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Garmin Topo North Africa Light - now v4
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December 2022: I merged the last few threads about digital maps going back a year or two.
Older info will get out of date but all your Morocco digi mapping questions, links and recommendations should be in this thread. I thought they'd dropped it (or whacked up the price and reduced coverage) but the Garmin Topo North Africa Light is back in v4 and still just 20 quid. A sat-mapping bargain for Morocco and Mauritania and a good alternative if installing free OSMs does your brain in. My review of v3 here. |
Does anyone know if this cartography will display on a Zumo device?
I appreciate that it will not support routing... I'm just asking if it will display at all. Michael |
on italian website stay at 49.90€ sob
but worked very well the uk website, thanks |
You'd think a Garmin map would display on a Garmin Zumo, but it's not listed in compatible devices.
Maybe because Zumo is not touch screen? |
Back to OSM/Olaf. The 550 is touch screen, but not in the smartphone league! Pressure-sensitive rather than electro-??? |
Help Morocco topo
Hi guys
Do anybody use a good detailed Morocco topo to download for Mac? I was using Olaf’s map in the past with window.. I suppose not available for Mac I have downloaded Garmin topo but is not detailed as I want for the off road tracks. Tks! |
Maybe this one will meet your needs
https://www.island-olaf.de/travel/marokko/gps.html Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk |
The link above includes a version of Olaf for Mac.
My problem was I hated Basecamp with a vengeance, so for many years I've been running the PC-only Mapsource software on the Mac using Parallels Desktop. I am now very slowly moving to Basecamp on the Mac so eventually might retire Mapsource. Although Olaf used to be the best there was it's not had updates for 13 years, so I now also run OSM on both the Mac and Garmin device alongside Olaf and choose which I want to use. This neat little video shows you how to load OSM maps onto the Mac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVbHwS3L-U And to load it from the Mac onto the Garmin device use Garmin Mapinstall. |
Olaf is very out of date now although still has some use.
The OSM based North Africa Topo is significantly better imho and routeable Africa North OSM Topo Routable | GMapTool |
TKS!! Very useful... is it possible to have or to know where I can foud a Legenda of the symbols... mainly for Pistes .. routes ecc...
Tks again ..! |
I wonder if anybody knows what is the difference between TOPO North Africa v4 Light and TopoActive Africa v6 (besides, obviously, coverage and price):
https://buy.garmin.com/en-GB/GB/p/648409 From the description, both seem to be based on OSM data, and to include contour lines and elevation data. |
Good alternative workflow
I have been using Viewranger application on android and on their Web platform. Very very good base map built of Osm but with detailed topo. You can also toggle between Google sat and bing which makes checking the accuracy of the Osm very easy.
What I do is use this to build my base route using there Web application. This can be as detailed or simple as you like. (as a bonus you get to see the elevation change vs distance) Then knowing that I have verified the route on satalite I export this file to gpx and load into basecamp, I can then load this as a trail into my garmin. This works very well for me as I have the sanity check of viewing the sat data and comparing to the Osm which can sometimes be completely misleading. Viewranger does work offline but can be a little slow for big drives. As a backup I also convert the gpx into kml and load it into maps.me as a back up offline map incase something happens to the Garmin. |
In my experience OSM's Morocco coverage has been fantastic, I always download the latest versions before a trip so its as upto date as possible. Sometime junctions in roads and pistes on OSM haven't been correctly joined up so take care and sanity check the route if using the turn by turn nav.
Route planning is either Mapsource or Basecamp, basecamp is more of a pain to use but allows you to see pistes when zoomed out to 15km instead of 3km on Mapsource. As a back up I use either Gaia GPS or Locus, as I've found maps.me to be horribly inaccurate with gps position, often as much as 500m off compared to my Garmin. |
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