Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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autonomy 18 Dec 2012 08:41

Moroccan postal serice
Does anyone have any experience with the Moroccan postal service?
My power steering gear unit has decided to pack up (its on its way at least) and I need to order a new one from either UK or Ukraine (its a Russian Zil I imagine hard to find in Morocco though I have not tried).

DHL and Fedex are out of the question at £300.00+ for a 30kg package.

Is there another way?

markharf 18 Dec 2012 09:22

How much is a cheap flight to the UK? What's the baggage allowance on the way back?


Warin 18 Dec 2012 09:35

Weight limit? 20kg?
Here in Australia there is a weight limit on any postal item. 20kg. They do this so the workers don't strain their backs when trying to lift up a parcel.

There is a similar weight limit of 20kg in Ireland (found when trying to google Morocco postal service weight limit.

Can you isolate the fault to something less weighty? Might be why DHL/Fedx etc are charging so much.

--------------- The other thing to consider will be customs fees... a smaller less costly thing will be worth the disassembly?

A google on the mps said they are not reliable for letters/postcards coming in as people have been sending money that way... hence theft. This was in 2005. And they said it is best to make the letter/card get through is to register it.

Suggest you check locally on the weight limits, and on your parts provider as to what disassembly can be done to reduce the weight and cost?

Cheap flights? How about Spain... even by bus?

Chris Scott 18 Dec 2012 16:50

The only thing I ever sent to Ozt never got there, as expected. Fly back and get it if you can carry 30kg - or get it brought out by a Hubber, thats what I would do.
Or get a local metal basher to repair/remake it. If they can keep those old Bedfords running, a Zil is from the same era.

Never knew Zil ever made power steering? ;-)


autonomy 19 Dec 2012 21:35

Thanks for all the advise.
I am considering risking the ps as is [yes Zils from the 1950's onwards had ps!) for the drive to Ghana and back - getting it swapped when back in Europe. Though perhaps if it gets much worse I could get it bench checked here as suggested.

As it is it is still driveable

silver G 20 Dec 2012 17:49

A couple of thoughts:-
If you do fed ex it will get held to ransom at customs, probably in Casablanca even if you mark for somewhere else. Not as bad as you might think provided you are ready for a bit of wrangling but VERY VERY important !!!! Mark as USED Parts as the tax is much lower and put a low value down on the packet. Don't be tempted to put an insurance value as they will try to get 60% of that as tax. We eventually settled for a 50euro bribe to the man with a bottle of tipex - I kid you not:funmeterno:

Much better I think if you ask if anyone is going there in 4x4 and could bring for you - depends how long you are hanging around though.

autonomy 20 Dec 2012 20:10

Thanks silverG.
I have just come across a cheap UPS deal but customs tax is the sticking point right now (how to avoid getting rinsed). My Mauri visa starts 12th Jan so am trying to wrap up the ps before then (thought about picking it up in Agadir though this news about Casa has me thinking).

I will be in Essourira tomorrow where there is a friend of a friend, long time French resident in Morocco, who may be able to help?

Its second hand (used)
Its only worth £100 (that's true!)

Did you have to go to Casa to sort it out with customs?

silver G 20 Dec 2012 20:21

Yes, had to go to Casablanca airport, which is nothing lke the movie showed I can tell you.Our parcel (motorbike parts) was sent care of the post office in Asilah but was hijacked by customs. Took us a week to figure out it was at the airport. If you are in a hurry then just have it sent there as who knows what will happen if it did get forwarded to Essurira. If you have a french speaking friend you will do a little better than me. You don't go to the main airport - it's at the goods/freight section. All the parcel companies are there. Take care with the freelance shipping agents, they will want to 'help' fix for you at a price.
Sent you a pm btw

silver G 20 Dec 2012 20:25

.....and don't look like you have money or the rate goes up:rofl:

gusteru 22 Dec 2012 12:11

Try to find somebody who's on his way from Europe to Morocco to bring it for you

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