17:18

My friend crossed in Ceuta today and is waiting for a ferry to Algeciras. Showed his return from Tanger Med with Trasmedditeranae and that was accepted no pro lem at check in.

I've not heard of anyone getting out through the Moroccan ports since they closed but it makes sense to allow those who want to leave to exit if there's space

TheWarden 20 Mar 2020 17:23

Did a run up to Essaouira today to get some errands done before lock down tonight.

Slightly reduced traffic this morning, but plenty of food places open. Carrefour in Essaouira fully stocked although I didn't check the Cave. Medina is deserted, bit odd seeing it like that after 20 years of seeing it full.

Lots of tourists around considering whats happening. Loads of campers and a few overlanders but also people in rentals.

Apparently we will get an official pass to leave the campsite for supplies but who knows if that's the case.

motoreiter 20 Mar 2020 18:43


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 610286)
...was accepted no pro lem at check in."

Was about to google this apparently fancy latin term (no pro lem?) before figuring out the typo!


uknomad 21 Mar 2020 06:35

Brittany ferries all sailings cancelled......
"Currently all passenger services between the UK and Ireland to France and Spain have been cancelled until 13 April 2020."


If you need to get back to the UK or Ireland, look at DFDS from Dieppe (currently still taking non-freight) or of course the Eurotunnel.

Safe travels.

TheWarden 21 Mar 2020 10:18

That's one of the reasons I decided to stay put for the time being. Didn't face the challenge of France and Spain

Tim Cullis 21 Mar 2020 10:55

Brittany Ferries is suspending services between UK, Spain and France, the last ferry leaving Spain this weekend is fully booked.

One last plane out of Marrakech today, Tui (TOM909) RAK LGW 14:30 18:15

Plus maybe some more RAK-LHR-USA organised by the American Embassy.

TheWarden 21 Mar 2020 12:39

I thought they had suspended a few days ago. I looked to see what was available and they only has 2 sailings fro. France left on Wednesday night.

RayCaldwell 21 Mar 2020 20:13

Hi all, new to thread but we are "stuck" in campsite at Ouarzazate following the lockdown last night which was quite dramatic here as the police turned up, closed the campsite restaurant and informed all the campervanners to go eat in their campervans: as we've a rooftop tent on our Hilux we were allowed to stay! I was wondering if anyone had tried driving anywhere other than to shop and back today (which is in line with the above comments and what we were told by the campsite manager) as we're thinking of moving on tomorrow.

Chris Scott 21 Mar 2020 20:30

Unless you are happy to stay there for the duration, if you are going to try and make a run for Ceuta, you must leave asap.
I think they will allow that or nothing.
Show the police a ferry ticket and make up some story about back home, if needed.
Trains and buses are stopping in a couple of days.

TheWarden 21 Mar 2020 21:00

Seems to be different applications of the rules in different areas. Friends in Mhamid aren't allowed to leave the campsite and the staff will do shopping for them.

Here at the site I'm on today people came and went, 2 vehicles left completely, and 2 went out for the day without bother. Walking in and out to the shop isn't a problem either.

Officially you need a permit to move around. At the sites in Sidi Ifni the police visited and issued everyone permits. That's not happened here but some people went down to the police station to get them. They are supposed to be for going to the shop, work or medical treatment so I'm not sure how they would work for travelling to another location

Chris Scott 21 Mar 2020 21:07

People have already been busted for printing fake permits, making fake disinfectant and even spreading fake news / COVID denialism!

Tim Cullis 22 Mar 2020 00:14

That's it—the whole country is in lockdown. All intercity transport including private vehicles suspended with effect midnight Sat 21 March: https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/202...aturday-night/

What foreigners need to know (including visa renewals): https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/202...cy-in-morocco/

tony johnston 22 Mar 2020 17:29

Here in Zagora we can walk out to the town to shop etc but not to drive cars out.The town is very quiet with the usual weekly souk much scaled down but the shops that are open are well stocked.Tere are about 25 Europeans left onour site but I hear there are many times that number on the two larger sites in the town.No problems of any kind except lack of access and I had just reccied a piste running through the Draa gorge between Tamgoute and Ouelid Driss that will now have to wait:thumbup1:

TheWarden 22 Mar 2020 19:46

We were told today that we don't need a pass in Imsouane village but if we want to got Tamanar or Agadir we need one. Apparently they police will do our tomorrow.

4 vehicles left here this morning and haven't returned so I guess they got to where they are going.

Bit cooler here than I like compared to Zagora a few days ago but being a site with other Brits is great compared to the nightmare of being with a load of French campervan so campervans.

RayCaldwell 22 Mar 2020 21:30

Thanks for the feedback everyone and the links Tim. We went to the supermarket today and had to go through two checkpoints in Ouarzazate, both asked questions but both fairly relaxed. We even managed a wee detour on the way back to visit Ait Ben Haddou and had the place to ourselves, without any bother.
Two campers left this morning for Ouzoud - apparently they phoned the campsite there and got the ok to turn up.
We did receive an email from Brittany ferries though telling us our return ferry trip via Santander has been cancelled and refunded so now guessing that if we did get back to Spain, we'd have to head for Calais.
The way we feel at present, the campsite is pretty good, the supermarket has beer, we may just stay a while and see what happens.

TheWarden 22 Mar 2020 22:43

We had a few leave Imsouane this morning for pastures new. Official news here is we don't need a permit to leave the site and go into Imsouane, shops are basic but fully stocked. We need a permit to go further but they have only been issued to local so far. Apparently they will do our tomorrow.

The current State of Emergency is due to end at 18:00 on tbe 20th April, 3 days before Ramadan starts. Although as we've seen this could change.

levelo 23 Mar 2020 10:43

I'm not in Morocco but just got a message from a ( French ) friend of mine who's cycling his way north to Tangiers. He is near Meknes and was so far allowed by the Gendarmerie to proceed north. He is aiming for Tangiers.
So it looks like the rules are implemented differently depending on where you are.

RayCaldwell 23 Mar 2020 12:39

British Embassy has issued email address to contact them:

British Embassy Morocco
59 mins ·
If you are still in #Morocco , please email us with details of who you are, where you are, how many in your group & telephone no.: morocco.consularsupport@fco.gov.uk


TheWarden 23 Mar 2020 13:47

Saw that Ray, and emailed about our group on the coast. I also emailed them last week and got caught in the Infinite loop of auto emails.

At least they have contact to help assess how many are here. The French authorities say there are 5000 French campervans still in Morocco. Still a lot of europeans here.

Update - I've had a response from the consulate requested details for all our group. Not an auto response this time.

Tim Cullis 25 Mar 2020 17:01

The Spanish government now states that only Spanish citizens, Spanish residents, EU citizens (does that include UK, I don't know) are allowed access into Spain, and in the meantime has stopped the ferry link from Ceuta.

Consequently, as of yesterday night there was a queue of motorhomes, said to be 5km long, on the side of the road in Fnediq leading to Bab Sebta, the Moroccan border with Spanish Ceuta. One owner estimates there are 500 vehicles with 1,000 people waiting in line.

In the meantime, thanks to diplomatic efforts, the Wali of Tanger has agreed to open the parking area at Tanger Med as a stand for motorhomers. The British Embassy says there is water, showers, toilets and electricity there. A tweet from the Swiss Ambassador states that additional camper van parking sites are being set up at Tanger Ville Port and Oued Laou (north east of Chefchaouen). Flights out of Morocco are still being organised on a sporadic basis, one left today from Casablanca to Zürich.

It's been reported that the Moroccan army are patrolling the desert and sending any off roaders who are self isolating into campsites.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 17:12.
